
6 Dec 2010

Germany Haul and a Giveaway!

I was recently in Germany (twice in November on business trips) and I did some shopping there. I bought some clothes, accessories, and beauty products of course! In this video I'll share my haul with you, and give some details on German drugstore brands - sadly not available in Switzerland.

I also picked up some great lipsticks by P2. It's a German brand and I have to say I've absolutely fallen in love with their lip products. Great quality at an unbeatable price. So I decided to pick up 3 more for a giveaway so that one lucky person might try them out as well. Here they are:

L to R: Kö (a bright berry tone), Regent Street (lovely medium peach), Rodeo Drive (nude)

How to enter to win these lipsticks

Go to my Facebook, "Like" my page (click the thumbs up beside my name at the top) and read my Wall update to see how to enter for the giveaway. The winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Facebook. This giveaway is open worldwide.

Good luck!


  1. The P2 Lipstick "Champs-Elysee" is a Dupe to MAC's Cyber! =) So there's a huge difference between both prices (P2 - 2,95€; MAC 18€)

  2. I love them too, have all of them :)

  3. I can't enter on facebook, it says the disscusion board is down right now. This seems to be happening to quite a few people x

  4. sux, i dont use facebook!!

  5. ich denke, ich werde mir auch mal regent street kaufen, eil ich den Farbton einfach liebe ^^
    Liebe Grüße

  6. I entered on Facebook. They are quite lovely.

  7. You always look fantastic! Make me look like that! Thanks for great inspiration!

  8. now, i wanna go to germany just beause of you!

  9. Habe mir gestern die Farben Ku´Damm, Rodeo Drive undSunset Boulevard kaufen müssen :) danke für den suuuuuuuper Tip :)
