
15 Feb 2011

Huge Contest! Mega Verlosung! (Biotherm)

To all my German-speaking and international viewers, right now I'm doing a huge giveaway (open worldwide) in partnership with Biotherm Germany. As many of you might know, Biotherm is a well-known high-end skincare line, and we're giving away over 2000 prizes! The main prize is a spot for 3 people at an exclusive Health and Energy Camp where you will be coached by the pros to get you in shape for spring and summer, and the rest of the prizes will be amazing gift packs from the new Biotherm Skin Ergetic skincare line, as well as many other goodies. An amazing opportunity!

Please watch the video for all the details!

Alle Infos zum Gewinnspiel:

1. Geh zu und klicke "Gefällt Mir" unten Links um Facebook Fan zu werden
2. Bewerbe dich für das Energy und Health Camp und viele weitere Sachpreise, klick "Jetzt Mitmachen"
3. Der Hauptpreis ist offen für Anwohner aus Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz und Liechtenstein, Sachpreise sind offen Weltweit
4. Formular vollständig ausfüllen (mit Bild) und absenden
5. Nur die Gewinner werden von Biotherm benachrichtigt
6. Gewinnspiel endet 28.02.2011 - alle dürfen mitmachen, auch deine Freunde & Familie, also sagt es weiter! Für den Hauptpreis müsst ihr 18+ Jahre alt sein, alle anderen Preise haben keine Altersbeschränkung.

Folgt Biotherm Germany auf Facebook!

Mein erstes Video über Biotherm Skin Ergetic:

English instructions

(Open Worldwide for all product prizes, the Health & Energy Prize is only eligible for residents of Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland)

1. Go to and click "Like" / "Gefällt Mir" if you have Facebook at the bottom of the page
2. Click on the green button on the left side titled "Jetzt Mitmachen"
3. The next page explains the prizes (same as I mentioned in the video), click on the green button "Jetzt mitmachen und fit werden"
4. Fill out the formula with your details, as explained below:

From drop down Menu "Anrede" select "Herr" for Mr. and "Frau" for Ms.

Vorname: First Name

Name: Last Name

Strasse, Nr: Street address, Street Number goes in second box

PLZ, Ort: Postal Code / City

Land: Country (Select your country from the menu, they are listed in German only) USA = Vereinigte Staaten, UK = Vereinigtes Königreich, Canada = Kanada, France = Frankreich For more translations of countries go to|de|

E-Mail Addresse: email address

Handynummer: Cell phone (optional)

Geburtsdatum: Select date of birth from drop-down menu in the order day/month/year (Months are in chronological order)

Ich möchete dabei sein weil: I want to take part because....(explain your reason for joining this contest)

Mein Bewerbungsfoto: Upload a picture of yourself from your computer

Checkmark in Boxes:
1st box: You only wish to be considered for the product prizes and do not wish to be entered into the Health and Energy Camp Main Prize.
2nd box: You have read and agreed the terms of service and privacy policy (mandatory)
3rd box: Yes, I wish to subscribe to the free eNewsletter from Biotherm (optional)

5. Once you're all done, click the green button "Jetzt Mitmachen". If everything is right, you'll see a confirmation page. Only winners will be notified by email by Biotherm. Contest ends February 28, 2011. Anyone may enter, so share it with your friends and family!

Also Follow Biotherm Germany on Facebook!


  1. Fehler! Bitte überprüfen Sie alle Angaben this showed up to me after fillin all form and Land is changing to Germany again :(

  2. You're the best! Huge thanx for translating this for us!

  3. I just joined the competition, and I must say, German is so easy to understand for us Norwegians ^_^ , thats very amusing since the languages are totally different!
    Ha en fin dag/Have a nice day! ;)
