
6 Mar 2009

HD beauty products - a gimmick?

Seems like the cosmetic industry has caught onto the newest fad - HD cosmetics, apparently designed for high definition television. But is HD makeup just a gimmick? We've seen Makeup Forever garner a lot of success and notoriety for their HD foundation and HD powder, and seems like many cosmetic companies are catching on: Writing HD on the packaging will result in consumer hype and sales.

But I think I've seen it all now: Check out this blog entry by about HD nailpolish by Sally Hansen. I mean really: HD nailpolish? Made with liquid crystals?? Oh, come on! This just bugs me as much as those shampoo adverts with their pseudo-science like "nutrilium" and all that garbage!

I am not fooled by the HD packaging of cosmetic companies, because they ultimately promise no better results than other high quality products. HD-labeling does not an excellent product make. It really has a lot to do with the application method, that is why airbrushing has become so popular for television, film and print media. Now I'm not saying that these new HD products are not good, I've heard a lot of glowing reviews for the HD line from Makeup Forever, but I just want to warn people not to buy into the hype. Buy a product for its quality, not for the labeling alone that promises a lot but might not be any better than other "non-HD" products out there.

What are your thoughts on HD cosmetics? Share them in the comments!


  1. Anonymous8:42 pm

    I agree with you 100% It bugs me how shampoo companies make up those bs scientific names too!

  2. I've only tried the HD loose powder and I love the way it feels [velvety like] and it's not completely opaque - which I like. However, [for me] the effects of the powder lasted I would say as long as your regular/every day translucent powder.

  3. I am thinking what you're thinking too!!! I think these companies do it because they know they can get away with it, and they also know that people will still fall into the gimmick. But I do think the HD foundation by MUFE is good though.

    I am LOL @ HD nailpolish....I mean, why? Watch them come out with a HD mascara.

  4. @ Erin... they do have HD mascara!!! LOL... I know Cargo has come out with one in their 'Blu-ray' line LOL

    I agree. Actually, there are products out there that are better than HD products. I bought the Smashbox HD Foundation to see if I really saw a difference. Truth is... it's not that great... the MUFE powder is REALLY good though. I really like how it leaves my skin feel really soft.

  5. Anonymous10:33 pm

    Ha! This is so right on... I had the same thought when I saw the ALU entry about the new Sally Hansen line.

    I do really like my MUFE HD liquid foundation, though. (Haven't tried the powder or primer.) It seems less powdery/cake-y looking than other foundations and has great coverage without looking obvious. All things I want in a foundation. Dunno what makes that "high definition," but whatever. :)

  6. I totally agree, Plus, I wont be on HD TV anytime soon!

  7. I love that you encourage the fashion- and makeup-addicts that would love to follow EVERY single hype to actually consider what a specific item can do by simply using their common sence! I hope lots and lots of people read your reviews and THINK about it!!!

  8. Anonymous1:47 am

    I agree. To me, HD in makeup often means 'no spf' to avoid the halo effect. Besides that, it's as good as other high-quality products.

  9. I totally afree with you on the HD products. I understand that MUFE HD is an amazing foundation and the powder along with it.
    But I kind of don't get the whole HD thing. I have no intention of getting anywhere near a camera of any kind so most of the HD thing just doesn't apply to me.
    I am however all for a better foundation especially if it can help my over 25 skin lol!

  10. i agree that there is a lot of hype in "HD" makeup, but MUFE's HD Microperfecting Primer is pretty good, i like how it is oil free, and it actually helps to create a smoother look to my face after my foundation application (^.^)/

  11. I agree that there is a lot of hype about "HD" products, however i really love MUFE's HD Microperfecting Primer. I like how it is oil free and light on the skin, it hasn't caused me to break out, and helps my face to look smoother after foundation application (^.^)/

  12. Anonymous3:28 am

    I would say that I just love the kabuki brush.. I bought it a couple of months ago.. it's really great in my opinion compared to other kabuki brush I've used, the brush is soft though... I'm not quite a fan of HD because somehow my skin doesn't agree with them.. ;)

  13. I've only been checking out some of the HD products because they (supposedly) photograph well. My brother is getting married next month and since I am sure I will be in pictures I want a foundation/powder that will photograph well and not leave a white cast (like many foundations with spf can).
    This is definitely my main thing right now and if these foundations/powders photograph well they will get my money. If not then I will be using my MAC SSF or my MUFE Mat Velvet+ foundation for the wedding.
    I bought the MUFE HD powder and am really not a huge fan of it. I am tempted to take it back but I've had it for awhile so I may be stuck with it.

  14. hmm I dont know about other brands. But MUFE HD does reflect the light in a differant way. And its not just because there is no SPF in it.

    But you are right,, HD seems to be everywere!!

  15. thanks for posting this!! I was wondering if all the hype was worth it. I recently came across the Cargo blu-ray line, has anyone tried this and does it do everything it promises?? I don't know, I'm just curious, the pics of the makeover on their website looked quite credible...

  16. Anonymous4:36 am

    I loovvee MUFE HD! Not due to the "HD factor" but due to the fact that its one of the first foundations I've tried that hasn't broken me out. :) It makes my skin FLAWLESS. But its to each their own when it comes to foundation. I personally haven't tried any other HD products, Im the same as you, I think its all hyped up.

  17. Here's my opinion on HD makeup. I'm a professional makeup artist; I do fashion/stage/bridal as well as commercial work. In 14 years of experience, I've found that usually if it looks flawless when I'm 3 inches from my client's face, it's going to look fine in photos- HD or not, nothing is higher definition than real life!

  18. I know you posted this a long time ago, but I must say, when I bought this foundation, I had NO IDEA what the HD was for. lol I read your blog on this and was like, WHAT, that's what the HD is for!? I was just recommended this foundation and tried it because I always use bare essentuals foundation, so I decided to finally try a liquid foundation after all these years. And I really like this foundation, A LOT. But I wouldn't say that HD crap is for real. I like it because of how it looks on me.

  19. Anonymous4:52 pm

    i actually use the hd foundation I bought it from sephora ,i'm pretty pleased with the result but it's not the best i've tried and have to say that the clinique one is much better
