
23 Aug 2011

5 pounds of Makeup

Have you ever wondered what 5 pounds of makeup (about 2kg) looks like? Wonder no more!

About a few months ago I finally came to the point where I realized I needed to go through my collection and do a massive purge. I've been procrastinating until today where I finally got sick of seeing all this stuff just sitting around not being used, so I've thrown away a bunch of lipgloss and lipstick, and this is what still can be used.

I haven't completed my purge, I still have several drawers to go through and one whole cabinet of random stuff. I feel like I'm drowning in makeup, and hoarding all this stuff is taking the fun out of it for me. I'd rather have a smaller collection of products I actually use and enjoy, than have fives tubes of old lipstick stashed somewhere of the same hideous color family that I no longer wear.

If you're wondering where this is going, I don't think I'll be doing a blog sale quite yet. Most of this stuff is not high end, and with shipping costs being what they are in Switzerland, it would make no economic sense to sell them. Some of the things were sent by PR companies, which I obviously wouldn't sell for monetary gain, but the majority is my own.

I might do a blog sale if I have a bunch of high end makeup I want to be rid of, but for now I'm handing out this stuff to friends and family members for free. I'd be happy if someone else got enjoyment out of it.

Have you ever done a massive purge of your collection? How did you feel after?

Update: Thanks to some of your suggestions, I'm currently trying to find out from a local women's shelter if they will accept my makeup as a form of donation to the women they are hosting. I sent an email to see if they would like it, that would be an awesome thing to do and would make me feel not bad at all for getting rid of all this stuff!


  1. Anonymous2:52 pm

    You could've given them awaaay! Haha, but it's a nice feeling to just get rid of stuff you don't need. Like there's now place for something new!

  2. No, I have never done a "massive purge", because my entire 'collection' consists of similar number of products that your handing out to your friends. :D Funny though, I wish I could have them! :)

  3. I just moved 900 miles away to a new house, and before (and even now) I'm doing a purge of everything I own. By that, I mean I'm going through everything and getting rid of anything old, unwanted, anything emotionally tied to something I don't care to remember or have moved past (such as tokens from high school). I got rid of any nailpolish shades I have not and will not wear, and all polishes that contain formaldehyde. My polish collection is now small but contains only colours I love wearing. I got rid of any makeup I don't use/don't like, and if it was high end I gave it away. Currently I'm going through clothes, getting rid of any that I don't wear, don't like, doesn't fit, or that isn't sexy or flattering, giving some of the nice stuff away. It is liberating, and I feel like I am free to move on, grow some more, maybe try some new things, and will probably go through this process again in a few more years to make even more room to grow and move on. If you are the spiritual type (any religion), this can be spiritually liberating as well.

  4. I just cleaned out my collection recently. It felt good to get rid of all the things I never used. Now my makeup storage is clean and I can actually see things without having to dig through what seems like bottomless pits, lol :)

  5. I have so little make up I can't afford to do a purge :/ I buy the cheap stuff and it just doesn't end up getting used because it sucks. I think the most I ever spent on something was 15 dollars... but that stuff is AWESOME, so I guess it is worth it.

    When you buy your make up is it mostly in person in shops? or online? Not too familiar with European shops, but here in France (where I reside, I'm american) we have sephora and yves rocher and that's about all.

  6. I always purge out! I want to keep things simple esp. with makeup! ;D

  7. damn girl, that is a good amount of leftover.. i remember watching your make up organization and i was so jealous.. you should do a new make up organization once you're finished organizing.

  8. Oh wow :p you got nice products there . I dont throw away products, only if they are out of guaranty :p

  9. Anonymous3:21 pm

    I realized as well one day I just had way too much make up and I did the purge. I've gone to a cream base makeup,cover up & powder I'm a fan of the Revlon and use their Photo Ready line..I think wears very nicely I have gotten so many compliments. I also use the Revlon eyeshadow pot in silver/black, tan/deep brown and 2 mascaras one for lengthening and one for plumping and the cream pot eyeliner. I have 3 lipsticks by HardCandy in a pink,brown and nude. I have black hair and a tan 1/2 the year so these colors are so versatile for any occasion and any time of year. One set of eco friendly real hair bristle brushes which were really worth the investment and a tube of toothpaste---for cleaning the brushes, it works fabulous and removes any oil residue from the bristles and black cream pot liner and sanitizes them. After cleaning them with the toothpaste the makeup goes on so much better and I clean them once a week. With keeping my make up to a minimum in the morning all I have to do is throw my makeup bag in my purse and go.. no fuss, no bulk.

