
1 Jun 2009

Official New Moon trailer and my thoughts

So last night on the MTV Awards the New Moon trailer was shown for the first time, and it was up on Youtube a few hours later. (I love the Internet.) If you haven't seen it, check it out. What do you think?? Are you excited? Bored? Indifferent?

I've kind of disentangled myself from the whole Twilight hype but I'll still go see New Moon when it comes out later this year. I'm excited that Jacob will have a much bigger role in this movie, I liked him as a character more than Edward in the books. And hello, Taylor Lautner (the actor that plays Jacob) is now officially jailbait! He's put on a ton of muscle for his werewolf role! Check out these pics of his new pumped up body. Oh and there's a few screenhots here as well. Move over, Robert Pattinson! Haha. I feel like Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate. Although Kristen Stewart annoys me to no end - I think she is and always has been a horrible choice for Bella. Her monotonous dialogue and flat performance do not embody Bella for me whatsoever.

Also, the whole movie was filmed in and around Vancouver - my hometown - so it will be great to maybe recognize places. The Italy location was apparently filmed in Montepulciano, which I visited last September and it's absolutely gorgeous there as well.

What do you think of the New Moon trailer? Share your thoughts in the comments!


  1. Anonymous7:46 pm

    I am Excited!! very..


  3. I'm really excited, just because Jacob was my favorite character in the whole series. Although the entire series was ruined for me after the final book (she managed to ruin Jacob, too..), New Moon still stands out to me as the best of all four of the books, just because I secretly liked Bella suffering and Edward being out of the picture. Jacob's just so cute. :D Plus Taylor looks so good now. ;D

  4. I agree about Bella..she seems pretty awkward when she acts and in the scene where she says "kiss me" she had an awful face...I just hope they don't alter the movie so much because I like how the book lays everything out. I can't wait to see the movie..and can't believe that Taylor is only 16!! He was born in '92. *Sigh..LOL

  5. Anonymous8:22 pm

    Actually, Taylor is 17 now - his birthday was in February, haha.

    Anywho - not sure how I feel about the trailer. I think Kristen was a bad choice for Bella, too. I just don't think she's a good actress at all. I must say that I am excited for more Jacob in this movie though, and the wolf transformation looks good!

  6. Anonymous8:29 pm

    Not interested at all; the first movie was too long and I thought this was a horror movie but it's more like drama/romance. The acting is soap opera like as well.

  7. Anonymous8:34 pm

    it looks as though they stayed somewhat close to the book. I just don't get the choice in actors. Kristen is so wooden. Maybe she'll suprise us.
    Taylor is going to be the big star in this movie. krystel

  8. aww thats awesome that it was filmed in your hometown! After the movie comes out and you see it if you DO recognize any areas that would be cool if you could post a blog telling us what places you recognized.

  9. Anonymous8:48 pm

    I cannot stand Kristen Stewart.... And this trailer seems like her performance hasn't improved at all. Not that R.P. is any better, haha. Anyway, I was never a huge fan of the novels.

  10. I think that the movie looks pretty good and I love that Jacob has a bigger part. I don't like Kristen either. She is so blah no personality..Like someone else said wooden. I do like the rest of the characters though...Did I hear that Dakota Fanning had a part in here. That would be a big deterent for me. I don't care for her either....

  11. The books were lukewarm for me. But as for Taylor Lautner as Jacob, I always wondered why they chose him in the first place, knowing that he is supposed to be WAY taller and bigger (although he is buffer now) than Edward. He's just not that physically intimidating to Edward as in the books. I also think that the trailer completely spoiled it for people who didn't know that Jacob would become a werewolf, er, I mean, shape-shifter. But my only favorite part in the books was the Italy sequence in New Moon and I hope they do it justice on screen.

