
29 Jun 2010

A heartfelt message

I was deeply touched by this message I received by one of my subscribers, so much that I asked her permission to share it with you on my blog.

Hi Julia,

If you have a couple of minutes to spare, I thought it would be nice to thank you for what you have given me. It's kind of a long story, so I'll try to sum up quickly.

Two years ago I had just finished university, I was on the provincial cycling team and attending national champs, and was in a relationship with a lovely, warm-hearted man. Then, about a year ago, (probably from my multiple bike crashes) I had a very painful back injury that left me mostly in bed and unable to do anything. Now, 15 months later, im still in bed, still in a LOT of pain, and still unable to do anything. I had to quit my job because i couldnt physically do it; I was unable to attend nationals or even ride recreationally. :(

Anyway, with all this time spent in bed I tried to reconnect with my old hobby of painting portraits. I've always loved painting and hadn't done it since I started university. But being away from it for so long I was unable to reconnect. Then one day I stumbled on one of your videos and I was instantly hooked! I watched all of your videos. I love them. The next thing I knew I was on ebay ordering a bunch of makeup supplies and I'm now "painting" faces instead of portraits (well, my face only). You have no idea how much of a stress relief this has been for me. It's brought back a lot of joy into my life, and I owe a lot of that inspiration to you. So I wanted to say thank you. I really wish you will continue doing your videos or whatever inspires you because, whether you know it or not, you have had a positive impact in my life and probably others too.

I even made a video and sent it to my mom and sisters (who live overseas). They liked it and convinced me to make a youtube video. So on the days that I was feeling better, I made a couple of videos and uploaded them. I haven't had many views but that doesn't really matter :)

Anyway, I hope one day we can meet (i live in Canada) so that I can thank you in person. I wish you all the best in your life adventures.

Cheers :)


Thank you Dina for your wonderful message, it means so much to me. Some days I cannot believe how my make-up videos are able to reach so many people on so many different levels. You can check out Dina's new Youtube channel by clicking here and supporting this wonderful lady.


  1. Inspiring :) and I totally understand how people like you can be helpful to others like that. Congrats to both of you!

  2. Aw, thats so amazing!

  3. omg, this is touching. what a lovely letter xx

  4. I'm speechless right now *_*
    This is awesome :)

    And I just can say it again, please Julia never stop making your Videos :) I really really appreciate your Work!

    Gruss aus Luzern ^^

  5. Anonymous5:08 pm

    I'll definately subscribe to her :)

  6. Anonymous5:28 pm


  7. Wow that's so amazing.. almost made me tear up! Keep up the fantastic work. It was so sweet of her to share that with you x

  8. that's realy touching, it's alwyas really nice to see how other people can inspire and change lives.

  9. that was such a touching story. Please believe that you truly are inspiration, to me as well!! I love watching your videos. There is something very honest and genuine about you. Keep up the good work!!

  10. totally inspiring!!

  11. Great work, Julia! I will definitely subscribe to her channel! She's a true survivor!!!

  12. Now that's awesome. Thank you for sharing with us Julia. You have inspired more of us than you'll ever know! xo

  13. that was beautiful! I almost cried it's so inspiring!
    and you're an inspiration for so many! me included
    keep doing it


  14. Und es ist wahrscheinlich wahr was sie sagt, dass Du einen großen Einfluss auf Frauen und Mädchen auf der ganzen Welt nimmst.
    Viele fangen an sich durch deine YT Videos endlich in ihrer Haut wohl zu fühlen.
    Thank you for being such an inspiration to so many girls!

  15. As a physical therapist, I help many people like Dina. I've written a book, Fixing You: Back Pain, which I believe would help her. I've also posted a video on YouTube for a back pain test for her to try to see if the information in my book might be on track for her. I hope it helps. Good luck, Dina and congrats Julia for inspiring her.
    Rick Olderman

  16. That letter was the sweetest. Julia you do inspire so many!

  17. That is such a lovely story and I'm going to go check out Dina's video. Keep up the great videos :)

  18. Oh my, this had tears in my eyes after I read this. So beautiful. My story isn't filled with as much pain, but I have to agree that reading your blog and checking out your videos has inspired me and helped my self esteem so much. Thank you! I love this makeup community, its so postive and supportive community. Thank you for being such a great leader/inspiration!

  19. This is beautiful, I must say watching videos on youtube has inspired me to follow my dreams not knowing that I would love doing makeup

  20. What a touching message! Never give up Dina! I just subscribed to your channel!

  21. Heather C.12:27 am

    She is right. You are an inspiration to many people, myself included. What I admire most about you is your honesty. For instance, you've been honest with your religious choices and even smoking. (I'm a smoker and I felt the same way--This is in reference to an older video of yours about what was in your bag.--- Anyway, I'm not stupid, I know the dangers, so shut it.)

    You are encouraging in way by just being yourself, and who could ask for a better role model?

  22. Anonymous3:02 am


  23. So wonderful. I truly wish more people took the time to tell others "thanks for a job well done." People are so much more likely to complain when they dislike something than compliment when something goes well.

    When is the last time you called a store or asked for restaurant manager to tell them how GOOD the service was? I'm trying to get into the habit myself; it's surprising how far a "thanks" can go.

  24. What an incredible story!

  25. Anonymous8:55 am

    Aww... That's so sweet. Hope both of you are doing well.

  26. Anonymous12:58 am

    awwwwww. that's sooooo sweet! GO DINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. You are such a sweet person, you'd be surprised how your videos touch all of us!

    from NYC
