
11 Apr 2011

Weightloss Update: 10kg (22 pounds) lost

Today is a bit of a personal blog entry for me regarding my weightloss journey. Since about the second week in January 2011 I made a big change to my overall diet and also began regular exercise. I was more determined than ever to make a change in my life and get back into shape, improve my overall health, and fit back into my old clothes again.

About a week ago I reached my first goal: 10kg lost (22 pounds)! I've also lost about 3 dress sizes since then. I was so happy when I finally brought up my suitcase from the basement of clothes I used to wear 5 years ago in Montreal when I was going to university - especially my "skinny jeans" from Guess that I love.

I filmed this video right after trying on all my old clothes, and I was just overwhelmed with emotions. Hopefully this is inspirational and helpful for someone else out there who is on their own weightloss journey. Remember the best reason to start losing weight is because you want to do it for yourself, not to impress other people, to be attractive to others, or because of peer pressure.

I think for me the time was right because I was happy with pretty much all other aspects of my life: My career is going amazingly well, I have great people and friends in my life, I feel successful and confident. The only thing I wasn't happy with is the excess weight I was carrying around, not feeling good in my clothes, and just feeling so out of shape physically. I gave myself a big kick in the butt and said to myself, it's now or never!

I wanted to share this little update with you all. I still haven't reached my ultimate goal, but I feel great and I know I'm on the right track. My next step is doing strength and resistance training, so this week I want to go out and buy some weights for my arms, and an exercise mat to start doing floor exercises to start toning. I'm actually looking forward to that!! Never thought I'd say that. I don't love exercising, but I can't wait to have a beach-ready body for holidays in September to Sardinia, Italy.

Check out my video, I hope it can inspire and motivate someone else! Never give up on yourself, don't settle if you're unhappy with the way you look, it's never too late to start making a change.

Link to my video on Youtube

I filmed a few other videos on what I have done, how I eat, what kinds of meals I prepare, etc. If you missed those and are interested click here.


  1. Well done on your weight loss.

  2. You look great! Keep it up!

  3. du siehst toll aus! steht dir gut :)

  4. That's amazing! You look stunning :)

  5. Hi Julia! I watched your video yesterday and i was soo soo happy for you!! Congratulations on the weight loss!

  6. Oh that's wonderful. This was such an emotional video. I'm a size 4, but I have a horrible stomach...not really horrible since I'm little but I am definitely out of shape. You are such an inspiration and I am really happy to see you achieve your goal, you'll definitely be a size 8 but moreover, I am really happy that you are the healthy road. A lot of people struggle with this thing and I happy you overcame :)

  7. You really inspire me. I gained 10kg when i was sick in 2008-2009, and i haven't done anything about it. I'm not overweight, but i want to be able to wear a bikini and feel comfortable. After I saw your movie I called my mom, we agreed to start loosing weight as soon as I'm finished with moving to my home town the first of may. You look great and you have done really well! You should be very proud of your self! You are such a beautiful girl! Keep on smiling.


  8. Congrats, you look Amazing!!!

  9. You look amaaaazing!!!

  10. Awesome Girl!!!! Your energy is so infectious! I am also trying to change my life and sometimes it feels like I am going no where, but just seeing your results and hearing your story inspires me to keep pushing toward the mark! You are a lovely lady with an even lovlier personality! God Bless!

  11. You look gorgeous :) You don't even need to lose more weight in my opinion! But congratulations, no matter how much more weight you lose.

  12. Congratulations! I know how hard it is to loose weight and it's very important to exercice in order to burn fat! I lost 5kg to my wedding, but I gained 2... =/ I need to loose more, but at the time I don't have time to go back to the gym.

    If someone leave some rude comment, don't hear it, people are very jealous!

    The best for you Julia! Byebye =D

    I'll end this with a great thought: “Se as críticas dirigidas a você são verdadeiras, não reclame; se não são, não ligue para elas.” Meaning: "If the criticism directed at you is true, do not complain if they are not, do not call them." - Chico Xavier

  13. Congrats on your progress! You look beautiful now and you looked beautiful before. I completely get the desire to want to be the size that is comfortable for you. It is inspiring to see a person you look up to, so to speak, and their journey. Thank you for sharing! Good luck Lady!

  14. Wow! Du siehst wirklich toll aus. Seit Jahren mache ich schon keinen Sport mehr (hauptsächlich aus gesundheitlichen Gründen), aber du inspirierst mich es noch mal zu versuchen. Es muss ja nicht gleich extremes Workout sein; man kann ja mal klein anfangen. :)

    Vielen, vielen Dank für die Inspiration und deine Offenheit im Video. Ich wünsche dir alles Gute für die Zukunft. xx

  15. your post is a wonderful inspiration to me - I am in a VERY similar situation- I gained weight after I relocated and got kind of "stuck" a few years ago in a pattern where I was not taking care of myself, and in the last two months have made a promise to myself that I will feel comfortable in a bathing suit by the end of the summer. In the mean time, I have begun running and plan to enter my first race in June and keep running, hopefully forever. I have really grow to love it. I was losing momentum this week with eating properly, and even gained a pound or two back, but you have inspired me to not give up, and that I can reach my long term goals. Thank you!

