
11 Jul 2011

From Flab to Not So Bad

Before I start this off, can I just say I felt like the biggest douche taking this picture? A bit like a silver back gorilla showing off to a potential mate - I am alpha, hear me roar!

Toning and firming up my arms has been one of the main goals during this whole weight loss and fitness overhaul. Even when I was skinny, my arms had always been on the flabby side and it always made me feel pudgy, especially in pictures of the top half of my body. This progress pic is where I'm at right now - I don't have any before pictures but they were fat and flabby and no muscle definition whatsoever. When I flex after a workout now, I can definitely feel muscles, and the flabby part of my arms (especially on the bottom) has definitely diminished a lot. I'm not exactly where I want to be yet, but I'm getting there.

I have to say I am still a major weakling when it comes to push-ups. At least I can do more than when I started (which was about zero) but I just can't get very far down yet. Oh well - I know I'll get there eventually. My goal is to eventually be able to do Plyo push-ups where you leave the ground with the top half of your body between push ups. That will definitely be a while yet though!

My goal has never been to be skinny and weak, my goal is to be fit and strong. I did a lot of weight and resistance training, combined with cardio to get these results so far. Of course you need to watch what you eat if you want to reduce flab and see muscle definition - like they say, a six-pack starts in the kitchen. I use the P90X fitness DVDs for most of my strength work outs.


  1. Anonymous4:53 pm

    you look great keep up the good work!

  2. All I have to say is mrower!!! You are fricking awesome and inspiring!

  3. Because of you I am at the first recovery week of P90X Lean. So remember that your pics and videos really do inspire people. :-)

  4. Oh I love that you are seeing results from P90X. I am not up to that level yet(still doing Zumba on my Wii and WiiFitPlus), but am excited to continue my journey. Seeing your results helps keep me motivated. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Christian Dior MAK5:43 pm

    amazing!! u look beautiful!

  6. Wow - your arms look great, strong and toned! All this is from P90x? I know you started on elliptical (i think) but have you predominantly been doing P90x for the last little while ( along with a healthy diet) or have you had other workouts in there as well?

  7. Anonymous6:38 pm

    Wow! Das muss echt hart sein ^__^'
    Weiter so :) ich werde das auch mal versuchen und
    deine Videos sind echt motivierend :) danke dafür ^__^
    liebe grüße

  8. omg ur doing amazing! I know wut u mean about the pushups. ive been exercising for awhile but pushups r such a weakness for me. I cannot do any of those clapping pushups. ive tried a few times but it doesnt work. right now im taking a hula hopp fitness class. u burn about 100 calories every 10 minutes, its amazing :)

  9. congrats, looks great!

  10. I know EXACTLY what you mean about the arms. I have hated my arms - through thick and thin. I am currently on a new journey in life - finding the skinnier me (60lbs down and about 90 to go) and I am actually fairly excited to see my flab turn to muscle in my arms :)

  11. wow you've really toned up well, keep it up :)

  12. Nice job! My arms need some work, now that I think about it... there is a difference between just being skinny, and being toned. I would like to tone up a bit more and this is motivating!

  13. Oh. my. god.
    ich wäre so glücklich wenn ich solche arme hätte, echt beneidenswert! =)
    ich hoffe, dass ich mich am sport ranhalten kann und dann ebenso tolle erfolge erleben darf.

    mach weiter so, hübsches!

    gaaaaanz liebe grüsse ebenfalls aus der schweiz ;)

  14. Anonymous7:57 am

    julia plz tell me what kind of workout ,exercise i should do before start p90x,like u said in ur video this is tough if u dont do any kind of workout...:((
    plz tell me so i can also start p90x..
