
24 Oct 2011

Before & After my Weightloss (Pictures)

I finally had the courage to post some before pictures in my latest weightloss update video. It's so strange to look back on those photos now, I sometimes don't recognize myself. In this video I talk about how I lost 33 pounds (15kg) and dropped 4 dress sizes and kept it off through healthy eating and exercise. No diet pills, no quick fixes - just making healthy lifestyle changes. I also go into detail about what changes I made, what exercise I do and how frequently, what I eat, and the challenges I have faced in this journey.

Watch the video on Youtube


  1. God, this is such an inspiring post/video. I have always had to struggle with my weight, and at some point I simply gave up cause it felt like so much work! I have never been a big fan of working out and counting calories - I hope one day I will also find my perfect balance and the discipline to stick to a healthier life style. Congratulations to your humongous achievements, Julia. You can be very, very proud of yourself!

  2. I just can't believe how great you look. You are so fit and you seriously look like a model! Makes me feel so envious and proud at the same time. You are so inspiring. One of the reasons I started to go to the gym again and watching what I eat, was your story, how you started to work on losing weight and having a healthy lifestyle. Even though I am not seriously overweight, I actually look quite normal, I still hope I will be able to put together such a video or sth for myself to compare later on. Being fit makes a great difference! But thanks for being such a great inspiration, since you are just amazing!

  3. You look great! It's definitely inspiring to anyone trying to lose weight and thinking of giving up. I've lost over 50 lbs since the beginning of the year by working out to Insanity and eating healthy and it really has changed my mood. I don't feel trapped in my body like I used to and know now that life is precious and if you want something to change, you've gotta let go of the what ifs and just do it and make it happen for yourself!

  4. Susanna6:09 pm

    This was super inspiring! I want to loose a little weight. Im 176cm tall and my dress size is european 40, so i need to drop a couple dress sizes down. This post gave me a nice kick start guarantee a new life will start now :)

  5. Liebe Julia,

    trotz der Fülle an Kommentaren, finde ich es super, dass du nochmal betonst, wie positiv dich das Feedback deiner Leser/Zuschauer stimmt.

    Ich habe im Januar (unabhängig von deinem Entschluss, den kannte ich da gar nicht) auch angefangen mein Leben wieder in Ordnung zu bringen und habe ca 9 Kilo seitdem abgenommen. Ich bin etwas kleiner als du, aber noch über 1,70 und hatte Größe 44 in meinen "dicksten" Hosen, die ich Ende letzten Jahres kaufen musste (DAS ist auch ein Kostenfaktor, dass man größere Sachen kaufen muss, für kleinere bezahle ich gern!). Dein älteres Video hat mich dazu inspiriert auch mal eine dieser Hosen über meine aktuelle Kleidung anzuziehen und was soll ich sagen? Ich konnte nicht nur über meine Jeans die Hose locker tragen, ich konnte sogar meinen ganzen Wollpulli (Alpaka-Wolle) mit rein stecken und sie saß immer noch locker. Das hat mich viel mehr motiviert, als diese "dünnste" Hose die ich habe und die zwar wieder zu geht, in der ich aber noch nicht sitzen könnte ;)

    Allen, die es auch versuchen wollen, kann ich nur Mut machen, wie du es tust. Ich habe keine Kalorien gezählt, keine Kohlenhydrate und habe einfach nach dem Glyx-Prinzip gegessen und auf genügend Eiweiß (sehr wichtig zum Muskelaufbau!) geachtet. Allerdings auch innerhalb der Nahrung und nicht als Riegel oder Pulver. Ich gehe gern laufen und mache Workout-DVDs. Meine liebsten sind die von Tracy Anderson. Das Gefühl, das man hat, wenn man wieder seine alte Größe kaufen kann ist einfach super. Und wenn man neue Muskeln fühlt :)

    Vielen Dank, dass du so persönliche Fotos mit uns geteilt hast und auch deine Größen einfach so angibst. Du hast echt was geleistet und kannst stolz auf dich sein. Du sagst zwar, dass du das nicht machst um dich toll darzustellen und das glaube ich dir, aber du bist toll ;) Darauf darf man stolz sein (aber mir fällt das bei mir selbst auch immer schwer!).

