
16 Sept 2010

Back on Lilash

So I've been back on Lilash for a few months now and my lashes have reached their maximum splendor again so I thought I would show the reults. I don't have a good "before" picture because I forgot to take one, but this is pretty much how my lashes look now. All I'm wearing here on my lashes is Max Factor Lash Extension mascara, no eyeliner or shadow whatsoever. My natural lashes are quite unspectacular without using Lilash.

I apply the Lilash both on my top and bottom lashes each night before going to bed, just a tiny smidgeon will do (no need to re-dip to apply more product.) It does take a while to see results but I think it's worth it. I don't quite like how the lashes are curled here - I'll blame that on my cheap lash curler.

*Makes mental note to buy either a Japonesque or Shu Uemura lash curler when I get the chance.*

This mascara is actually pretty awesome for lengthening. This is Max Factor Lash Extension Effect.

It has one of those spiky rubber wands which is very long and thin, which is great for getting to the inner and outer corners of your eye, as well as the lower lashes. There's been similar wands as this seen on other brands like Cover Girl, and even high end like Lancome and Dior. But often these brushes are much thicker, making it hard to get a nice application.

This mascara really does "lengthen" my lashes, but does virtually nothing in the thickening department. It's also virtually impossible to get clumps with this mascara, even after several coats. Overall I'm pretty pleased with this, and reach for it often when I want a natural but long lash effect.

I made a video about Lilash back in February, talking about my overall experience with it, pros and cons, etc. I'll re-post it here for good measure - if you have any questions, please watch it first.

If you're interested in purchasing Lilash, you can do so here - that's where I got mine:

LiLash - Purified Eyelash Stimulator


  1. Anonymous2:53 pm


  2. Anonymous4:18 pm

    WOW! That's remarkable! I should really consider this. Thanks for showing us the progress :)

  3. Anonymous4:28 pm

    My lashs look like that too if i pu 2 coats of mascara on

  4. great review! ill def be checking out this product! i always wanted to try latisse but i heard it can change your eye color. You didnt experience that with this right?! My eye color is similar to yours and i heard that some of these products can make eye color darker.

  5. Andee: I haven't noticed any change in iris color, no.

  6. Hallöchen :-)...

    ...woher besitzt du den "LiLash"??? Hatte mal diese Wimpernpflege von Talika, war damit aber nicht so richtig zufrieden. Und würde nun gerne mal was Neues ausprobieren.

    Liebste Grüße aus Deutschland
    Yve :-)

  7. Can you add a photo of your eyes without any mascara so we can see what your lashes look like on their own

  8. Looks so long that i cant even believe it, looks freaky, but love it!

  9. want to try this as soon as i have the money :P tks for the review and your lashes look amazing!

  10. your lashes are incredibly long!

  11. i wonder how long thay last. i mean, old lashes do fall and new ones grow (so all of them should renew in about half a year or less).

  12. I would love to have long lashes like yours, but i'm much too scared to put that on my eyes. I'm sure something would go wrong with me.

  13. Anonymous7:53 pm

    omg that incredible! you'v got such pretty green eyes, btw!

  14. awesome! thanks so much for this helpful! xo

  15. Wow.. this is amazing reviews. hope to read more thanks a lot..

  16. Please where can I buy LiLash in Geneva? Thanks in advance

  17. Hi! please where can I buy LiLash in Geneva? maybe Manor? please help me! thanks in advanced

  18. Anonymous2:12 am

    obviously this product works for you, but researching into it I found a lot of stigma concerning the ingredients and how it isn't FDA approved, well it might be now I'm not too sure. anyhow I came across this website ( ) and I found it really helpful and informative. I am subscribed to your channel and love watching your videos all the time! I wish you all the best :-) Amber (UK)

  19. I also want to see your real eyelash so that I will know the difference with or without mascara.
