
3 Jul 2009

Lip Products Re-Organized

My vanity table is starting to reach its maximum capacity in products; it's becoming difficult to find things. Today I reorganized my lipstick tray so that I can actually see the products easily without having to rummage through finding a particular lipstick or gloss. I hated doing that!! I basically switched around the trays I was using for holding blushes and lipsticks, then jammed the lipsticks in with the labels up so I can easily read the shades and brand.

I've organized the lipsticks by brand, starting on the left and working over to the right: MAC, Nars, Illamasqua, NYX, Rimmel, L'Oreal, Barry M. Then lipglosses from MAC, Kiko Milano, NYX, Obsessive Compulsive, and Gosh.

SO much better this way! And it's made me realize I still have quite a bit of room for additional lip products on the right side, where I currently am housing a Bobbi Brown Shimmerbrick and some blushers to jam up space so the lip products stand upright. Hah!

How do you store your lip products? Do you have to rummage through a drawer trying to find the shade you're looking for, or are you able to locate them easily using a similar setup as myself?


  1. I organize my lippies similar to yours. I found these cute organizers from the container store that holds lipsticks and glosses very well and I love it!

  2. I keep my common use ones like you have them, upside-down in my traincase. The ones that I don't use regularly are just basically thrown into a drawer of one of those plastic drawer storage thingies, though I'm going to have to come up w/something different soon, like you it's getting hard to find things. I did buy a lipstick organizer @ Ikea that has holes for them to stand upright in, I may have to revisit that idea!

  3. I have several lip products, but I really only use a few on a daily basis, so I generally just keep them handy(usually, in my purse :D)...however, my eyeshadows and eyeliners are a totally different story, I've yet to find a really effective method of keeping them organized...

  4. Amira3:18 am

    I have an IKEA drawer unit (the name escapes me right now) with very shallow drawers, about 4 cm, I guess. The lippies lie neatly lined up next to each others in one drawer, I mostly have glosses, so I don't need visible labels to identify them. Eye products take up another two drawers, as do blushers, powder and concealer. The only thing not in there are foundation, mascara and some products I use every day.

  5. wow.. so many :) hehe.. I have not organise mine.. its here and there ;(

    by the way I am new follower :)

  6. i have an acrylic lipstick holder with 3 compartments for cotton, cotton pads and q-tips...
    it's good because it's all in one place and i know i cannot get more than 24 lippies! :)

  7. Mine is similar to yours. But I put the whole thing on such a high shelf I ended up rummaging through. Ha ha.
    I am forever thinking of ways and means to organise my stash. They are literally spilling all over the place.

  8. Wow! Thats a lot of lip products! I have a few that I always seem to lose.

  9. oh i rememebr watching your video on your makeup organization/colection way back and it was one of the coolst videos on makeup collection.

    I like how you u have them up side down. its easier for you to see that way. I have mine in those little plastic drawers and its becoming a pain to look for a particular color. I like how nyx r/l has the color on the bottom so i can see it right away. I would have to come up with something similar to what you did :)

  10. OMG I love how u organize ur lippies :D

  11. haha so many lipstick !
    mine perhaps only aaround 5 !

  12. Oh man, mine aren't organized at all. Good thing I can somehow remember where everything is :P
    Photographic memory perhaps?? lol

  13. I have soooo many glosses,that is difficult to organize them. I kept most of them in a plastic box from IKEA. I have to find a new way to store,cause i won't be able to use them when i can't find what i want. I sometimes forget what i have,so i buy it again and then i have two new same color glosses.
    And my fiancee,always mocking me for my glosses..

  14. I have mine similar to yours - stored upside down so I can read the labels. I actually put them in empty round containers (they're actually empty body butter containers from The Body Shop). I find it's easier to store them upside down in small containers rather than large ones, so if I remove a few lipsticks then the rest of them don't all fall over.

  15. I own about 10 lip products, so I keep the ones I use the most (two red lip glosses) in my purse and the rest are in a little zip pouch in one of my makeup drawers.

  16. I do not have many lippies, so I have 5 in a jar and the rest (10 minis, 4 lipbalms and 3 glosses) in a makeup bag...

  17. Wow! I only wear chapstick. lol

  18. Where do you keep your lipliners and glosses, stains etc.? I haven't organized all my lippes yet, just have them in a pink zippered thing a ma giggy that I found in the school supply section of the store. It holds them all but it's loaded. I put my lip pencils and glosses, liners etc in plastic drinking cups I found at Target in their summer dishwear section. Got that idea from another guru :) I tried that putting them in containers but couldn't get them to stand up. I'd take a lippy out and they'd all fall over. :/

  19. Anonymous6:40 pm

    Hi, I've watched some of your videos on You Tube and I really like them, even if I'm not a make-up addict and I barely wear make up on "special occasions" and nights out. Anyway, I think you are really nice and I'll keep following you. BYE..
    Silvia from Italy.

  20. lol I put all my different kinds of makeup into see through containers. That way I know exactly which one I need and when! All my lip stuffies fit in one container:

    Glosses on one side, liners in the middle, and Lip sticks (the tubes and actual sticks) on the other. I think it works pretty well. Guess it helps that most of the containers that my lip products come is are clear, so I can see the product!

  21. Mine are stood up like yours with the labels/colour at the top, but they're in a shallow basket (rounded, looks a bit like a bowl) from Ikea - they come in a set of three and I have nail varnishes in another and hair clips in the smallest.

  22. Looks very neat! I just don't dare to put my glosses upside down - I don't want too much product at the wand. No problems with that? Then I might re-think it.

  23. I like that white "tray" you used there! to organize my lippies (if I have time) I try to cut out card board and paste in a box like little ramps, that way I have them tilted or slanted since the drawer where I keep them doesn't have enough depth.

  24. that would be more then i can afford or use lol. i have just 5 lipproducts.. :o but if i had this many i'd store it similarly. or in a pouch.

  25. dragonweengs11:31 am

    I don't have that many lip products, but I arrange all my make-up by color that way I can compare for whatever look I need. Currently I'm using a make-up case to store everything, but I really want a vanity desk, I don't have room for it right now :(

  26. I get inspired abot ypur blog and started to clean my brushes with shampoo and alcohol. I really like your you tube tutorials in makeup and I buy today the 120 eye shadows to see how it works. Thanks for ypur sincerly advices. I have a blog of style as I am an image consultant in Mexico. I study in colour me beautiful and I advice people what colors flatters them depending on the color of there eyes, hair and skin. By the way you are a warm. I give them a color swatch so they can go shoppig. My web page is and it would change soon to as is more easy to remember and shorter. Sorry about all the explanation but my web is in spanish.:S

  27. I really need to organise my lip products :| theyre all over my house, it's quite ridiculous.

  28. Anonymous8:07 pm

    hi i was wondering is the site a relaible sit 2 buy from coz the have brushes that 24 mac brushes that sell for about 34 $
    i'd like ur advice as soon as possible plz

  29. Anonymous7:39 pm

    The Container Store has great lipstick organizers.

    This one holds 24 at a time. LOVE IT.

    Their acrylic makeup organizers are something you may like. I am personally in love with that store!!
