
23 Jan 2011

Sunday evening round up

Hi girls and boys! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and had time to relax, catch up with friends, shop, or do whatever you like to do.

My boyfriend and I went up to the cabin in Adelboden to get some skiing in - at least that was our plan. First we wanted to go up on Friday evening but he was feeling too tired and a bit sick, so we planned to go up Saturday morning. Somehow on Saturday I just enjoyed so much to sleep in, then shuffling around in my bathrobe and lambskin slippers, drinking tea and surfing around on the Internet a bit, that time just seemed to fly by. I'm the kind of person who really likes to take my time on weekends to do my "beauty routine". I love taking a long bath or shower, exfoliating my face, sloughing off dead skin with a loofah sponge, shaving my legs, deep conditioning my hair, tweezing my brows, or treating myself to a face mask and pedicure on weekends - all things I just don't have time for during the week. So I did all that kind of stuff and then gave myself a mini-facial with a concoction of my various skincare products from Kiehl's and La Roche Posay. My skin felt so smooth, like buttah! Must do this every weekend now. I'm just happy to have finally found the right products for my skin for wintertime, the season where I usually had to battle flakiness, rough patches, extreme sensitivity and itchiness.

We finally ended up leaving our house late afternoon, and drove up to Adelboden, a winter resort in the Swiss Bernese Alps where we have a cabin. It's really beautiful year round, but there's something magical about it in the winter with the snow glistening, the quiet, and the moon reflecting off the snow in the night.

Instead of going straight home, we drove into the resort town and had a drink at a pub, then afterwards had dinner at a nice, Swiss restaurant. It was the first restaurant meal I had since going healthy low carb, and although it tasted nice, somehow my stomach just couldn't handle it. I was famished at that point, but even one main dish with a salad appetizer was too much for me. The food just seemed so heavy and filling to me, I've gotten so used to eating lighter meals, with mostly raw vegetables and salads, that it just tasted so greasy. A little update: I've lost about 3kg so far (about 8 pounds).

After dinner we went to play some pool at another bar, had some more drinks and played obnoxious music on an actual jukebox, and ran into some familiar faces. Believe it or not, Adelboden is actually the place where my boyfriend and I originally met many years ago, because we both worked in a hotel there. It felt a bit like a nostalgic trip down memory lane, revisiting our old haunts. I even bumped into an old flame that I hadn't seen in ages - awkward!! haha

We got in late that night to the cabin, watched a bit of TV, then went to sleep. Well, I tried to sleep but somehow couldn't doze off until the early hours of the morning. I had horrible cramps and just an overall feeling of unwellness, so of course the next morning we totally overslept. If you want to go skiing, you have to get up fairly early in the morning to avoid the line ups at the base station, since the gondola ride up to the peak takes a while. The parking lot fills up really fast, and people are really horrible in the line ups, shoving past you to try and get ahead - I hate it.

So instead we had a long breakfast, drank too much coffee, read the paper and listened to music. The weather was perfect at this point so we decided to pack up and drive down into the resort and went on a long walk through the snowy landscape. It was pretty damn cold, about -10C, but blinding sunshine. Unfortunately I forgot my camera in the car so I don't have any beautiful pictures to share with you right now. In the afternoon we drove home, at which point I pretty much was ready for a long nap, having slept to horribly the night before. Then this evening we went to my boyfriend's parents house for dinner and had a cheese fondue, another heavy meal. At this point I just feel so full and groggy with all that food, I'm actually looking forward to eating my light meals this week again and getting my exercise in.

Speaking of which, I'm nearly done recording my meal plan for the past few days, although I've barely filmed any lunches. Mostly I "scavenge" for lunch anyway, or eat left-overs, and usually prepare something proper for dinner. I'll be uploading that soon to my vlogging channel on Youtube.

So, that was my weekend in a nutshell! Right now I'm just about ready to go to bed, read the rest of my book in bed, then doze off. All in all pretty satisfying. I hope you guys had a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like the perfect weekend. You live in a beautiful part of the world :)


  2. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend, m'dear! <3

  3. Ich weiß, was du meinst mit dem Essen. Über Weihnachten war ich bei meiner Familie und mir war jede Nacht übel, weil es soviel und so deftig zu essen gab. Sonst lebe ich ja allein und esse morgens und abends nur Brot und nur mittags was Warmes.

    Jedenfalls finde ich solche Blogposts total super, solltest du öfter machen!!

    Grüße aus Berlin

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I too ate too heavy this weekend and am looking forward to lighter meals and exercise this week. I could go for a nap now, but it's late afternoon and I won't want to wake up lol. I'm glad you had a nice weekend :)

  5. OMG it sounds like you had an awesome weekend! I remember when my boyfriend (years ago) took me to Switzerland to meet his parents. They lived in Basil. It is a trip I will never forget! It was so beautiful there. I got to go to Zurich and shop and that was a real treat. We also when to this little town called Bern where he has more friends and family. I remember the food always being so amazing and filling. The breakfasts were always a treat! I would absolutey love to go back there and live. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us Julia! I have to admit mine was nothing close to yours.

  6. Anonymous2:02 am

    It sounds like a novel...very relaxing, yet fun!

  7. Wow so nice ucould escape in the woods. And I'm not able to spend even one weekend with my guy.. enjoy a lot dear :)

  8. Anonymous1:06 pm

    hi julia, sounds like a wonderful weekend! i can't wait to watch your food related videos!! which products are you using from La Roche Posay???

  9. Really no doubt you live in beautiful place :)
    I live in Florida ,its doesnt get cold here so me and my husband we went to one of Disney Parks on weekend,
    but no comparison with snow and cabin on mountain :)

  10. Anonymous6:36 pm

    La Roche Posay is amazing I tried a sample of their cream and BAM! I fell in love. My skin is terrible in the winter but somehow now is soft and rebalanced

  11. Anonymous8:37 pm

    I love your expression! =)
