
25 Jul 2011

Food Haul!

I did some food shopping and decided it might be interesting to share what I bought with you, and talk about why I purchase the things I do. Sometimes it can be hard to know what is actually good for us and what isn't, especially when there's so many ready-made meals out there that claim to be diet or low fat. The best thing you can do for your body though is to feed it fresh foods, especially produce. Check out my video below for further tips!


  1. Anonymous3:13 pm

    This video was amazing! Yes, please post more (:

  2. Maybe it will be good to make a video also about what to drink, most people are drinking stuff like cola or other sweetened lemonade. So I think this would be also helpful ;-)

  3. Loved it! You really inspire me, post more! ;)

  4. This is inspiring !! I have to go food shopping now so i will concentrate on the vegetables, though I knew it before you post that video. But this one ring a bell :)
    The only "problem" is that you can not buy them for a couple of weeks, it rots too fast ...

  5. Anonymous11:54 pm

    i love the health kick stuff i am also on it.. i am also a certified personal trainer and love the idea of eating healthier for a better body and mind. also love your make up tutorials on youtube, i just started a make up blog and am new to this check me out at


  6. Can you show the recipe of your birchermuesli that you had mentioned in one of your videos. Thanks!

  7. Anonymous7:34 pm

    i love these type of videos and maybe you will make a video about what should we drink during the diet
