
28 Nov 2009

Meet MissChievous in Canada

Just a quick update on the possible meet & greet! If you're subscribed to my TheThirdShift Youtube channel, you will already have heard about this. I'm going to be in Vancouver for 3 weeks over December for the holidays, and am planning to maybe host a meet & greet for my subscribers and fans! I'd really love to meet some of you guys, and it would just be so much fun! And you could also meet fellow makeup fiends!

OK here's the preliminaries as outlined in my video on the subject:

The meet-up would be in December, probably on the second or third weekend of December (Saturday or Sunday), during the daytime, likely to be downtown in Vancouver, Canada. Possible ideas would be a communal makeup shopping trip to Sephora or MAC, Holt Renfrew, Pacific Center, or something like that. The meet-up would be 1-2 hours and all ages are welcome! If you are 14 years of age or younger, you must come with an older person (friend, sibling, parent, etc) just because I want to make sure you all get there and home safe and I can't be held responsible for very young people. If you're below 18 years, you should of course ask your parents or guardians for permission so that they know where you are going and meeting someone from the Internet - I could be a crazy axe murderer! LOL (We will be meeting in a public place like a shopping mall.)

If you think you can attend, please use my preliminary sign-up sheet! This is just to give me a basic idea of numbers, nothing is 100% definite yet but if there is enough interest, I definitely want to make this happen. Please click here to go to the sign-up sheet, add your first name, tick the box, and press OK. That would really help. I'll update with more conrete infos regarding date, time, location closer to the time on my main Youtube channel.

So excited!!


  1. Aw man, totally wish I lived in Vancouver, I'd love to meet you!

  2. I live in North Vancouver. :)

    Do I have to be a Youtube subscriber of your channel? I don't have a Youtube account.

  3. Anonymous1:59 am

    I'll be there if I don't have work or an exam!

  4. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it up to Vancouver but if you come down to Seattle while you're near, I'd love to meet you!

  5. Too bad it's accross the country.
    If you ever come to Montreal, let me know! :)
