
19 Apr 2010

Hakuhodo Love

I cannot stop raving about Hakuhodo brushes. I've since acquired a few new ones, maybe I shall post a picture of them here. I've always had a thing for makeup brushes, and I can appreciate any product that is made with meticulous care and quality control. I worked at Rolex for a while, so I could see first hand that quality comes at a price.

I saw that Hakuhodo have now uploaded their company profile video on their website, so I thought I'd share that with you, since this wasn't available when I made my initial video on their brushes. At about the halfway point, the video shows how the actual brushes are handmade in Japan and what techniques they use to bind and roll the brush, and sort the hair by quality. The attention to detail is incredible!

If you haven't seen my review video, you can check it out here. And of course, Hakuhodo brushes can be purchased online through their website, or at upcoming makeup artist tradeshows such as IMATS or The Makeup Show in NYC.


  1. Anonymous9:27 am

    wow these brushes look awesome! i cant wait to purchase some! awwh i just love how high quality they look and how much detail goes into it. haha and i like it when they say, "adding color to peoples lifestyles" l0l thanks for the vid


  2. heehee i saw your vid review from a while back so i went ahead and purchased some :D i love them. thanks for sharing it!

  3. i'm very excited to receive my order of 3 brushes from hakuhodo soon!

  4. Those are awesome brushes
    I think that the prices are on the steep side
    but still I heard that they are awesome
    i have known about these brushes for about 1 1/2 years

  5. I love the look of these brushes. I may buy some when I finally get around to it. Right now I have a few more than I need though :)

  6. Hallo Julia,
    ich war schon damals von deiner Vorstellung der Hakuhodo Brushes sehr interessiert. Danke für das neue Video, die Detail-Liebe von Hakuhodo ist in der Tat unglaublich. :)

    Liebe Grüße aus Österreich,

  7. Wow, thanks for posting this up...really informative and amazing! Gonna have to do a browse on the hakuhodo website now!

    Mia (NZ)

  8. Anonymous12:21 am

    I wish they were at the IMATS in Vancouver over the weekend. :( Hopefually next year?

  9. Anonymous3:42 am

    their awesome! but i cant afford them. :(

  10. Anonymous5:51 am

    Wow, so much love goes into creating these beautiful brushes. I would love to own them!
