
17 Apr 2010

Hair update

This is just a nonsensical blog post really, but I filmed a video today for my favorite haircare products and I just liked how my hair was looking. I admit it's starting to look pretty wild and unruly and I should probably get a trim soon; it's at that weird stage where the layers are starting to look wonky. But sometimes I think this can also look kind of cool! I'm currently trying to grow out my top layers, I still want layered hair but I want the top sections to be longer so it doesn't look so "mushroom-y".

I was looking at some pictures a few days ago on my external harddrive and I found some old hair pics. Whenever I look at these I want to go back to this style...

These were all taken during my student days in Montreal. I had the best hairdresser there, the likes of which I'll probably never find again. His name was Benoit and he worked at Salon Pure, but later left. If I could clone Benoit and have such a hairdresser again here in Switzerland I'd not hesitate a second to go for more edgy looks. But for now I'm trying to go for a more streamlined look.

The haircare video with my favorite products should be coming up soon on my Youtube channel.


  1. Anonymous9:13 pm

    looks great and crazy!

    Ich fidne es steht dir echt gut! mach deine haare mal wieder so ''wild'' :)

  2. Anonymous9:14 pm

    i love your look on the last photo :)

  3. Anonymous9:15 pm

    i like the old style! youre hair is awesome now, but i think it would be awesome if you went back to the old look because you pull it off so well!!

  4. I've seen these pic of you before and I love this hair cut. I think it's edgy, fresh, and it suits your personality! Go with it :-)

  5. Anonymous9:19 pm

    sehr sexy. (:
    Steht dir sehr gut!

  6. Anonymous9:29 pm

    Oh, that haircut you have on these last pictures was really nice. It looked so good on you! I'm must say that I'm a big fan of you and your work. You are comming with so many good ideas, ideas I have looked for in a long time. You are doing an awesome job:D

    Keep on with the great work, Julia:D

    -Liss from Norway -

  7. I found a good hairdresser in Switzerland. His name is Carlos from Jacques Dessange (Sion, Valais). They have few outlets around Suisse Romande area. Sadly though, none in Zürich.

  8. Anonymous9:37 pm

    Wow! You should definitely go back to the old style. It looked really really good on you and made you stand out! Very very nice!!

  9. Anonymous9:50 pm

    I think more natural is more sexy....and feminist....

  10. Denise10:02 pm

    vorne weg: ich liebe lange haare und sie stehen dir auch gut, ABER der haarschnitt auf den anderen bilder sieht richtig hammer aus! super fetzig und modern! wow!

  11. I love how thick and gorgeous your hair is! I think when it's long like that the long layers work well. I love love love the older cut though!! That's the type of cut I want but it's so difficult to find a hair dresser who understands how to do that properly.

  12. You look so much better with your current hair. You've got beautiful hair! :)

  13. Anonymous11:00 pm

    ich denke du solltest deine haare wieder schneiden lassen! die alte frisur stand dir echt gut! :)

  14. Anonymous11:01 pm

    dein gesicht schaut schlanker aus mit der alten frisur.

  15. Anonymous11:02 pm

    I prefer the Montreal look by far

  16. Your hair is naturally wavy, right? The edgy look is really cute, but seems like a lot of work/straightening. Also, loving the current reddish color.

  17. Anonymous11:06 pm

    I think that you would look great!

  18. Anonymous12:02 am

    wow, die alten Bilder sind der Wahnsinn!
    Das sah so gut aus!! <3

  19. L. Lewis12:34 am

    WOW WOW WOW! No kidding you'd want to clone Benoit - that is a hot & sexy 'do!! *MUAH*

  20. Anonymous1:27 am

    OMG Julia!!! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! you look like a professional hair model!! :)

  21. Kamy Kitory1:31 am

    When you have a short hair cut, you look like Tarja Turunen (great singer), i prefer the long hair.

  22. Anonymous1:47 am

    You should definately get your hair cut like it used to be. looks sooooo good!

  23. Anonymous2:10 am

    I am literally at that EXACT hair stage! Haha. :) I love your make-up videos!

  24. Aw I like the edgy cut, but the long layers look soft and sexy. I really prefer it as it is.

  25. I love the Montreal look! You look fabulous! x

  26. Anonymous2:21 pm

    die alten bilder sehen wirklich gut aus, die frisur betont dein gesicht mehr und wirkt funkiger!

  27. Anonymous7:51 pm

    Wow, I love your look with the fringe (or bangs, whatever you want to call it)in Montreal. You definitely have a face that can pull them off, and they make your eyes look lovely. I say keep the long layers and experiment with some fringe,but you look gorgeous either way!

  28. danica8:20 pm

    you look younger with long hair, but both look sweet!

  29. Love this style! You could still do it and keep your long hair.

  30. gypsy074:42 am

    I am currently in montreal visiting, and if anyone has any hairdresser suggestions I would love to hear! i need a haircut asap :)

  31. Steffi11:06 am

    Die Bilder sind toll. Ich verstehe dich, ich suche auch noch einen tollen Coiffeur in der Schweiz :(
    LG Steffi

  32. My modest opinion is that you look better with longer hair. Sexier, younger, more romantic, feminine... That hairstyle you had in Montreal is nice, but I think it looks better on a bit older women. You can always go back to it when you're older, but now while you're still young, you should enjoy your long hair. I guess I'm a bit old-fashioned, but what the heck :)

  33. Anonymous8:14 pm

    You look really nice her. Can you show more hairstyles.

  34. So nice that you used to live at Montreal, I'm planning to immigrate!

  35. Your blog is very interesting and I will definitely visit again>> Follow me