  10. Anonymous3:23 pm

    Ich wünschte ich hätte so viel Zeug!Ich bin fasziniert das du es einfach weg geben kannst.Ich kann mich nur sehr schwer von Dingen trennen besonders von Schminke oder Accesoires.Ich freue mich aber für Dich denn es ist echt eine Erleichterung für die Seele alten Balast abzuwerfen.
    Eine Frage hab ich aber noch.Hast du es schon mal geschafft ein Produkt wie zum Beispiel Lippenstift oder Lidschatten vollständig aufzubrauchen?
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland und weiterhin viel Glück für das Voting!

  11. I would have paid for the LOT haha makeup in Aus is way to expensive.. I try and buy as much of it as possible online :)

  12. i just did this last week! it was such a relief when I was done... my draws are so much neater

  13. Viola3:44 pm

    you could also make a little contest or a lottery

  14. I do it every month or two. Everything I don´t need and didn´t use twice goes on eBay. So I have an overview about my things. And it is so releasing.

  15. can't wait for the blog sale!! ;)

  16. Anonymous3:54 pm

    when I lived with my sister, we shared all of our makeup (Which mostly I used) but when we moved we had to divid what was hers and what was mine. So that was kind of a purge, but not really. It made me realize how little makeup I actually own compared to before, yet compared to many people I know, I still have 10x as much as they do xD I just don't understand how people can't have any makeup.

  17. my sister is a single mother of 2 in graduate school. her budget is super tight. i purged an entire grocery bag full of makeup. she was so grateful that it made me really happy to do it. i let my collection get too big. it took the fun out of it for me too. plus i've learned a lot over the years of what i'll use and what will sit there. so purging was therapeutic.

  18. I have a fairly small collection but I did a recent purge of the things I no longer use and it was good. Now everything I have I love and use regularly.

  19. wahh...give it to me as present (:

  20. Anonymous4:59 pm

    I've done a massive purge last month and gave it all to my best friend whos just starting out in makeup. She was really really happy and it made me feel good that someone would get to use what I wasn't.

  21. Anonymous5:33 pm

    Yes I have done purge by giving it to my sisters

  22. Anonymous5:34 pm

    Do i spy Tesco cosmetic wipes in the background? ..Most of the products i can see are the sort of makes i would buy, not neccessarily those colours though LOL. Due to the nature of your hobby (makeup guru) i guess its inevitable you will end up with loads of stuff you either dont need or want and we all buy things now n then we regret. Could you not offer them to anyone whos prepared to pay for the shipping costs themselves and only send them when you have received the costs ... too much mucking around i guess, that i can understand

  23. I go thru my collection at least once a year and I just give it away to family/friends. I haul like crazy but my collection only consist of things I like/love/or use.

  24. Anonymous5:43 pm

    Just read your update .. donating to a women shelter .. oh i hope they say yes, that would be fantastic and a MUCH better idea than i first suggested which was ..."offer it to anyone prepared to pay shipping costs etc" good luck Julia xo :-)

    P.S. i dont like choosing the "annonymous" option, but i dont have a clue what the others are, i recognise "google account" and know i have one, but i dont have a bloomin clue how to access it :/ .. take care xo

  25. One of my resolutions for 2011 was to use makeup I buy,discard the products nearing expiry dates & giveaway the rest.
    I recently shifted house and I took a hard look at my makeup collection,weeded out what I didn't use anymore,and have focused on retaining quality products which I actually use.
    One important lesson from this exercise was it made me realize how much hard earned money have I wasted(many of the items were barely used).Now I think long & hard before buying new products.
    The entire purging experience has been liberating and deeply satisfying.I'd highly recommend it

  26. its a really good idea to see if the shelter would take it i would never have thought of that

    shel xx

  27. I would be pleased if you send me some of your stuff! lol

    Un saludito!

  28. u wont belive ystrday i ws thnking u must be hving a room full of make up products.......... n there u go............. muuuaaahhhhhhhhh
    lovly cosmectics u got ............... i hve some of these thngs.........

  29. No, I don't have this courage! But I feel that I need to do this too!

  30. I actually do a mini purge about once a month or so and off load the less loved items onto my sisters who are only too happy to receive what I give them. The only things I physically cannot separate myself from are makeup brushes!!