    And every time I see a gorgeous setting in a movie and wonder where they shot it, a lot of times it turns out to be in Canada. It's so beautiful there! =)

  12. i agree, i think she is totally the wrong choice for bella and they should have gone for the original, emily browning. i love the books just like many teens my age (: seeing the few seconds of jacob shirtless was enough to excite me for at least 15 minutes. I can't wait, i just hope they don't give so much away like last year, we practically saw the whole film through teasers and trailers. I'm mostly excited about the vulturi and wolf pack :D

  13. omg i hate that jacob got a bigger role he looks exactly like my ex bf :[ lmao

  14. The trailer looks better than Twilight did in my opinion. My only big gripe about Twilight the movie wasn't the change in scenes (because that is to be expected) but the acting, it was horrible on all fronts. So i'm hoping the actors have gotten a better feel for their characters and can play them truer to form this time around. Just curious, but why do you prefer Jacob over Edward, since it seems like every girl/woman loves Edward lol? Just curious :)

  15. Anonymous10:12 pm

    Ugh no I completely agree with you the actress that plays Bella looks stupid to me. I also don't think she's very pretty. I don't really understand the whole Twilight hype. I think the books glorified stalking and abuse. It pisses me off a bit to think that a whole generation of girls will now think he really ~*LOVES*~ Me because he beats me! No. Uggh!!!
    Excuse my rant lol.

  16. I'm very excited, I already think it looks a bit better than Twilight. I'm Team Edward but Jacob looks hot. New Moon really is the best out of the whole series and I really hope the movie does it justice. I really do like Kristin Stewart, albeit she is a bit weird and awkward, but isn't that exactly what Bella?! I really do love her as Bella, when I first saw her that I how I envisioned Bella in my head. I honestly didn't Seen Robert P. as Edward but he won me over!

  17. Anonymous11:05 pm

    Totally agree with Kristen, i mean, shes pretty and stuff but shes just not the right person for playing Bella, and i'm so freaking excited with the movie, this seems a bit more interesting than Twilight Movie, because they skip almost half a book, and to be honest i liked Bella suffering haha because she just doesnt deserve Edward! Haha ok gtg i love your tutorials, keep going!

  18. I very much dislike the whole Twilight franchise, I think it is a decent series but vastly over hyped. However, Taylor Lautner is a delicious specimen of a man (and my age, woot), and will probably be the only reason I watch New Moon.

  19. I'm going to see the movie, if for no other reason than to see it.

    The shifting sequence shown in the preview is horrible CG -- I've seen better in Sci-Fi original movies (that's saying a LOT, considering they are awful 99.9% of the time).

    I don't think it matters who they chose to play Bella. Bella over-all as a character is negatively influencing young women. The fact that she has such low self-esteem (which never builds), and feels that she can't live without a man.... I don't think that's a proper character to have as the protagonist in a novel. The fact that she literally tries to kill herself for the majority of this next movie and book baffles me. A woman seriously wrote this and thinks this character is a proper role model? Bella Swan is everything a young lady should NOT be.

    Plus. Edward needs to follow the checklist at most women centers. He fits "psychologically abusive" perfectly. "I'm leaving. No I'm not. I can't be with you. Yes I can." *Shakes head*

    And Kristen Stewart doesn't speak with conviction -- EVER. Even just talking it's as though she has no emotion, so it's hard to imagine her having any acting since I'm not sure she even knows what emotion really is.

    I AM SO ON PIXIE'S SIDE. Seriously.

  20. Taylor Lautner?? droooool. I feel like Mrs. Robinson too, don't feel bad.
    He probably wasn't even born when I graduated from High School, whatever.

  21. "Kristen Stewart annoys me to no end - I think she is and always has been a horrible choice for Bella. Her monotonous dialogue and flat performance do not embody Bella for me whatsoever." <-- I have the same opinion! if only the director chose a better actress to portray Bella, I'll probably into the movie too and not just the books haha :D

    I'm on team Jacob too(book) so I hope Taylor can play the role well :)

  22. Thank you!!! I do not like her as an actress she has no emotion whatsoever! Has she ever been in love?? She is an actress she can at least fake it! My goodness, I do not see the love. but the movie looks alright minus the acting. Jacob looks great!!

