
30 Jan 2011

My Healthy Eating Resolution for 2011

If you're subscribed to my Youtube channel, as well as my second vlogging channel, you might already be caught up on this, but I wanted to write a blog about about it as well.

Since mid-January my boyfriend and I have made a decision to lead a healthier lifestyle, of which the food we eat is a large component. Over Christmas time I ended up gaining weight due to all the lovely but fattening food, so I decided to go back to a more health-conscious diet. I'm increasing my intake of vegetables and lean proteins, and reducing all starchy foods and processed carbohydrates (sugar, white bread, baked goods, sweets, potatoes, pasta, etc.)

I've also cut out random snacking, which many times was just eating out of boredom or habit. I mean, do I really need to have a snack shortly before going to bed? Great way to pack on the pounds! If I do want a snack, I'm choosing healthy options, like vegetables or a piece of fruit.

I've filmed a few videos about this topic, if you're interested. The first one is just an intro to what types of foods one should eat and which ones to avoid. (Link)

The next video I posted on my vlog channel, about a typical trip to the grocery store for me, and what kinds of produce I buy. (Link)

And lastly I filmed all my meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) over about a 2 week period, so you can see what actual meals I prepare on this new eating plan. (Link)

Obviously any big changes you make in your diet should be implemented slowly, but this isn't actually all too different that what I was eating before. The main differences are that I cut out all sweets and desserts, sugar, and processed low-fiber carbs. I still do eat carbohydrates, but in limited quantities and only the good, whole grain kind, or some fruit.

So far things are going great and I feel much better about myself. I feel like I'm getting a lot more essential vitamins and nutrients, and I rarely ever get those intense cravings for something sugary or fattening like chips or fast food. I've also been doing exercise regularly on my elliptical machine, and can't wait for the snow to melt so I can go outside for runs.

This is what I'm doing and what works for me - please don't leave me a comment saying how wrong and bad this all is. If you're unsure about weightloss or healthy eating, please see a dietitian. I feel great and am noticing good results in my overall well-being and health!


  1. good for you! you should check out my I have been doing health related posts. Im going back to school to become a registered dietician so i have incorporated my meals, grocery store picks and what to order while eating out! good look love!

  2. I gave "low carb" nutrition a try. Started 4 months ago and lost 3 kg just bei eating better stuff. I'm not doing alot cardio, but muscle workouts. I thank you for letting us know more about your nutrition :)

    Einen schönen Sonntag noch.

  3. Anonymous9:48 pm

    Though I haven't noticed any pickled herring, I live in Ohio and we have fresh mozzarella and what we call Greek style yogurt at the local grocery store. When I clicked the play button on the food diary I'd just sat down with my homemade fruit n yogurt parfait. So I kept looking back and forth to my bowl and yours, like "ha, imagine that!". Thought you'd get a kick. Hope your new lifestyle is treating you well!

  4. Hi there! Your newest follower here! I've been a fan of your make-up tutorials for quite some time, but ever since you posted about your resolution to eat healthier for 2011, I have been hooked on your vlog channel. Your video showing your menu plans and all of the delicious, low-carb food options are fantastic! I have been so inspired I have been sharing them with friends and family! In fact tomorrow my husband and I are going to follow a plan very similar to yours! Thank you so much for sharing!

    I specialize in a different kind of beauty, "make-up for the home", if you will. I am an interior decorator, event designer and photographer. I'd love if you can stop by my page and follow back.

    Thank you Julia!

  5. Hello!
    Haha It's so funny that all the things you showed that you bought are things that we regullary eat here in Spain, It's called Medatirranean diet :P I eat all of those things (minus meat & fish, I'm a vegetarian).
    I'm overweight and I think my mistake is that I eat WAY too much pasta & bread. I have to learn to have a little less of that.
    Oh and the salad leaves that you liked alot are called ''Canonigos'' and I also love them!
    You have motived me alot.

  6. Hello, Julia! I´d like to ask you a question related to the exercises you´ve been doing. Obviously it worked with such wonderful results!! Could you write down the name of the machine you´ve been using so far? Thanks a lot

  7. Hello, Julia! I´d like to ask you a question related to the exercises you´ve been doing. Obviously it worked with such wonderful results!! Could you write down the name of the machine you´ve been using so far? Thanks a lot

  8. Anonymous10:59 pm

    hi julia, i just watched your video on what type of meals you eat on your new plan. would love to see some tutiorials on how to make your dressings and how to make ur salads and veggies. all the foods look yummy. i would love to try and make them.

  9. I'd just sat down with my homemade fruit n yogurt parfait. So I kept looking back and forth to my bowl and yours, like "ha, imagine that!". Thought you'd get a kick. Hope your new lifestyle is treating you well Metaxalone!

  10. Anonymous7:44 am

    May I ask what type of exercises you do

  11. We do have that lettuce in North America. It's called Mache in New York City. It is so good.

  12. We do have that lettuce in Northern America. In New York city we cal it Mache or Mache Lettuce. YUMMY!
