
13 Jul 2011

My Fitness Diary (4)

Since I made a resolution in my last Fitness Diary entry, I recorded all my workouts this week to see if I stuck on track. Here's what I accomplished.

Wed July 6: 60 minutes Plyometrics (P90X)
Thu July 7: Rest day
Fri July 8: 40 Minutes Plyometric Cardio Circuit (Insanity)
Sat July 9: Rest day (attended an all-day and night wedding)
Sun July 10: Rest day (hang-over from the wedding)
Mon July 11: 60 Minutes Chest and Shoulders (P90X)
Tue July 12: 45 mins elliptical machine
Wed July 14: 40 mins elliptical machine

Not too bad! Attending that wedding set me back a bit as I was totally hung over and groggy the next day and in no shape to do any physical activity that went beyond vegging on the couch pushing buttons on the TV remote. I would have liked to get some more weight lifting in there but that Chest and Shoulders routine was so incredibly tough, I'm still feeling my muscle aches now.

Nutrition wise I have really stayed on track. Except for the wedding, no cheat meals and not too much alcohol either - yay! My fridge looks extremely green and colorful :)

A bit of advice:
When you start a new workout routine, especially when you work out to home fitness DVDs like I do, or even if you join an aerobics class of some sort, you'll probably run into the problem that in the beginning you won't be able to get through the whole program. Don't worry! Try your best, take mid-set breaks, do what you can and stop when you feel like you're over exerting yourself. You won't be able to keep up with the instructor and do all the reps. This might make you feel frustrated and you may even want to throw in the towel. We've all been there - this is completely normal. Your body is adjusting to the increased physical activity and if you keep going with it regularly, you will be able to get through the whole work out eventually. Even if you look completely stupid and awkward attempting to do the moves, you will get better and stronger.

Start out slow. If you are completely out of shape and do zero exercise, a super high-intensity boot camp workout will probably not be the right thing for most people. Don't jump in at the deep end! You'll just feel even more frustrated and you will probably over-exert yourself. Start slow and work your way up. This might mean simply going for a brisk walk every day for 30 minutes, or biking to work instead of driving. The important thing is finding the right level for you, pushing yourself to work as hard as you can without going to the extreme, which might actually be dangerous.

Good luck! On to week 2 for me :)


  1. Hi! I love when you post about your fitness routine. You are a motivation to me. You would show too your fitness place (where you pratice). Thank you for share this with us.


  2. Anonymous6:21 pm

    I have the same program, it's true that it's extremely difficult, and sometimes I give up, haha. But you'll make it there. You've inspired me and now I've been eating healthy for two weeks and try going jogging for 30 minutes everyday. After jogging and before I go to bed, I do 50x sit-ups and 30x push-ups. Going good so far! Good luck to everyone and thanks Julia! xx
    -Maria L.

  3. Any chance you will do some food diaries for your blog? After three months of really working on going to the gym regularly, I have the working out part of my healthy lifestyle plan down, but I'm still working on the food part haha! Your recipes and videos have been so helpful in giving me ideas. :)

  4. Anonymous6:49 pm

    The best thing for sore muscles is to use a foam roll. They sell them by the yoga products and they come with a how-to poster. It really makes a difference in recovery time from hard workouts!

  5. I started p90x with 2 of my best friends. It really makes a difference if you have some workout buddies. We started with the lean version and did every workout 4 weeks long. This week we took a break and next week we start again with the 2nd phase. P90x is so cool, thanks for mentioning it!

  6. Hi Julia,

    I have been looking into the p90x and I am in doubt wether or not I should invest in this program, since -as you know- it is not cheap. The science sounds reliable and I've seen some amazing reviews. However I also know that I am a sucker for a good marketing story. That's why I would love to hear your opinion. Would you say this program is helpful for getting results (toning body) if you follow instructions. I'm committed to do the work If only I knew what I have to do. My current exercise routing doesn't seem to work (anymore) (strength, aerobics, dance and yoga).

    Would you repurchase?
    And where did you order the set?
    (Seems to be unavailable in the Netherlands and I prefer to order within Europe)

    If you could spear a few minutes of your time, would love to hear from you.

    Kind regards

  7. this is amazing to see how your dedication and hard work has gotten you. Congrats and because of you I think I will start my fitness diary. It is a great way to actually keep up with it because there is support. Thank you! Shave wanted keep track of a fitness path but never could. I will make sure tocontinue :-)
