
26 Feb 2010

Longer Eyelashes with Lilash

In this video I review LiLash and LiBrow, two products I have been testing and using since April 2009. I have had very good results with these products and have noticed that the length of my eyelashes has increased. A lot of my subscribers have actually asked me if I'm wearing false lashes in videos, when in fact they were my natural lashes, enhanced by LiLash.

Watch the video if you want to know how this product works, my experiences with it, pros and cons, etc. LiLash and LiBrow cost $139.97 USD per vial, which is steep, but for me the investment has very much been worth it. You apply it once a day in a line, as if you are applying liquid eyeliner. The product is a clear gel, and lasts for longer than 6 months. In this video, you can see the maximum length my lashes reached using LiLash. I took a break from the product for a while, but am currently on the wagon again and using it daily.

You can purchase LiLash from their website here. I personally would not feel good about buying these products on eBay or Amazon Marketplace sellers due to the risk of counterfeit products which might contain potentially harmful or simply mystery ingredients.


  1. Thanks for this video and for the tips!


  2. Anonymous9:38 pm

    Hi Julia, thank you for the review. Just like you, i too have sensitive eyes. But i also have sensitive skin, especially on my eyelids. So i'm just curious about how Lilash felt on the skin? could you feel any difference? a slight irritation maybe? or did the product moisturise the lid in anyway? thanks again for the video, im really keen to try this out :D

    Leigh xx

  3. Hello,

    I've used Lilash for 2 years now and I love it too! I'm glad it is working for you. :)

  4. I talked to my dermatologist about Lilash and she said it´s main ingredient is 20-Trinor-Prosta-5Z, which is a prostaglandin derivative. This ingredient is used to treat glaucoma similar substances with similar effects vcan be found in eyedrops such as Lumigan (bromatoprost) and xalatan. Allergan, the company that produces lumigan, is also producing Latisse, a product similar to lilash. Latisse´s formula is the same of lumigan.
    My doctor prescribed me Lumigan instead of lilash or latisse, it is a lot cheaper and had the same effects. the only disadvantage is that you need a prescription for lumigan in some countries, but still it is quite cheaper than lilash.

  5. Hey everyone!
    just wanna warn that after being prescribed Lumigan (a glaucoma eye drop) for lash growth (since lumigan has the same active ingredient as latisse), I started developing allergy in my eyes and on my skin area around the eyes, they became very red and very itchy and my vision blurred.
    I definitely decided to stop using the product. Girls, just think very carefully before using any products with prostaglandins (lilash, librow, latisse etc), see if the pros outweigh the cons

  6. I'm dreaming about it bacause my lashes are the perfect opposite of luscious :(

  7. Would love to see a side by side comparison photo of your lashes. The before and after, to see the whole effect.

  8. If this really works then I would love to use it as I was looking for such product from long time. Thanks for this post.

  9. I would really like to try something like Lilash but it is too expensive.Can you recommend a different product that does the same thing but is less expensive but still works well?

  10. For eyebrows my hair dresser recommended a Nioxion product: Follicle Buster. Surprisingly it also works for getting rid of varicose veins.
