
2 Jul 2010

DIY: Hair Extension Storage

Ever since I acquired some new hair extensions (review to come soon) I've been trying to figure out a way to store them in between use so they don't get all tangled. I didn't like the idea of laying them out in a drawer, or folding or tying them up somewhere, so I decided to make a DIY hair extension holder out of a coat hanger!

To do this you will need an enclosed coat hanger, some sturdy string, and scissors. Tie the string on one end of the hanger, and then wrap it multiple times around the hanger. At each end, wrap once around the hanger to make sure the strings stay in place and don't just slip off. Then when you have a few layers of the string, tie the end with a few knots and cut it off. This way each piece of the extension will have its own space, you won't have to clip multiple wefts onto one string.

And voila! Extension hanger extraordinaire! You could even cover this with a duster bag, the kind you get at the dry cleaners, but I don't have one.


  1. This is kind of unrelated, but I just wanted to thank you for letting us know about Makeup Alley. I love that site now, and don't know how I lived without it! It has kept me from buying so many inferior products, it's ridiculous! So thanks! =D

  2. Anonymous5:50 pm

    Great idea,
    I love the last pic, it looks funny to have a hanger covered in hair next to your clothes !! :P

  3. Funny idea, but the hair hanging in the wardrobe looks kinda... scary. :D

  4. Lmao I could just imagine my husband going through my closet!

    "Uhh...Babe? Wth?"

  5. Anonymous6:04 pm

    What a great idea! I love the last picture. It made me giggle. =o)

  6. Anonymous7:05 pm


  7. Anonymous7:19 pm

    hahaha! you're so creative!

  8. This is genious! Love the idea!

  9. this is kind of how I keep my hair extensions, only I don't have the strings... that's why they keep falling off... haha.. thanks for sharing this... awesome idea!!

  10. Novel idea! For some reason, I think of 'The Ring' seeing the extensions hanging in your closet.
    Looking forward to your review on the extensions.

  11. Yes the last picture makes me giggle too. It's like you have a hair shirt in your closet :).

  12. LOVE IT!!! Thanks for the tip! I have some hanging in our bathroom as I write this! They look weird hanging from a shelf in there! ;) ♥

  13. Very Good idea!

    I'm making a make up carreer here in Uruguay.. and one of our subject is "Heir nitting"...I don't know how te spell it right but I know how ti make hair extensions... You have to have loads of patience... thing that I don't have

    I'm sorry about my English, I haven't write from years!!! :S

  14. WOW that's pretty nifty!!!!

  15. That's funny that you thought of this! I did extensions for a friend for her wedding and this is exactly how I kept them from getting tangled. It also works well to curl them before use.

  16. Anonymous6:30 am

    I have heard so much about these things! Like every beauty Guru on Youtube has some.

  17. I happened upon your blog by accident but I have to say I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve seen so far. Keep up the good work!

  18. I've been in online retail since around 2000 and have also marketed my own hairpiece designs, and I can honestly say that this is one of the more innovative methods I've seen for hair extension storage. ;) Just recently I've begun a blog to help my customers get more out of the stuff that I carry, and I will definitely be linking this entry when I get around to hairpiece care and storage. Thanks so much for sharing this!

  19. Could you tell me the store we address?

  20. Very creative! I'm definitely going to have to try this idea out for my own extensiosn!

  21. i wanted to know which hair extensions do u have? i normally store mine in a box.. cause i have kind of wavy hair so if i hang them then they work too straight... so i i make each into a ring and put them on a jewelry box...
    I am happy with my rapunzelrapunzel extensions but i am always happy to hear about other brands...
    on a train trip from düsseldorf to oslo i just discovered ur blog! great ideas!!!

  22. Can't help it:
    Cousin IT is hiding in your closet!!!!!

    Ok, now that it's out, I can say: Thanks for the great tip!

  23. this post is very much helpful to all those enthusiast and collectors of hair extensions. But I'm pretty much bothered to that pic you posted wherein the hair is hanged together with the clothes. I feel like I'm seeing Sadako from the Grudge movie.

  24. You could cover the hanger with a pillow case, making a hole at the end in the middle to slide the hanger through and volia, and instant cover. Love this idea though

  25. What a great simple idea ! I love it ! Briliant !

  26. What a great idea! I love the last picture. It made me giggle. =o)

  27. LOL - This is so funny, would it work with my full lace wigs?

  28. Anonymous9:59 am

