
28 Apr 2011

We all had to start somewhere...

I got a kick out of these old makeup pictures I found from 2006, when I initially began to do my FOTD (Face of the Day) posts on Specktra. It's sort of funny to look back to see where you came from and how one's skills have improved over time. Here's some of my "favorite" horrendous looks.

Trying to do a pin-up look with very uneven eyeliner.

I don't even know what this was at this point I entirely wrote off purple eyeshadow! Now I love it.

Really odd color placement and combination - well at least I was branching out!


Haha! I hope you got a kick out of this as much as I did. Just remember, no master has ever fallen out of the sky - you learn the most by experimenting and making mistakes. Take pictures of your looks, you'll look back on them someday and laugh like I did. :)


  1. I don't think this is so bad :P

  2. you're soooo pretty!!!!

  3. Anonymous2:57 pm

    I liked all the looks!

  4. I actually like all of those, except the last one

  5. I liked all of the looks.

  6. You are still really pretty, makeup artistry is something you develop... =)

  7. Anonymous3:03 pm

    i like all of them, especially the last one, could you do a tutorial for it please

  8. I do see a very big development with these old looks and your "newer" ones. But I've seen FAR worse. XD Een though you probably just needed the practice back then, you can still see you have a skill there that some people just lack.

  9. haha i just love that big phone in your hand :) and trust me you look lot better and beautiful i remember wearing darkest brown lipstink in grade 7 ( 15 years back ) ewww with all those dry long open curly hair as there was no flat iron that time :p

  10. Anonymous3:35 pm

    I think you still did a great job. And you are so hot!! - Diana

  11. No horrendous looks there, I think they're great.

  12. I don;t know why you are so hard on yourself, they are not bad at all!! :)

  13. i think its nice...your really are good in make-up

  14. dalila4:56 pm

    trop belle !!!!

  15. Ha ha, I also just started my blog, showing makeup looks I did. About 2 years ago a friend of mine asked me if she should show me how to apply makeup and I felt kinda insulted cause I always thought my makeup looks nice. Obviously it didn't so I started watching tutorials - from YOU! :-D

    Thanks for sharing this, it really boosts my spirit!

  16. Anonymous5:06 pm

    Something about your look in the third photo down, the purple-eye photo, reminds me so much of Tori Amos. Like you could be her younger sister or something. You have amazing skin.

  17. Anonymous5:30 pm

    I don't think these are bad, I can tell you loved pink lip stick ;)

  18. Ha ha loved d last one,just 'coz its looks so out of the box!, you my dear are like a fine wine, which has improved with age :)

  19. I actually think they are pretty good.

  20. Anonymous6:22 pm

    I liked all the looks!!!

  21. Anonymous7:26 pm

    Ich wünschte ich könnte auch nur annähernd so einen "miesen" Lidstrich wie du hinkriegen... *lol!
    Deine Haarfarbe gefällt mir sehr von den alten Bildern ♥.
    Grüße aus Deutschland,

  22. On the second last picture you looked so incredibly beautiful :-) I would be glad if you could do this look again :-) this time it will be even more beautyful:-D

  23. I really liked all of them, they were colorful and fun and I thought they looked pretty and very well done! <3

  24. Hello! you're so beautiful!!! For a long time I observe of your blog... It is delightful! I the beginning visagiste, study independently... Your tutorials are magnificent :) One of these days has got the blog, I spread there the works on a make-up, but to you me it is still far :) you the master! I send a kiss from Russia (Siberia) and I am sorry for my English... Well I speak only in Russian :)

  25. Not that these looks are bad but you certainly have developed more skill and dramatic style. Great post! x

  26. "WAT!" I could hear you say it. Haha That made me laugh. But the sad thing is that I have seen worse today... And the good thing is that you are WAY better now. Woohoo!

  27. I remember you from specktra, that's when i first started obsessing with makeup too, i even remember chelsea and jude, whatever happened to them...
    I recall you did an amazing orange-magenta sunset look once that i really loved!

  28. I think its great to reflect back and see how much u've progressed as an artist.

  29. Haha, you're so harsh on yourself! I reckon these are pretty good. Though you're right that you are much better and more professional now :)

  30. You have come a long way, but I think my beginner looks were much worse lol.

  31. Karen6:21 am

    Omg, I remember when you posted ALL of those in MBs! Aaawww, memories! And look at you now, superstar! <3

  32. Except for the last one I love all the looks! I do agree that your technique has improved a lot (alot alot alot) but I somehow prefer these simple looks over some of your more elabortate ones! But I realize that one gets bored with doing the same things over and over again and starts to get more adventurous!

  33. Brenda8:41 pm

    haha i dont think they are bad but you can definitely say that you have improved! Good job! thats amazing because that means your always learning and aspiring to better yourself and your passions! keep going maybe one day you'll be like a Sensei or some crazy-good master in makeup (crazy in a good way) lol!

  34. I kinda like ur looks here too :)

  35. pretty! lol no one wants to see my super early make up days lol, i looked like casper.

  36. Vielen Dank für die Fotos! Man sieht deutlich deine Entwicklung zu heute..aber soo schlecht (naja, das letzte schon nicht..äh..ganz gelungen) wie du meinst finde ich die nicht! Ich finde es süss! Und was ich toll finde: Übung macht eben doch die Meisterin!

  37. Really that isn't that bad. I like experimental looks with weir colors. That's the beauty of make up...anything is possible as long as you wear it with confidence :)

  38. Anonymous8:01 pm

    oh my lord... =) okay, das IST lustig! sieht alles so neunziger-jahre-mäßig aus. hast dich sehr verändert und gemacht, würd ich sagen :) lg aus kiel

  39. Anonymous10:33 pm

    hahaha!!! Love it! =)

  40. I was actually following you on specktra back then and I've saved in my computer most of your looks, they're not horrendous at all! :) x

  41. Anonymous11:03 am

    I don´t think these looks are so bad.

    My first make-up look was a blue bar on my lid. This look really weird.

  42. I like this really acid green ...did you remember which colour u have used for?

  43. I do the exact same things! I've improved so much over the last couple years, I can't even believe I posted some of my old looks up! lol Yikes! :)

  44. The 7th picture was my favorite with the green eyeliner!

  45. Could U please give us some information about where Do you get your Inspirations of Creating a look? Do u buy the stuff more often via Internet ore more often in Drugstores & Shops?

  46. haha giant mobile phones and crimping, those were the days lol!

    these are nothing compared to your amazing looks now but they are not 'horrendous' either. Everyone has to start somewhere right? I cringe looking at my old pics, eek!

  47. Anonymous9:08 pm

    Thanks for sharing these old photos it gives me quite a bit of hope. that one day my skill will become much better with a little fine tuning and practice! you're awesome