    Für mich bist du jedenfalls ein Motor, der mich daran erinnert, dass man jeden Tag toll aussehen kann wenn man möchte und das Zeit, die man in SICH investiert (Nägel, Schminke, Klamotten, Essen kochen, Workout) nie verlorene Zeit ist. Heute habe ich mir sogar ein ähnliches T-Shirt gekauft wie du hast (das graue mit den Blumen/Rüschen am Kragen) und komme mir ein kleines bisschen wie ein Stalker vor, aber wenn du immer so ehrlich von dir erzählst, können wir dir ja auch etwas zurück geben!

    Viele liebe Grüße aus Deutschland und bitte nicht falsch verstehen, du bist für mich einfach eine große Inspiration - und ich werde nicht bei dir vor der Tür stehen und dich belästigen ;)


  6. Congratulations! You look amazing, but the fact that you made it is the most amazing of all. I feel in away identified with your story, it's true that the amount of weight I have to lose is smaller, but I've started buying clothes that hide problem areas of my body, I don't feel that comfortable anymore and just try to hide, and that's a point when you should think about changing the way you're doing things. I'm trying to start myself now, especially with the workout thing, which I hate as you did! But you're just one of many people who have recommended the insanity workout, and I think I'm gonna give it a try (whenever I'm in the possition to spend that amount of money)
    Thanks for your inspiration =D

  7. Ich find das echt total bemerkenswert was du geschafft hast. Und alles auf einem sehr vernünftigen Weg. Du kannst stolz auf dich sein.
    Ich hab das auch schon hinter mir. Hab 13kg in 2 Jahren abgenommen. Fühle mich wie ein neuer Mensch.

  8. Could you make a video or blog post about different workout CD-s you use? What is the difference between every one of them, which ones you like best, how fast did you see results etc? It'd be really helpful for some people who can't decide what to get (like myself).

  9. You're such an inspiration!! Really! I have to loose 15kg as well, so I hope I will be as good as you to work out and eat right! Not only for myself, but also for my kid. 10 of the kg are from being pregnant, so that's kinda hard! I'm gonna read more on your blog. I just came over it the other day watching tutorials for make-up :)
    Congratulations on the weight-loss!!!
    Lucie from Norway!

  10. Wow!! You look SO great... Much and much younger then before! Congratulations, that's one fine job you did there!

    ♥ Kim (from The Netherlands)

  11. Julia, you're so tall that I guess no one noticed it or how you felt. I have tall girlfriends and they do mention that they feel more uncomfortable when they gain weight. Like everyone will notice or comment about it. I'm also watching Weighlosswanda/Berlinhairbaby and her journey with South Beach and exercise. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I was thinking to myself after seeing the photos at the start that you look so much happier now! I struggle so much with finding the motivation or the discipline to stick with an exercise program or healthier eating. Your videos are so insirational though, I always look forward to hearing about your journey. I think you have a very healthy idea of what you want, your current size is perfect on you! I think I may look into purchasing an eliptical myself, I do love my outside walks but sometimes I just don't feel like getting out there. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us!

  13. Anonymous6:51 am

    You are amazing. I used to work for a well known weight loss company before I became a Hairstylist/Makeup Artist and seeing someone take their goals and make them happen always makes me feel so happy for them to this day. You have done an amazing job with everything else, it is only understandable for you to have success with your health as well.

    Congratulations and keep up the good work. You are very inspiring!!!

