
8 Nov 2010

Myths & Legends Contest Update

Just wanted to give you a quick update on the Myths and Legends Contest. I'm currently still in the process of judging. I know you're all excited to see the winners but please understand I have 665 entries to watch, that's a lot of material to go through for one person and I am trying the best I can to dedicate time for this task. Since you all put in so much effort, I want to be sure I do all your looks justice and really take adequate time to judge all the entries.

I have watched all the videos at this point and have narrowed it down to some finalists, but I still need to reduce further and re-watch some videos as well. So please be patient! The results will be up as soon as possible.


  1. I'm soooooo excited about the results :)

  2. I can't wait to see who wins!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody did a great job!!!

  3. you're amazing! i didn't participate at the contest but i do appreciate all the things that you do for us, ur viewers, including watching 665 videos....
    huuuuuuuuuuuuuugs from romania :)

  4. This was such a fun contest!!! I appreciate all of the effort you are putting into it. It just makes me want to work harder at my make-up looks! Win or lose, it was totally worth it!

  5. OHHHH!! is going to be awesome!! can't wait to see the winners and their makeup!! It took me like a month to decide what to do, and still think i could have done better, but the whole creativity process was really fun and learned a lot on how to project my ideas through my makeup! Good luck everyone! And Thnx so much Julia, was a really, really fun experience and makes sense you are taking your time!

  6. Good luck to everyone who entered!

  7. I know i won't win but wish everyone else luck :) xoxo

  8. WOW thats alot to watch! So awesome you take the time out to watch them all!! I had a lot of fun with my entry!! Cant wait to see who the winners are

  9. Thats a lot of entrants. I dont envy you that task! Must be nice to see all the effort people went to for you though :-) It was a great idea for a comp :-)

  10. what about the second part of the contest will you announce those winners along with the winners of the myths and legends vids?
    known as SuperLunamistica on YT

  11. Anonymous8:55 pm

    yay this is my first contest entryyyy, so excited :)

  12. excellent news :)
