
19 Feb 2010

Lancome Contest launched

I am so excited to finally be able to share my Lancome premiere Video with you! This video was quite hard for me as it was all in German and I still wanted it to remain professional yet personable at the same time.

To kick things off, Lancome Germany has offered up an enormously generous contest, the likes of which have rarely (or dare I say never) been seen before on Youtube. There will be a total of 110 prizes given away to lucky winners: 10 complete look sets of Lancome products worth €272 (about $366 USD) as used in the video, and 100 Hypnose Precious Cells mascaras, a brand new product set to launch in March. The contest is open worldwide!

Here's what you need to do to enter:

- You must be a Fan of Lancome Germany's official Facebook page; hit the "Become a Fan" button at the top of the page beside their name. You must be a Fan to be able to win.
- In the Gewinnspiel tab on the top of the page, enter your details. You must complete this form to be entered into the prize draw.
- Winners will be selected by random draw and notified.
- The prize packages will be sent to your shipping address directly by Lancome Germany.
- Please subscribe to my channel for more giveaways and looks.

Become a Fan of Lancome Germany on Facebook:

Translation of the form you need to fill out:

Click on Zum Gewinnspiel

Frau / Herr = Mrs. / Mr.
Vorname = First Name
Strase & Hausnummer = Full Street Address
Nachname = Last Name
PLZ = Postal Code
Ort = City

Make sure both checkmarks are ticked and click on Teilnehmen. That's it! If you're unable to see the tab, make sure your Flashplayer is updated to the latest version, or try in a browser such as Firefox - it works! Make sure you have Flashblock disabled if you have that Add-on on Firefox of course.

I hope you enjoy this contest, and please become Fan of Lancome Germany to show your support! It would mean a great deal to me also.


  1. Done!! This contest is great!! You look amazing in the lancome ad!!

  2. Thanks! Can you participate also if you don't live in Germany?

  3. Thank you, I always follow you here on your blog and on your youtube channel, you're wonderful ^_^

  4. Yes, you can enter no matter where you live, open worldwide!

  5. Love your look and complexion on this video. Fantastic!

  6. Anonymous1:51 pm

    i ve subscribed both ur blog and channel.. Luv ur works julia.. I didnt know u can speak germany..

    in addition i did received a german written email from lancome germany and i had to use yahoo babel fish :P

  7. Anonymous4:41 pm

    Are you able to enter in english????

  8. Cool, I did it, but it doesn't ask for what State i'm in?

  9. Hello!
    Thank you so much for doing this post! I don't understand nothing that's in German xD

    I'll subscribe your YT channel too!

    Thank you again! =D

  10. Anonymous10:34 pm

    Ooooooooooo soooo excited!!!! crossing fingers!!

  11. i entered all my details but i dnt knw if i am entered or nt beause i dnt get any email or anythin for the notifiation!!! how wud i knw if i am entered or nt?

  12. This is an awesome contest! Thank you for translating the instructions for those of us not so proficient with German :-)

  13. thanks for translating the instructions and u look cool in lancome products thanks again byee........

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