
7 Sept 2009

Quick personal update

It's been a while since I uploaded a new video on my makeup channel, or posted here! I've just been really busy lately and my mother Elisabeth has also been visiting me and her family for the past few days. She is Swiss but lives in Canada with my father for the past 20 years or so, while I've moved back to Switzerland. Funny thing.

Anyhow it's been really great to see her again, we went on various little trips around the region where I live and had lots of fun together. I often wish I lived closer to my parents, living in a different continent across a vast ocean makes frequent visits very cost prohibitive. It's been years since I've been to visit them in Vancouver - I am hoping to have the chance to go next summer maybe and also go on a little roadtrip through BC. Hmmm....

On Sunday my mother, my boyfriend and I went on a boating trip over the Thunersee, which is a beautiful lake located near the Swiss alps. The lake is so turquoise blue and we had a lot of luck with the weather - sunshine, warm, superb. We took a trip on a restored steam paddle boat called the "Bluemlisalp" which was originally built in 1905 but recently renovated. The engine and the paddle wheels still function in the traditional method, and the inside of the boat looks really old fashioned but beautiful. It was so much fun. I've been trying to upload a video of our daytrip to my other channel for the past few days without success - Youtube seems to be having some hiccups and it's very frustrating. *sigh* Subscribe to my new channel if you want to get an update when that video goes up.

In the meantime, you can watch this funny vlog my mom and I filmed where we ramble about a bunch of nonsense and spend a lot of time giggling and acting silly.

Makeup wise I really need to get my butt in gear and film more Halloween videos. Things have been so busy on my end that I'm afraid I won't have enough time to be able to complete as many videos and requests as I initially had aimed for - but, that's life and Youtube isn't my Nr.1 priority sometimes.

Oh, I've also been using some new makeup brushes that I am absolutely over the moon about. So I will be doing a video on those new brushes soon, they are the softest natural hair makeup brushes I have ever used, softer than MAC even! They are simply amazing. So keep on the lookout for that video, can't give away too many details yet.

Well, hope you have a great Monday! Toodaloo!


  1. Can't wait to hear about these brushes!

  2. I am also living a couple continents away from my family (even farther away then you are from yours). I totally understand the frustration. I am glad you managed to have some quality time with your mom and have lots of fun :)

  3. It's easy to see that youre related:)

  4. Anonymous1:02 am

    I am living far away from my family (i'm in America,they're in Africa) as well.This summer I had the chance to visit them,and it was so much fun!Glad to hear about your Mom's visit. On the video it seems you have a nice mother-daughter relationship and that's good!

  5. Anonymous1:07 am

    Glad to hear you are safe and sound and enjoying time with your Mum! Family Is very important! Your Mum is gorgeous, I watched your video and laughed all the way through with you both, especially your Mum's comments about looking like a mouse! LOL!! Two stunning ladies!! Keep enjoying your time with her and we'll look forward to your new posts soon! X

  6. Anonymous1:12 am

    What a cute video! Your mom is so funny! New brushes?! You've got my attention!! lol

  7. What do ypu think about the authenticity of this brushes they tell me on the chat that they have fro help that they are originals. A set of 19 brushes in 41.99 dlls?? This is hard to believe. What do u think?

  8. I absolutely love British Columbia. Im from Kamloops, and I really believe it is the most beautiful province in Canada!! It literally has it all! I hope you get a chance to go visit!!

    PS: you and your mom make my heart happy, just to see how you interact together is beautiful!!

  9. that was so cute!!! and so much fun, mommy misschievous is adorable!!!

  10. your mum is cute !! and so you are :) liebe grüße aus deutschland

  11. Anonymous7:53 am

    And why have you moved back?

  12. Carolina12:05 pm

    Haha!Aww, your mum kick ass, she´s so funny, I would never get my mum to be in a video.

  13. Aww that's so nice that you get to visit with your Mom. I live in Vancouver. You should come visit in March or April when its a bit warmer and there are blossoms on the trees. -Kimi

  14. Cute, thanks for sharing your family with us!

  15. your mom is so cute! <3 was fun watching you and your mom <3 can't wait to see her when she's back! :P

  16. I love that you and your mother are both wearing tops with the same neckline. Cute :)

  17. Your Mom is SO CUTE! This made me laugh out loud at work

  18. Anonymous9:17 am

    Yeah I can totally see where you get the good looks from! It is great to see a mother - daughter team that is comfortable in each other's company and that too on camera! Yeah I lived away from my family in the US for the last 3 years. My family is in India and I know what you mean about the cost prohibitive travel! When are the scientists going to invent intantaneous time travel???

  19. Gill T12:59 pm

    Your mum is awesome! My mum and I would probably be like that in front of the camera too. We'd probably do it after a few glasses of wine for extra giggles. :D

    I live in Scotland but my parents live in Germany so although I don't get to see them a lot it is easier on the bank account to visit them than it would be if they were on the other side of the world.

  20. Hi! Your mum is beautiful,and so are you. you look like you really had a lot of fun :))
    Love looking at your videos.
    Greetings from Diana in Sweden.
