
29 Sept 2011

In Bravo & Israeli newspaper

I'm really not on the ball for publishing where I appeared in the press, so here's a whole slew of them!

In March 2011 my channel was mentioned in BRAVO, a famous German teen trend and celebrity magazine, as one of the Top 10 Youtube beauty channels.

In September 2011 I was featured in an Israeli newspaper (without my knowledge) in an article on Youtube beauty videos. If you can read Hebrew, here is the article (link). Thanks Avital for the translation:

Our best friend: MissChievous

Julia, a normal looking Swiss gal, is an avid pop culture fan who is fast to recreate, at home conditions and with great precision, looks from video clips, movies and magazine productions. With eloquence and captivating attitude Julia doesn't miss any good make up look and she will teach you how to apply make up to look like Katy Perry and Blake Lively did on their last photo shoot.

The atmosphere: fun pop funk and the inspiration sources include Kim Kardashian and Emma Watson on their last premiere. Highly recommended: with all due respect to the Kardashian sisters, this video, where Julia speaks in German (and stumbles upon the products' names), demonstrates the fun vibe of her channel.

LOL what a funny write up! :)

Then today I was featured on also in article about Halloween tutorials. You can check out the full article here (link). My Spider Queen and recent Tinkerbell tutorial are mentioned - yay!

If you want to see where else I have been interviewed or mentioned in the past, click here.


  1. Ist die Bravo nicht von 2009 oder so?

  2. hihihihi you hit google translate...

  3. We (me and the rest who has bee watching/following you for long time now) are so happy for you. I hope you keep reaching many more with your talent! ^.*

  4. Anonymous4:51 pm

    WOW, finde das super, dass du so oft gefeatured wirst, hoffe es geht immer so weiter !
    Liebe deine Make Ups !

    Liebe Grüße

  5. That's great for you!!

  6. Alina Fernanda5:49 pm

    Julia, CONGRAAAATS!!

    Well, I just think you have to be on the top of the list! I was taking a look on other channels of that list, but they were not so interesting like yours. You deserve to be there!!
    Oh, sorry! My english is suck! --'

    Bye =*

  7. Alina Fernanda5:51 pm

    (here again)

    For halloween I'll do the dark Angel look! And I'll send a picture to you =)

  8. That's awesome! I'm happy for you ;]

  9. Anonymous7:56 pm

    I don't even know the other two channels which are ahead of you in that list... and I know quite a lot of German make-up channels o.ö Weird...

  10. Hi Julia, this is my translation for the Hebrew article [which was very flattering to you]:

    Our best friend: MissChiveous

    Julia, a normal looking Swiss gal, is an avid pop culture fan who is fast to recreate, at home conditions and with great precision, looks from video clips, movies and magazine productions. With eloquence and captivating attitude Julia doesn't miss any good make up look and she will teach you how to apply make up to look like Katy Perry and Blake Lively did on their last photo shoot.

    The atmosphere: fun pop funk and the inspiration sources include Kim Kardashian and Emma Watson on their last premiere. Highly recommended: with all due respect to the Kardashian sisters, this video, where Julia speaks in German (and stumbles upon the products' names), demonstrates the fun vibe of her channel.

    I do want to ask though, why did you find the need to stress that the article was published without tour knowledge. Do other journalists ask your permission in advance?

  11. Thanks Avital for the translation!

  12. Congrats! Very inspirational to other bloggers/ YouTubers out there :)

  13. Paphiopedilum11:21 pm

    Freut mich für Dich! Du machst das echt super, und ich wünsche Dir noch viele weitere Abonnenten!

  14. Anonymous8:38 am

    I had no idea people know you here in Israel! I should have guessed, though, you're awesome enough for the whole world to know you :)