  23. Anonymous2:39 am

    I wasn't too into Taylor Lautner in Twilight but, wow, he has definitely changed my opinion! Only wish he was taller. I completely agree with you about Kristen Stewart. I mean, physically, she is pretty similar to what I imagined but her portrayal of Bella is horrible! I was hoping she would've improved for this movie, unfortunately, doesn't seem like she did. Oh well, I'm still looking forward to it. :)

    At the least, I hope Stewart loses that tick she had in Twilight...or whatever that was. I think she was trying to portray Bella's awkwardness but it didn't come off that way.

  24. Anonymous3:24 am

    I agree with all the comments about Kristen Stewart's poor performance - although Bella is awkward she has emotion and heart that Kristen clearly lacks - she doesn't connect with the audience at all... I am looking forward to the movie even though book and movie have a questionable story line i guess it makes for an interesting discussion~ I think Jacob has really stepped up and is looking totally hot - he has really come into his own in new moon and that is hard with a hottie like Edward !! Overall should be a great flick - P.S I love your tutorials keep up the great work X

  25. I am always left disappointed when I watch books that have been made into movies. I read a lot and have a memory for almost everything that happens in the book so when movie inevitably deter from that it leaves me feeling let down.

    I enjoyed the Twilight books but thought the movie was terrible not just because of things they left out or changed but because the acting was TERRIBLE! From most people but especially Kristin Stewart.

    However, the actor playing Jacob in that word: drool.

  26. I have to watch this movie. I can't wait. *so excited* I wasn't fond of the actress (seen her in other movies) but she was okay in Twilight...just okay. I have never read the books (planning too though)... so I only know what I have seen on the first movie. I actually like to watch the movie before reading the book. I get all mad when the movie doesn't match the book... so it destroys it all for me.

  27. OMG my thoughts exactly on Kristen Stewart!! I have not even read the books but her acting alone drives me INSANE!!! She is so DULL and CANNOT act!!!

  28. I enjoyed the books but the movie(s) are a bit of a let down for me and mostly because of Kristen Stewart. She is just so boring and really does not fit the character. In my mind I was picturing someone like Mandy Moore. Kind of the girl next door. Ah well at least we'll have more Jacob!

  29. Anonymous9:06 pm

    I think Kristen Stewart is one of the most amazing actress of this generation,and I'm glad she's in those movies,because she has an authentic acting,she's a natural beauty,and since they choose her to play in it I'm not in love anymore with Jacob or some vampires,but with her ;-)
    I love Jacob more than Edward too,but unfortunately I'm not quite sure he's gonna be that much in the movie,because they put 50 % more of Edward in the movie than he is in the book to respond to public expectations...

  30. Anonymous10:43 pm

    Ich liebe die Bücher, sie haben mich wirklich in ihren Bann gezogen. Und ich finde Jacob auch viel besser als Edward - und hatte deswegen schon einigen Stress mit meinen Freundinnen ;).
    Allerdings verstehe ich den Hype um den Film nicht. Zumindestens der erste Teil konnte dem Buch nicht annähernd das Wasser reichen. Sehr traurig. Vielleicht wird der "New Moon" besser, den Trailer fand ich vielversprechend, besonders die letzten paar Sekunden. Ich glaube, die Animationen von Jacobs Verwandlungen werden sehr gut.
    Kristen Stewart ist wirklich keine gute Wahl. Sie hat irgendwie dieses Problem mit dem Kiefer und sieht total dümmlich aus. Man nimmt ihr die Rolle einfach nicht ab. Kann sein, dass es in anderen Filmen besser ist, ich kenne nur "Twilight" mit ihr.

    Ich finde es toll, wenn du auch über solche Dinge schreibst :D.

  31. Totally agree wit ya on the Kristen Stewart thing. Does nothing for me either. Can't wait for the film though. It has totally turned me into a teenager again! Rereading New Moon again before I go on to Book no.3. Such a nerd!!

  32. Didn't know you were from Vancouver, I'm living here right now! I'd also love to see the locations they chose, and yes, Jacob is hot hot ;) Thanks for sharing this!