  16. This is so great, thanks for sharing! I am in the plateau stage of my exercises, but your video motivated me to keep pushing past this stage. 10 kg is crazy!! GOOD JOB! Great drive and determination, proud & happy for you!

  17. Ok..So. I'm not really sure if you're gonna read this but that's ok.
    I'm a fan, looove your videos and you blog!Seriously!But I've never commented here before... So I guess you can tell how much you've inspired me! YOU made me comment here ^^.
    I think it's so amazing when people have goals and achieve them AND still want to inspire other people to do the same. I mean, not that you're saying we should loose weight, it's just you make us, or at least me, want to reach ours goals!!
    Anyway, loved your video!Congratulations on your first achievement. Pretty sure there are more on the way ^^
    And please, continue to inspire us.


  18. Anonymous5:12 am

    I need to lose weight too! I used to diet and lost 5kgs. and I quit. But seeing you wanting to lose more make me want to lose another 3kg to reach my ideal weight! :D We gonna be slim and slender together. YAY!!!

  19. Congratulations! It feels so good to reach those goals!!!

  20. Also, how hot do your legs look?! Yum!

  21. What did you do to stay motivated when you had times of weakness? I find myself trying to lose weight constantly but always crumbling when I feel too tired or have a craving that's overwhelming.

    Congratulations on your progress, that's super amazing :) <3

  22. Anonymous8:20 am

    Wow, wow, wow! So radiant and healthy looking. Well done you. You were (and still are) stunning. However, this post goes to show what hard work, determination and and goal can actually do. Take note: You want something so badly - go get it! Inspirational... Thanks for sharing Julia!

  23. congratulations! this kind of a goal is very important and the fact you're sharing it is an inspiration for many things...even the fact that it will help me up by training for a charity 10K in May...I've gotta to focus on the strenght to keep going!
    I'm happy for your success!

  24. Congrats!!!
    I can see myself in this post but I am only at the beginning of my diet.I've started it last week and started exercising also. I am going to the gym 3 times a week and I am feeling lighter already :)). I've convinced my sister to go with me and we made a pact that it one of us wants to quit or to even skip a day, the other one will have to react and not accept this.
    Keep up the good work and hopefully this summer we will rock the beach :))

  25. Anonymous10:36 am

    Congrats !!! How I wish to have that determination that you have and the strenght :)
    You're amazing....
    Lots of hu~gs from Portugal...

    Ohhh I have a Give Away in my blog...

  26. Congratulations Julia! It can be so difficult to lose weight, to keep the motivation to stick to a healthier diet or to exercise regularly, but when you see results like this it breathes new life into your plans I think. I lost about 10lbs before my wedding in december but since then I've moved to Japan and it's so hard not to want to eat all the delicious goodies I see! I swear the Japanese have some of the most amazing junk food, I have no idea how they all stay so skinny! At any rate, I've since gained back about 5lbs which is a little deflating. I've just started running and I'm hoping to curb my sweet tooth more so I can reach my weight goals too. Thanks so much for sharing this video, it is so inspiring to hear from other people who are successfully working towards the same thing I am!

  27. I'm jealous. I've been trying to lose weight for over a year and I have lost 4 kg and I still want to lose another 8, but because of my medicine it's not happening. But stories like yours really make me want to try again. Your picture in this post looks amazing! You look really happy :)

    Also have a lot of fun in Sardinia. I've been there, it's nice, but I really liked Corsica better. Corsica is a greener island and has better campings.
    The mediterranean sea is wonderful to swim in. There is so much to see underwater. All sorts of fish and seastars and there are so many shells you can collect. I collected a lot of operculum ( ) and haliotis-shells ( ) which we call eyes and ears :)
    So I hope you have a good time there with your boyfriend and with your new and amazing bikinibody :)

  28. Thank you very much for sharing this with us. It is very motivational because I am also considering to lose weight which I gained in last year and a half, and I recognized myself in your story. I have been delaying the start of new eating regime and workout for months now, and this is just what I needed. Congradulations on your success and keep going!

  29. Wie schaffst du es nur, auf Kohlenhydrate verzichten zu können? Ohne Pasta und Brot wüsste ich gar nicht, wie ich auf die Schnelle was zu essen zubereiten könnte, wenn keine Zeit für lange Schnibbelei oder aufwändiges Kochen ist. Hut ab, dass du das so durchziehst und trotzdem deine gute Laune nicht verlierst. Ich beneide dich! ;-)

  30. You're doing wonderfully! Best wishes & keep on pushing toward your goal :-)

  31. First time I write on your blog but it is worthy.
    Motivating video and also touching.
    If you could do it, will I be able to?
    I don't have such strength and will to start up because I really think it's not very possible. But on the other hand, I need to lose 20 kg for trying to have a baby, which is something I desire with all my heart.
    Anyway... congratulations on your great work.
    And thanks for sharing it.

