
26 Oct 2011

Am I Insane Enough? My Fitness Diary (8)

I'm undertaking the biggest challenge I have faced so far fitness wise. Yes, I'm going to attempt to do the Insanity plan from start to finish for the next 60 days. Well it's actually 62 days but who's counting?

This is the 60-day plan that comes with the Insanity DVD - they aren't kidding around, they mean business. I printed out the plan on a calender to keep track of what I need to do each day.

October is nearly complete so here's November and December...and no I don't work out at midnight, my printer randomly added those time slots.

It's composed of daily workouts, six times a week. The first 4 weeks are already hard with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for about 40 minutes each, then 1 week of "recovery" (which is pretty much more cardio but not as hard), then 4 weeks of general mayhem with HIIT workouts that are about an hour in length. Most workouts combine cardio training with strength (push-ups, squats, lunges, abs, etc.)

This is not a workout plan that I would recommend for beginners - it's way too much if you're just getting started. Remember, I've been training since January where I started with about 2-3 sessions of moderate exercise per week. I've also been doing Insanity off and on for the past month or more, but never according to the given plan because quite frankly, it's a bit crazy!

So why now? Basically, I've hit a plateau - I'm pretty happy where I am physically, but I want to have more of an athletic figure. No matter what I do, my last bit of remaining stomach fat is still "there" and I know that's ok, but I want to really challenge myself. I want to see if I can actually do this and get in the best shape of my life - physically and mentally. I'm not sure if I will be able to get through this program, but here's hoping.

I could have timed this better. It means I'll be under a strict nutrition plan up until Christmas, which means goodbye all the Christmas cookies, cakes, and liqueurs. I've decided to completely give up alcohol for this period - no more wine with dinner. I won't be changing my actual food plan much from what I'm already eating since I'm quite good with that as is. I still eat a lot of food and large portions, I never go hungry. I've recently added in magnesium supplements to help recover my muscles, since magnesium deficiency is quite common with increased sports activities.

I still don't know how strict I will be with myself during this. I somehow can't see myself not eating anything sweet or lovely for the next two months, as that is part of the Christmas holiday traditions for me, but let's see. It also means I'll have to continue my workouts when I'm on holiday this year in Vancouver - I fly out on December 20. I'm sure I will have to skip days here and there, but I'm going to try my hardest.

Why Insanity?

I love the effectiveness of the workouts and how quickly time flies. The music is not annoying, and the trainer Shaun actually motivates me, instead of making corny jokes like on other DVDs. It's a workout DVD that is very gender-neutral, unlike Turbofire which is aimed clearly at women. I like the fact that none of the women in Insanity seem to have fake boobs (as far as I can tell.) I also like how most of the workouts are done standing up, I really am not much of a lying-down-on-a-mat-doing-Pilates girl, I love the energy of jumping around. It's incredibly high energy and really tough, but somehow I like it. If you're serious about getting into the best shape of your life and don't have any problems with your joints and doing high impact sports - this is a great workout DVD.

I took some before pictures today - I can't wait to see how my body will transform after this!

Do you have any fitness or dietary goals in the period leading up to the holiday season? Please share in the comments!


  1. Do you have any recommendations as to exercises that would be good to do on a 2nd floor apartment? I'm a student so a gym is too expensive and my neighborhood is not that safe so I can't be outside as much as I would like. These two things put a lot of restrictions into any activity and right now I desperately need to be at a healthier weight and fitness level.

    Thank you =)

  2. wow Julia :) this is awesome! Even Im thinking of getting Insanity. I need to lose 30 pounds :(

  3. Anonymous10:47 pm

    I started the P90x programme, the first week I did them all, the second week one or two less. Now I'm doing 3 or 4 per week, I think it's not the best programme for me, it's to long, and a little boring. so I would like to try the INTANSITY, it looks more fun, and shorter.

  4. Anonymous10:49 pm

    you are super inspiring, Julia!! I have a weight loss plan and have just lost 7 pounds as of today, and I'm really looking to kickstart my gym routine for christmas! I have lots of roommates in a small house so I can't really do workout dvd's, but I am doing lots of stuff at the gym on my own. It's time all alone which I need and I feel so good after! Can't wait to see your pictures, lots of love from Canada!

  5. This is just insane! :D I hoff mega dasdes durehaltisch! Hamer das Kurzvideo agluegt und mues säge dasi wohrschiins scho nach de erschte 5 minute abkratze würd.. :D I bi i miner 3. Wuche vom Metamorphosis programm by tracy anderson und finds bis jetzt super toll. (Döt muesme au 6x in de Wuche dra und s isch alles andere als es Zuckerschläcke) Freu mi jetzt scho uf dini Before/After föteli! keep on the good work! lovely greetings from Basel <3

  6. Wow, das klingt wirklich anstrengend.
    Ich hab auch ein Ziel, ich will endlich 10km durchlaufen können. Ich sollte mir auch einen Plan ausdrucken und aufhängen, damit ich immer wieder daran erinnert werde.

