
3 Jun 2010

Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds nails

These nails were inspired by one of my favorite nail blogs, The Daily Nail, and show an Alfred Hitchcock design from his famous 1963 movie "The Birds". You know that creepy scene where the kids are running out of the schoolyard and the black crows attack? Yeah, these nails kind of remind me of that scene.

And since some people may not be familiar with Hitchcock's films this is the profile image which is often seen during the credits.

I hope you enjoy it and try out this nail design. All you need is white and black polish, some brushes, and some time on your hands...literally!

Video Link


  1. Beautiful nails! I'll have to give this a go sometime this weekend :)

  2. LOOOOOOOVEEE them Julia!!! It's funny because I just re-watched that movie the other day lol.

  3. Very creative Julia...i like it!

  4. Love The Daily Nail, she is awesome! And I love this look too... if you skipped the Hitchcock nail and did it on a blue base it would look cute too!

  5. Michelle4:37 am

    WOW I am SO impressed Julia! These nails are amazing~!

  6. Yay! They turned out phenomenally! :-D I'm flattered that you like the blog!!! :)

  7. LOVE this! You are too clever.

  8. i love it. btw that profile thing you did, it almost looks like a bird from the side :)

  9. love hitchcock! And you can totally keep the profile and then make designs of other movies he did too.

  10. Wow! Simply splendid. But I guess it'll look good on long nails, I have more like wide ones:(

  11. maria williams11:57 pm

    oh' cool!!

  12. These nails are AWESOME! So creative and well-executed.

  13. oh wow, how cool, u are the best

  14. Anonymous8:02 pm

    My school prom is coming up soon and I was just wondering if you could do a tutorial like the arabic makeup tutorial but try to make it look grecian but using the light turquise this is because i'm going for a grecian look. I have chocolate coloured skin. THANK YOU
    From Hilda

  15. loved that movie as a kid! of course now, it just makes me laugh lol.
    lovely creative nails!!

  16. You have alot of talent. Me and some of my friends watched your videos and now we are caught on them! WE now love makeup and where it all the time. Thanks for being born! (Haha!)

  17. Anonymous3:07 pm

    thats scary