  32. Well done Julia, Incredibly inspiring to see this video.Every word you said seemed straight out of my own life, I'm over weight by precisely 10 kgs & though i'd lost 7 kgs last year by managing my diet, I piled it all back thanks to sedentary lifestyle.In past 4 yrs my dress size has gone up from 10 to 14,I'm tired of buying newer clothes,just 'coz the old ones don't seem to fit anymore. I have given away so many beautiful & expensive outfits just 'coz i hd given up hope of fitting in them again...I'm honestly going to make an effort to shed these 10 kgs in next 6 months & hope to fit back in some of my pretty dresses. Thanks for the video, warm wishes- IBC

  33. hot hot HOT!!!!!!!!!!! many congratulations to you!! <3 +

  34. like your jeans in the video-

  35. congrats =] I am so happy for you.

    I am currently also trying to be healthier and lose all the weight I've gained in the past 3 years. I've noticed that when ever I get stressed I eat. And being in college and trying to figure out what I want to do with my life -- its pretty stressful. I honestly hate how I look and feel, up to the point where I just stop caring. But recently, I got the motivation to care about myself again, to loose all the weight I gained and to get back to my former self. It's been a struggle, but I'm still working on it. Thankyou for sharing this with us -- its very inspiring and touching. You're beautiful -- and strong. Keep it up. Your video makes me want to push harder -- thankyou.

  36. You, Go Girl! Your video brought a huge smile to my face and I'm so proud of you! You are a beautiful child of God and and inspiration. ;o)

  37. Super dass du das geschafft hast! 10 Kilo sind total viel!
    (Ich messe immer wieviel 1 Kilo Mehl wiegt, dann bin ich umso happier, wenn ich einen Kilo verloren habe, weil 1 Kilo Mehl ist ganz schön schwer!) :-))
    Also 10 Kilo Mehl!!! Yippieeeeeeee!!

  38. Congratulations!!! It's great to achieve the objectives, and sometimes it is not easy! So inspirational your video ;) Thanks for sharing!

  39. Congratulations! Keep going! Very inspiring ;)
    I also live in Switzerland and would like to know where did you buy your Elliptical and what model.

  40. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Oh my god you're so beautiful! Congrats, and thank you for that inspiration, i think im going right my way out with my little dog :)

  41. You look fantastic. Well done!

  42. I love your blog!!!! Congratulations you look so nice!!Your story has encouraged me to start a diet at the end
    Lot of kisses!!

  43. Love your blog - well done on the weight loss.
    I am just starting my weight loss journey, losts to loose!
    You look fantastic and show how worthwhile it all is.
    Thank you for sharing.

  44. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Wow you look amazing :)
    10kg are auch a great success :)
    keep on going girl ;-P
    I love your videos and your make up looks you are a real inspiration to me an my make up routine.

  45. Anonymous12:22 am

    Your confidence shines beautifully.. ^^

  46. You are doing really well and I can see that you are motivated with your diet and work out..And now that it is summer it will be even easier because you just want to constantly drink water which really helps! P.s You look great! :o)

    Yasmin <3

  47. You are a beautiful person inside and outside! I love your make up videos, and now I´ve been inspired by your resolution, it is simply amaizing what women can achieve when we have set our goals.

  48. I'm really touched by your video...congrats on your weight loss... its really hard to lose weight, but its sooo worth it.. :)
    Im also on a weight loss journey and lost 20 kilos in the last 6 months... I cant tell you how many compliments i have been receiving since..I feel great about myself...This month due to my busy schedule i was getting really stressed out and demotivated and not to mention, started eating junk as well. I havent put on since, but feel kind of heavy already.... watching your video now has reminded me to be on track again... :) ....thanks

  49. well done girl!!!!! so motivating for me too
    i have lost 40 pounds in last year and still loosing, still need to loose more 20 pounds or more to feel completely myself
    stupidly gave up on myself and gained too much in last few years... similar story to yours
    thanks for your posts, i m very excited for you and proud of anyone that starts it and goes on and gets results
    well done again and thanks for your tips

  50. Henna9:37 pm

    This video made me cry because it was so emotional...

    Congrats and keep on going! And don't forget, you are such an adorable, beautiful and special person!

  51. wow ........omg u look so good ...................... hats off to u on ur weight loss ........ i also wana do it so bad........... but i just struggling wid diet ..........

  52. i just loveeeeeeeeee ur make up ............ u r awesome........... i m so glad i found u ....................... muuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh

  53. Yes girl, you really inspired me... I wanna do it too.. but I still must to go out from the pc =(
