
1 May 2011

Book Haul! What I'm reading...

Yay, my latest Amazon book order came! I've been a total bookworm lately, I just love delving into another world for a moment and getting to know all the characters. I recently finished the first three books of Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series, so I bought the 4th book City of Fallen Angels because I want to know what happens next. I have read the review on Amazons and they weren't all that positive so I guess I'll just let myself be surprised.

I also picked up the second book of George R. R. Martin's fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire, A Clash of Kings. I listened to Game of Thrones on audio book several months ago but couldn't get into it, but the new TV show on HBO renewed my interest in the series so I thought I'd take another stab at it, this time with the actual book. It's often rated as one of the best adult fantasy series of all times. If you haven't checked out the TV show on HBO based on these books, I highly recommend it. It's big budget, with fantastic actors and beautiful art direction, and is very true to the books. George R. R. Martin is heavily involved with the writing of the show, so you know it will be true to his vision. The TV show is called Game of Thrones and runs on HBO, Sunday nights. It's definitely a show you need to start watching from the very beginning as the storyline is very complex and there's many different characters, but I love it so far.

Lastly I purchased The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, which is another supernatural/fantasy series I've heard a lot about. The story revolves are fairies - I've never read a book to do with fairies so I thought I'd try it out.

If you enjoy reading, make sure to subscribe to my vlogging channel on Youtube, I frequently review my latest reads on there and will eventually review these ones as well. I've also been thinking of buying an Amazon Kindle, since I read so much and hate waiting for my book orders to arrive, and I prefer shopping for books online rather than in a bookstore. I just get overwhelmed and it takes me hours to find something - plus it's more expensive.

Let me know what you're reading in the comments! Also, if you have a Kindle, let me know your experiences with it - are you happy with your purchase? Why or why not?


  1. the mortal Instruments are the best! i love this series so much!
    and im thinking to read the Iron king,,

  2. The Iron Fey series is amazing!!! I hate faerie books.... but for some reason I gave that one a try and I LOVED it.

    Inklings Read.

  3. Now i read Queen of the South - Arturo Perez Reverte , I love this book very very much .

  4. Romelia7:50 pm

    Iron king is a good novel, but best books about fairies are from Karen Marie Morning- Fever series, so much action packed, lot of thrills, once you get caught it`s very hard to let it down, all of the books in the series are out so, it`s nice to read it from first to last book. Right now i`m reading Claudia Gray -Afterlife, last book in the Evernight series, it`s ok, but not exciting

  5. Anonymous8:45 pm

    Best gift ever, my Kindle. You can read anywhere and its not heavy like some books. I love reading while in bed and those hard cover books are impossible to find a good position to read it. For people who love reading like me kidle is the thing to buy, a have it always whith me, it's like carring lots of books at once, so when one ends you don't need to get home to get another. Read almost 10 books since i got it last month. The letters can be re-sized, you have always a dictinary at hand and its easy to look the word you don't know while reading. And yours eyes don't get tired like looking at a computer, it really looks like a page in a book.

    Also recomend George RR Martin series, really good for who likes fantasy. At the moment I'm revisitng Stephen King's classics. And reanding once more George RR Martins because of the series. (Another nice thig about kindle, you can read two or three books at once and and never lose the page you stopped at.

    Everyone should have one, love it even better then my ipod (i am also hooked up on audiobooks)

  6. Ich lese gerade Iron King auf deutsch und es ist liebe :) Vielleicht magst du dir das deutsche Cover mal anschauen es heißt Plötzlich Fee, ich finde das Make up super schön....

  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my kindle! It will save you money in the long run if you frequently buy new books (if you buy used, you will probably spend more to buy them on the kindle) The thing I love best is all the free books you can get on the kindle. There are blogs and email newsletters telling you about all the books you can get for free, and when one sounds interesting I download it to read later. I probably have 50 books that I have accumulated all for free. I have found some great authors this way. I find the kindle so convenient for many reasons, but that is by far my top favorite :)

  8. LOVE my Kindle! If I were Oprah it would be one of my favorite things.

    I have the one with 3G so I LOVE being able to shop for books ANYWHERE. A lot of the classics are free which is great. I always keep it in my bag so I read so much more than I used to since I can read anywhere and I can switch books at anytime, I don't have to think about what I want to read then put it in my purse because my kindle is like a portable library. Can't say enough wonderful things about it...

  9. Anonymous10:26 pm

    schau erst mal nach, welche Formate der ebookreader so kann. Wir haben uns für den oyo von Thalia (deutsche Buchhandlungskette) entschieden, weil der mehr ebookformate kann als der kindle, der ziemlich amazonabhängig ist. Leider gibt es für ebooks kein einheitliches Format oder Geräte, die alle Formate können. Das kann ziemlich nervig werden, übrigens gerade auch, wenn man gerne Fantasy liest und auch mal in den USA oder GB ordert.
    LG Marion

  10. Ich liebe George R R Martins Lied von Eis und Feuer. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, dass jetzt endlich das neuste Buch erscheint. Es hat über 5 Jahre gedauert, Folter!

  11. I liked the Julie Kagawa series ;)


    I mean it seemed a little like Twilight for me (of course every fantasy book involves some type of young-adult love and mystical creatures) but ohhhh Jace! I just can't stress how much-

    No. I won't ruin it for you :)

  13. i love mortal instruments! i cant wait to finally read the 4th one. i'm hoping for good things since i did quite enjoy clockwork angel

  14. dancingberlioz1:10 pm

    Buying a Kindle was the best thing I have done for ages! The 3G version is fantastic as you can download just about anywhere but we also bought the ordinary wi-fi one for my dad (who never goes anywhere!) and he is just as addicted to Kindle now. The range of free books on Project Guttenburg etc is amazing and new books are usually much cheaper than the hardback alternative. Get one ... you will not be disappointed!

  15. i still want to get a kindle just cant afford one at the minute, i do have the kobo reader on my ipod touch and i love that, loads of free books on it too!

    shel xx

  16. Anonymous6:52 am

    I like to read my e-books on my Ipad

  17. Hallo,

    ich liiiiebe die mortal instruments :D habe die Bücher auf deutsch und englisch gelesen und freue mich so, dass die Bücher verfilmt werden sollen :D
    Die anderen kenne ich nur vom Namen, habe mir beim 2. Buch aber auch schon oft überlegt, ob ich es mir kaufen soll.


  18. I loved the Mortal Instruments series but I'm also disappointed by City of Fallen Angels. Actually, I don't think it's as bad as mentioned in a few reviews on Amazon, but...nah, it's strange :)
    Cassandra Clare already wrote a first book to a new series, it's called "Clockwork Angel" - just in case you missed that and since you liked the Mortal Instruments series. By the way, I like Clockwork Angel better than City of Fallen Angels :)

    Have fun reading your books! :)

  19. Thanks to your blog about these books I'm now reading City Of Bones. I haven't gotten very far yet but so far, I love it. Thanks for recommending!
