
18 Jun 2011

Weightloss Update: Getting Toned

A lot of you have been asking how things are going with my diet and lifestyle change. I'm happy to say that things are still going really well, I've been very motivated with doing work-outs, focusing more on building muscle and toning. I do all my workouts at home, I don't go to the gym or exercise classes. I barely go on the scale anymore, just keep track of my changing body shape. Watch my update video below, I talk in detail about my exercise routine and food plan.


  1. you look great! keep it up!

  2. Looking fabulous!!

  3. HI what size are you julia? Because you said your goal is size 12? UK size? you seem way smaller !!

  4. you are just like someone else from the first time i saw u. you ARE awesome!

  5. You look fantastic! Congratulations on all of your hard work!

  6. Congratulations! You should be proud of yourself! We all are very proud of you. :))) What matters is not size, weight scale but that you feel good

  7. Even your face changed a lot and you really look much-much better. Keep up!

  8. Anonymous11:41 pm

    you look so great
    and your living room is awesame!

  9. You are very inspirational. High fives to you!!!

  10. omg wow great job!!!! you look great

  11. Emilia4:52 am

    you look great!! I'm going to try your weithloss program!!! keep it up!!

  12. Congrats! You look amazing!

  13. You look fantastic Julia! Thank you for sharing :)

  14. Hi Julia,
    tolle Ergebnisse! Kannst sehr stolz auf dich sein!
    Wo hast du die DVDs gekauft? Über Ebay (wenn ja, wie heißt der Seller?)
    Funktionieren die DVDs auch hier ein Europa auf dem DVD-Player, obwohl sie aus den USA sind?
    Danke & LG

  15. Ciao Julia,

    Your looking super sexy now... keep up the great work.
    I love your channel, you are such an inspiration to me. Thank you!!

    I was hoping that you would be able to check out my Beauty Blog and if you liked it, could you follow. It would mean the world to me. Thanks so much love!!!

    Wishing you a very beautiful day!!

    Hugs & Kisses

  16. Hey Julia,

    You look great! Thanks to you, not only do I now have nicer fingernails than I did several months ago, but I'm also getting started with P90X. It's certainly challenging, but I think that's exactly what so many other workouts lack. Keep up your amazing work, and thanks so much for sharing your progress and meal ideas.

  17. Always thought you looked great! But you are inspiring! You might actually get me back on to P90X!

  18. Wow! You look so healthy & toned. I'm inspired.

  19. Anonymous6:53 am

    Julia, you look great and I also love tha fact that you started empasizing the importance of healthy life style. All these beauty gurus just ramble about cosmetic, and the truth is that beauty comes from the inside. Literally, you are what you eat, but nobody wants to change that. It is easier to get a new face cream!

  20. congrats..I wish that I could have that ambition!keep feeling fresh:)):D

  21. Keep up the good work, you looking awesome ^^.

  22. WOW!

    du siehst einfach klasse aus!!

    ich habe mich auch endlich zusammengerissen und werde meine ernährung umgestalten und mit dem sport anfangen ;))

    könntest du mir vielleicht eine art shoutout geben, da mein blog überhaupt keine abonnenten hat? es wäre schön, wenn ich auch leser hätte, mit denen icj mich austauschen könnte.

    mach weiter so, ich bewundere dich! =)


  23. OMG! You have like the perfect body now! You look so strong, healthy and glowing! Such an inspiration to all of us. Great job!

  24. Anonymous11:49 pm

    you know what, i've been looking at this for quite a while..I'm not that fat, I'm actually out of shape, so I would lose weight a lot faster than you...but I never pluck up the courage to just DO IT! to start a workout routine, abandon sugar once and for all, make Coke a memory...I just wanted to congratulate you for what you've done! Personally, I think you look GREAT in this video, I really think you don't need to lose any more weight, but you know...we all see things differently.

    Basically...congrats on what you've done, for your perseverence and will to look this faboulous!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. you ve done so good
    i have been working out every day or almost every day for at least year and 3 month and have lost 40 pounds at kind of stopped on that level for a long time... not sure why
    working out more and eating less and still not loosing
    going to start another boot camp next monday
    hopefully will move more weight, i can move more:))
    just strange.... but wanted to say thank you coz your videos and your result is amazing and its inspiring
    thank and good luck with all

  27. Anonymous12:33 am

    Hi Julia!

    Your food looks absolutely delicious and I'll steal some of your ideas for my dinners in the future (if you don't mind :)).

    I have a question: did your boyfriend also loose some weight with this kind of meal system?

  28. Anonymous6:21 am

    hello!! congrats for hardwork and are so beautiful..ingat..thats PHILIPPINE language word..ipagpatuloy mo lang means that just continue what you are doing..GOD bless

  29. Julia, have you tried using an anticellulite/fat-blasting cream for the last remaining parts of fat? I didn't use to trust them, because I always thought they're just marketing and nothing else, but I tried Elancyl - Ventre Plat a few weeks ago and it works. Combined with exercise and diet, it really works! Started the decrease in my belly, when exercise and diet just weren't cutting it. Strongly recommend it.