  7. Hi Julia, this is aawesome. I was wondering where you got the DVDs. Actually, I live in Germany and they don't ship overseas, do they? That's what I read on there homepage, I guess. Well, I wanted to get them, too, because I'd love to challenge myself as you do.
    By the way, you are such an inspiration to me. I love your videos, your style, your make-up. You are simply an awesome person.
    I'm on my losing-weight journey as well. Since a blog seems very helpful for this whole weight thing, I have my own little one. :) Wish you all the best and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I know that you can do this. Lots of love from Germany!

  8. I love the littel calender you did! Would you mind sharing the template of it with us? I would love to do the insanity 60 days challange since my problem is also the last layer of fat on my tummy and my legs..but I don't know if i am fit in of to keep this routine for 60 days... but you are super motivaring and I wish you just the best!

  9. Anonymous11:25 pm

    Ich beneide dich um dein Durchhaltevermoegen!

  10. Anonymous11:32 pm

    Do you mean 12:00 pm, or do you really plan your workouts for midnight? Not trying to be snarky... I'm genuinely curious.

  11. Nicky: The calender is just the one that comes with my iMac.

    Anonymous: I don't have a time set for the work-outs, somehow the calendar just printed off some random time. I obviously don't work out at midnight, hehe.

  12. gud luck to you i did this dvd just this summer and the results were amazing ,just make sure u have plenty of water u'll be sweating buckets :)

  13. I watched your video about your weight loss and I got my Insanity workout DVDs. I started this monday, so I've done the first 3 days of the program and I can tell that everything in my body hurts (It might be because I also go to the gym at least 1 hour a day - yeah I'm pretty crazy, but I deffinitly want to make a change in my life and body-).
    Good luck for both of us, if you want we can motivate each other every day to get our workout done (from the other side of the world lol)through twitter, I'm VirPuche.
    Keep it up!

  14. Glad you have found a workout schedule that has motivated you and i think that it is a great plan to keep the christmas calories at bay!

  15. I don't have a plan but I desperately need one! You have been an inspiration to me Julia. I been trying for years to lose weight! Isn't that sad? I'm so inspired now watching you that I'm going to get up and do this. I'm older than you and sometimes you think what's the point? But I want to look good and I can do this!! I do belong to a gym so I'm going to start utilizing it! Julia I know your busy and maybe you already have it posted somewhere but what book do you recommend for your diet? Thanks for all you do on You Tube Julia and sharing a portion of your life with us!! xoxo Kelly

  16. Also, forgot to mention before i pressed post, since you enjoy working out i thought i'd share this website with you. I've done both Insanity and TurboFire (still doing since this is my strictly cardio part of my workouts) and i stumbled onto this fitness website on youtube and i feel it is like the holy grail of exercise routines! i have seen such a difference in my body composition it is amazing!! Kinda similar to Insanity which is why i wanted to mention it! :) The website is and here is a link to the workout that got me hooked! :

    ps- she does wear skimpy clothes and has fake boobs but .... she fit as can be so all the power to her! lol :) Hope this gives you some workout ideas!

  17. Hallo, ich habe auch mit Insanity angefangen - bin in der 2. Woche bei Tag 4. Ich hoffe ich halte durch. Ich finde das Programm echt gut, weil die Einheiten nicht so lang sind wie beispielsweise bei P90X (die Zeit hatte ich einfach nicht jeden Tag)wenn du magst kannst du ja mal vorbeischauen - ich dokumentiere meinen Abnehmweg bei youtube : misskonsum. LG Elke

  18. Anonymous10:10 am

    you're so inspiring! I really felt your pain in your previous weight loss videos because I don't like the way my body and face look since 5 years either. The way you lost weight is really healthy in my opinion - nothing can replace healthy food and physical exercises - and you motivated me to do the same! Thank you so, so much for sharing your experience - it does help. :-)

  19. Anonymous11:52 am

    Hi Julia!You look amazing..I also live in Switzerland and I was wondering where or how can I buy these videos???
    Thank you!!

  20. I´m going on vacation tomorrow and am planning to start a similar plan when I get back so I´ll be in shape by Christmas. Could you tell me where to get that calendar? It´s a great idea to stick it on the fridge :-)

    good luck!

