
6 Feb 2011

My quick and easy depotting method

If you are someone who has a large collection of make-up, especially where eyeshadows and blushes are concerned, you will at some point want to find a better storage solution for all your products that takes up less space and is easy for traveling. The perfect solution for this is depotting eyeshadows and blushes from their packaging, and putting them into magnetized palettes.

The tricky part is getting the eyeshadow pan out of the packaging. Over the years I've relied on this very simple method to do just that, using basic tools that almost everyone has at home. The key item you will need for this method is a hair straightening iron, but since many women have this at home, this technique should be quite easy for most to accomplish.

Watch my video tutorial on how I depot my powder eyeshadows. In this demo I use a Catrice eyeshadow, but the same method can be used for almost all brands - I also use it for Illamasqua, MAC, and Lancome shadows. The only step you will have to do with these brands is to use a sharp knife to pop out the insert containing the pan before you place it on the heat element. This method works perfectly for powder products like eyeshadows, blushes, and powders.

Link to my video tutorial on Youtube


  1. Really helpful! About to try it out right now :)

  2. Oh Awesome I was just googling this but was busy reading through my Blogger Dashboard. :) Thanks so much, Julia!
    Have a great one! x

  3. Awesome tutorial!

  4. so can this be done pretty much for any shadow??

  5. Have you heard about the Fire at Rio de Janeiro?

    When I knew about it, it reminded me of you, since you are curious about it.



  6. Hi Julia! Where do you get your empty palettes? I'm sure you've previously mentioned that so forgive me for asking you to repeat it. :)

  7. Anonymous9:48 pm

    Was für eine Tempereatur hat dein Glätteisen auf der höchsten Stufe ?
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Dying to know about the empty palettes too?? I'm looking to see if you've said something about it before.
