
15 Mar 2009

I made a yummy beef stew!

I was in the mood for some rustic comfort food last night so I made a lovely beef stew. This was my first try making this particular kind of stew and I loved it! The flavour was so rich and scrumptious, my man gave me a huge compliment. But then he's always happy when I cook something "wholesome". :)

I used THIS recipe but made quite a few changes, if you want to try it out. I added a can of chopped tomatoes, chili powder, tomato paste, a splash of red wine, and changed the water to beef stock. I also added more garlic and Worcester sauce, some dried thyme and rosemary, and 3 stalks of celery. Once I did all that, it was delicious. This is a good basic recipe that can be added to as desired. Delicious and the meat was so tender!

Let me know if you want to see more cooking or other off-topic (non-makeup related) posts on here, cooking is my other passion and I actually think I'm quite good at it, if I do say so myself! Hehe...


  1. Anonymous6:45 pm

    More cooking will be accepted with open hands :) (and more books reviews)

  2. Can I come for dinner? Great idea to post non makeup stuff to. New ideas are always welcome.

  3. this looks absolutely delicious!! I would love to see more on your cooking :)

  4. Oh yes! Please, do more cooking posts/videos. I love cooking and I'm always looking for new recipes to try.

    I use that site too. I like it because it has ratings. That's very important to me especially when I bake. "Chantal's New York Cheesecake" is the only recipe I use when making cheesecake. I always reinvent different toppings for it.

    Ok, I got a little too excited here but yeah, I am definitely looking forward to some more culinary posts!


  5. Anonymous9:06 pm

    YUMMM! making me hungryyyy

    i would love to see more off topic posts in the future!

  6. sounds yummy! beef stew is one of my fav things to eat, sometimes i make it quiet thick and eat it with rice :)

  7. that looks YUMMMY I'm getting hungry and you should share the wealth =P hehe j/p

  8. P.S. I'm making your stew today. I just got back from Loblaws =)!

  9. Anonymous11:16 pm

    more cooking sounds good! =)

  10. that looks yummyyy! you made me hungry. ;D

  11. Anonymous3:05 am

    Yes, I was just going to say.. it would be GREAT over rice! I always have beef stew over rice :)

  12. Mmmmmm that looks so good, thanks for giving me an idea for my next dinner :)

  13. I want to see more off topic stuff and i'm a total cooking nut so i love this entry. I've been meaning to make gumbo for the longest time because the weather is soo befitting it but i'm just lazy! Hopefully i'll get to it sometime this wk and blog about it.

  14. Anonymous1:53 pm

    Looks dlicious!

  15. Uhmm looks yummy!!!! :) would be nice if u can write about the thing u like in general! which is ur favorite dish from switzerland? u eat much of schweizer spezialitaeten? :P I ate raclette on still full though!

    keep posting.

  16. Anonymous7:07 am

    Yum! I would love to see more cooking blogs as I wish I were good at it :)

  17. Anonymous2:33 am

    I would LOVE it if you could post your version. All the stuff you added sounds great, but I'm not good without specific amounts and I'd love to try this! Thanks so much!

  18. of course julia it would be great! and would make your blog even more interesting!! :)
    i loved the post...and cooking it's like make up in some ways...because involve colours and experiments as well .

  19. Anonymous10:58 pm

    I went to culinary school and never ended up doing anything with it... so I love seeing new recipes and trying them out since my at home kitchen is the only place my skill comes into play. Needless to say I would LOVE to see more cooking related stuff on here as well :)


  20. Anonymous8:18 am

    Hi Julia,

    It looks like you excelled in the casserole department! For a twist, try adding two chopped, green apples and a mixture of flour, lemon juice, golden syrup (treacle) and curry powder. This gives an edge without being overly hot or spicy. It goes well with steamed rice.


  21. Anonymous7:32 pm

    nice to see you cooking too... i thot women who r into makeup rarely cook etc.. so do you have a mkeup job or ur qualified for it ? or are you just a self learned professional? nice to see stew i like the fish with lemon sauce one too...
    heavenlites from you tube...