  21. Hallo Julia, ich finde es klasse was du geschafft hast. ich wäre froh ich würde meinen inneren Schweinehund auch mal besiegen. Eine Frage habe ich jedoch.. Was nimmst du dir denn für die Pausen mit auf Arbeit? Ich hab da immer Probleme was einzupacken was gesund ist und auch satt macht. Ich bin nicht der Kantinen-Typ ich nehm mir meist Obst mir, Joghurt und ein belegtes Brot. Hast du nen Tip??


  22. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Julia, you look fabulous!

    You have amazing legs, super long and lean and no cellulite! How do you get your legs looking so darn lean? Maybe it's just in your genes:)

    V from Canada:)

  23. Anonymous11:43 pm

    Good luck with your new workout regimine! Wow, doing it around Christmas is going to be quite a challenge but I'm sure you'll stick to it. As for me, my goal is to get back into yoga. It's the one thing that gives me the absolute best results. Plus, keeping the joints and muscles flexible is the key to keeping full mobility later in life.
    Keep up the good work Julia!

  24. Ich find´s super! Hau rein, du wirst sehen es lohnt sich und du wirst dich einfach 10 mal besser fühlen! Mein Kopf ist seit dem vielen Sport wesentlich freier! :)

  25. Anonymous12:30 pm

    Hi , first of all sorry for my bad english, i am belgian and i speak french and a little english. If you like this kind of workout you will really like this blog

    Suzanna is amazing, and she inspires me for working my body...

    Good workkkkkk and good luck beacause it seems very difficult


  26. Anonymous3:55 pm

    I really like the challenging part of ur personality.i have really problems with starting my diet and im not getting motivated enough. i would really like it if u post videos of urself while exercising,i think its gonna be more motivating to many of us following your blog,
    With respect

  27. It seems indeed quite insane... AHAHAH!! You're really great!!

    The Life After

  28. Good luck, i also just started insanity so together we can dig deeper :)

  29. If you wanna lose some fat I can highly recommend you "Bodytec" training in Bern (it might be just outside of Bern but close to the center near Ostring) in Wellfit. The fat literally flies from your body with that method! (It's a workout with electricity, very effective)

  30. you'll love it! i'm at my second round of insanity. i first wanted to re-do the second month, but then i thought - what the heck, let's do this awesomeness all the way one more time! I'm seriously addicted to the high intensity of the workout, and the great, awesome, i'm-the-queen-of-the-world feeling afterwards and I really don't know what will I do when i'm done with it.. (asylum, i'm looking at you haha!)

    as for the calendar, I think you should've put the day-offs to the calendar, too.. cause, believe me, girl, you'll need them. badly. :D

    as for the nutrition.. i didn't follow it as carefully as listed in the nutrition guide that comes with the dvd, but i'm beyond satisfied with the results of the workout so far. i seriously can say that i'm in the best shape of my life, my body has never ever ever been so tough, hard and firm and that's why i'm loving the workout day by day even more!

    good luck and keep us posted with the results and overall feeling every now and then! :)

  31. Hey Julia you should check out if you want more defination for your body this woman is great for working the areas you stil want to work. Check her out!!!

  32. Like you, I have just recently started getting back on my workout (been hiatus when summer began) which is really not good timing since the holidays are approaching! Seeing your determination to do this, I'm really thinking about doing it myself! Perhaps we can go on this journey together? Good luck Julia!

  33. yeraldinhp3:15 am

    Hey julia! i have to thank you because actually you introduce me Insanity program, and you're right, this is by far the hardest think I've done in my life, its really a challenge, On monday i'm going to start my fourth week, and i'm a bit nervous to get into the second month because it look so hard. Anyway! I want to know more about your journey with insanity. You inspire me to change my body. keep the amazing work. Greetings from Venezuela.

  34. Anonymous3:41 am

    omg so sorry about the clothes. you look great, very inspiring story.

  35. OMG! I've seen those Insanity workout videos before. They are insane! You go girl!

  36. how did u make those calendars?

  37. I used to have a workout calender, they are very helpful. I should make another one!

  38. Danny Becerril6:18 am

    you motivate me!! I started doing workouts on xbox kinect : Zumba, have 4 weeks working out this, and i have lost 6 kgs. Once i get in good shape, I'll get insanity dvd looks... INSANE lol by the way congrats! you did it! you look so amazing! lots of love from mexico city!

  39. Anonymous5:37 pm

    hey julia
    i really like your workout n fitness posts and you really motivate me not only makeup but also otherwise the fact that you are independent and do so much for your self
    i need to ask you that currently im on weight loss programe im not much over weight just 10 kg to loss n get in shape so can you tell what kind of workout to do im thinking of doing insanity workout