  31. Anonymous9:28 pm

    Love the idea of donating it to the womens shelter, I've been doing that with all my old cell phones and eye glasses since I was a teenager...hope they take it:) I purge my wardrobe, makeup and hairproducts a coiple times a year, when ever I'm starting to feel overwhelmed by it...great liberating feeling!!

  32. Hi Julia! I was searching for make up photos on the Internet and I found this website selling make up classes with your photoghraph so I'm letting you know in case they haven't asked for permisson (wich I think they have not)
    Sorry for my english :)

  33. I just purged some nyx jumbo eyeshadow pencils a few weeks ago. I wasn't using them and I thought just using too faced shadow insurance was enough for me. I also felt like I had too much stuff, and purged a few more items. It felt great!

  34. Anonymous11:24 pm

    when i do this i seel it on ebay in bundles, people buy used makeup if its in good condition and clean, i always clean my stuff with alcohol wipe n everything, you get rid of your make up, it doesnt go to wase, u make little bit of cash...not enough to feel guilty about and someone gets a bargain...?

  35. Seiona1:14 am

    Lol Seeing your pile reminds me i need to go buy a Kabuki Brush!

  36. this is a great thing to do. We hold on to these items thinking maybe later I'll use them but never do, so glad you did it!

  37. Anonymous3:35 am

    Dear Julia, my name is Kely I am from Brazil.
    If I lived near you I'll love to receive some makeups from you.
    I like too much your job and your makeups.
    Kisses of your brasilian fan.
    kind regards

    see you

  38. Anonymous3:48 am

    Hi Julia!! I know this is off the subject but I have a wedding I'm in and would looove to know how to achieve Megan Foxs big waves. The picture of her I'm referring to is the one where she's in a plundging neckline long sleeve, red mini dress at the Johnah Hex Premiere. I love that look and would love to achieve it. If you have time I'd also love to have input on her make up. Thank you!!

  39. Oh I did a hugely massive purge when I decided to teach abroad in Korea. I threw all the items into a blog sale, and made maybe $250 from all the makeup I didn't use.

  40. I'm so glad to have seen this post in my reader. I've been wondering what to do with the makeup I don't use. It's perfectly good but not enough quantity wise to have a sale. I think I will be checking my local women shelters to see if they will accept it as well.

  41. Paphiopedilum2:34 am

    Ja ab und zu muß man mal ausmisten. Auch wenns teilweise schwer fällt Sachen wegzugeben, die man mal toll fand, und die so oder so ja auch Geld gekostet haben, aber was man nicht benutzt ist halt letztlich nur Ballast, und Platz hat wahrscheinlich ja auch kaum jemand übrig; gerade wenn mengenmäßig eh eine gewisse Makeup Ansammlung vorhanden ist. Ich find das mit dem Frauenhaus auch eine super Idee, hoffentlich können die was damit anfangen. Wär cool wenn sich da dann jemandem damit eine Freude machen könnte! Mit verschenken im Bekanntenkreis ist das immer so eine Sache, finde ich; bei Dir ist das was Anderes, denn Deine Bekannten wissen ja, daß Du viel Kosmetika geschickt bekommst, die Du ganz logischerweise nicht alle selber gebrauchen kannst, und daß Du einfach auch gern und viel testest. Daß da dann ein gewisser Überschuß entsteht, liegt auf der Hand. Ich persönlich kommm mir leicht irgendwie bissl komisch vor, wenn ich Sachen verschenke, wo dann irgendwie ja klar ist, daß ich selber diese nicht mehr benutzen will, aber jemand Anderem würde ich sie schon "zumuten"... Mir hat auch schon mal jemand eiskalt ins Gesicht gesagt, daß das eine Frechheit ist, daß ich ihr meine abgelegten Schminksachen geben tät, die erstens ja bereits angebraucht sind, und mir selber zweitens offenbar nicht mehr gut genug... Das finde ich zwar auch im Nachhinein noch undankbar und durchaus dreist, aber seither bin ich da etwas vorsichtiger geworden. Wahrscheinlich zu unrecht, aber sowas sitzt halt irgendwie...

  42. marlyn8:57 am

    Hi Julia can i have one of your blush on.. i will use it on my wedding day on november.. i just have a dark color of skin.. hard for me to find good blush on...its very expensive the mac make up.. :( i just used local brand make up here in Philippines. more power to you

  43. Good blog: You should start many more. I love all the info provided. I will stay tuned:)

  44. Anonymous1:42 am

    Is this is a cucumber wipes on your table ? :D