  33. Twilight is intelligence-melting crap, so whatever.

  34. Anonymous10:24 pm

    Sorry, but Taylor is inane as jacob. I yawned when he came on screen and am completely disappointed that they brought him back for New Moon. Robert Pattinson has so much more depth, character, is definitely an old soul, and not only is his face beautiful I love the character of his slightly crooked nose. Robert P. is already signed to do more movies including one with Hugh Jackman. His career is exploding and will be huge. As for Kristen, I've seen all of her movies, and there are many that I'm sure most of you haven't heard of and she is an excellent actress. She is a natural, and played Bella perfectly. As for the comment about the Twilight books condoning an abusive boyfriend, obviously you have not read the books and clearly do not know what you are talking about. Edward does not abuse Bella in any way, and as far as Edward leaving her, he did it to protect her, not to confuse her. Seriously, you should know what you are talking about before you comment. Actually, Edward is a good example for young women due to the fact that he is a gentleman. The examples girls have today of young men are rude, vulgar, and perverted. Edward is respectful, kind, patient, loving and cherishes Bella for who she is and not for physical reasons. I could expand, but I won't.

  35. ok can we please talk about how gorgeous jacob is..he is beautiful and he was sooo my favorite choice in the series i was team jacob all the way :-D... i cant wait for the movie to come out especially since hes a big part of it this time round

  36. I adore these books, but I hate the movie. I couldn't help but laugh the entire time. And you're right about Kristen's performance, completely flat. Even the production value was really low. However, this new trailer has me excited for the second movie. I don't know if it will live up to my expectations, but is has to be better than the first!

  37. Cristina8:38 am

    First i thought she was a good choice, but than i saw that in all interviews she was exactly like Bella. She is the same in the movie and in real life. It's not the same with Robert. You can't see Edward in interviews. So....I don't like Kristen...she really is one of the worst actors ever. But I will still love New Moon!!!

  38. Anonymous11:37 pm

    Kind of excited. :)

    I'm so happy the colour of New Moon is sort of golden, not that ice-cold blue of Twilight. I understand why Hardwicke went for this cold palette (marble vampires, rainy forest etc), but it felt so wrong for me. In the books there are all this references for angelic beauty remiscent of times gone by, made me think of old paintings and that specific warmth they have.

    Interesting comment that Stewart is not at all your Bella. How did you envisioned her? Who would have been your choice? I'm rather indifferent about Bella, because I didn't have any clear picture of her to begin with. I had very specific pictures of most vampires though and my biggest disappointments was Esme. She is nice but not at all what I imagined.


  39. SOOOOO excited!!!!! Can't wait and I think that Robert is SO sexy and dead on (no pun intended) as Edward.

  40. I have to agree with the majority of the people on here about Kristen. I didn't and don't like her for Bella at all. Just too many problems with her acting. I will watch the rest of the movies coming out but I wish they had spent more time choosing the actors. I think Kristen and Robert could do with a few years in the Actor's Studio training. I haven't read the last book yet. It's still on my shelf because I didn't want to know what happens in the last movie. I may go ahead and read it however. Can't make up my mind ;)

  41. i cant wait to see this movie....when it is releasing?
    last oart i have watched it many times...hahah!!

  42. Anonymous6:06 am

    I have read all of these comments but...I have to disagree with the majority that thinks Bella's acting skills arent enough. I see her as a very deepfull person and as she is portrayed in the book...kristen resembles her in reality (not playing bella as well as playing her) I AM very fond on the books and love and cherish them to a content. there was a comment Anonymous wrote that I cant but agree more with...its just that I saw who could have played bella (the 'original choice' -aka emily browning) and at first I thought "wow she IS BELLA" but then...if she were to be bella then twilight would never be the same ! I love the film , I know its crappy ...but I've grown to put that asaid and actually ENJOY. everytime i see the film i get this feeling that i feel at home, the misty planes of forks makes me feel iam right back at my childhood at Singapore...where i lived for 10 years.
    all in all i love the film, crappy , non-crappy, i dont even care. i think a true fan knows how to appreciate whats given to him or her and can deal with the differences,no movie can be exactly like the book so lets not be too hard on ourselfs, we are all human , arent we? lets stop hating on kristen and start enjoying :)
    thanks you all.
    love, Shir.