    Primped & Painted

  14. Malini9:10 am

    Julia Julia Julia,

    Aren't you proud of yourself?? I definitely am.... for sure!! I always have loved the way you were when I first started watching your videos. It did not matter to me how you looked. Because I always saw you as an honest person, who is very decent, outspoken, talented and beautiful. Your makeup tutorials are always precise, with good lighting and details covered. I am not sure how many times I would have watched all your videos. I have always thought of you as a part of my family since I got addicted to your videos to such an extent that I would also mention to my husband very casually " Julia went shopping today" , " Julia's clothes were stolen the communal laundry and I am not sure who are these idiots who do this".... and the response from him would be " OMG, you loooooooove Julia"
    No matter how you have looked in the past, you have changed lives of many for the better. I have brought in many changes in my life ( for the good) because of you. Every single piece of make up that I own today is what you have taught. Yes, I am a Children's Book Illustrator and I do have a good sense of colour and how to make the best use of it whether I colour books or apply makeup on my face. But you taught me the brands, what is good and what is not and how to use the products. I am very careful with my skin and eyes. I just don't buy anything and everthing because some Super Model wears it. But the amount of trust that I have in you in seriously something that I myself cannot believe. For example: LILASH.. Trust me, I will never ever apply something on my eye without being a 200% sure. I value what god has given me and that is the reason I am soooo hesitant and fussy. But when I saw your review about Lilash, I straightaway bought it, purely because of the trust.I love it and it has shown results.
    I have put on a lot of weight and have been struggling with m body. I am uncomfortable with the way I look and my body is. You have once again been an inspiration. I have started my weight loss journey. You were always good in my eyes but now.... I respect you even more for what you have achieved by just holding on to your will power. You are a sweetie pie, very very intelligent and very inspirational. Please don't stop the healthy eating and exercising ( I am sure you don't want to) because you are too good and I for sure don't want to see you sad about your weight and cry about anything very in life. You are brave women! Good luck!!!

    Hip hip Hurray!!!
    Thank you so very much for making all of us a part of your journey and sharing it with us.

    Love you loads. Take Care:O)

  15. Wow! You've done an amazing job and it's just so cool that you manage to do all this by yourself! Your body looks fantastic. I really hope that you are proud over yourself because it takes a lot of discipline to get this kind of result. I'm sure you're inspiring a lot of people to take control over their lives, I know for sure that you've inspired me. I actually bought myself a gym card 3 weeks ago but now I'm even more eager to really get started and to justify my rotten lifestyle! So thanks for this brave post, you've done a fabulous job!

  16. Anonymous9:29 pm

    hallo julia... sit längerer zyt lugei fasch täglech uf di blog und dini videos =) finges super wi dus gschafft hesch abznäh...i bi säuber sit überemnä jahr drannä, aber leider tuet sech bi mir nüt. ga regumässig go trainierä, issä gsund und äbä ou möglechscht wenig "schlächti" chohlähydrat. sogar bim dokter bini scho gsi, aber irgendwie bringt aues nü machts schwär nid ufzgäh. vorhär bini gsi wi du, ha jahrelang gar ke sport meh gmacht gha und scho gar ke luscht gha azfah drmit. aber immerwiemeh hani mi unwou gfüut und wett so gärn öppis drgägä machä. villech hesch du mir no schpezieui tipps?!

    übrigens, am samschtig hani di gseh bim ichoufä, hätt mi aber nie trout di ahzschprächä =) hehe... liebi grüess R

  17. Contratulations on your journey. I am also working on the same, started only a few weeks ago and I think keeping the motivation factor up is what's needed. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

    Personally, the thing that works is counting calories with the help of an app on my phone. I honestly had no idea the amount of calories food had, and it's a way to reeducate myself on what's healthy, what's worth eating and what's not.

    Keep it up!

  18. Anonymous12:15 am

    Thank you for doing this video, you lifted both me and my mind up, and inspired me again :) I really haven't got any serious weightloss program on now, I just wanna tighten up my body a bit so that I can feel comfortable in any clothes :D I'm so happy for you, you did a great job and I love it how joyful you seem to be :) -Anna

  19. i love this video because this is so made me smile real hard - here's to prove it: ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

  20. Hi! I ran across your blog through a search for Nars make-up and saw your video post on your weightloss journey. It's very inspiring and I've sent it on to a couple of friends and family who are also working on their weightloss journeys. Congratulations on your success and thanks for sharing your story!

  21. wirklich toll! den eigenen schweinehund zu überwinden ist die schwierigste aufgabe, die sich ein mensch nur machen kann! herzlichen glückwunsch - du siehst toll aus!

  22. Hello!

    Yesterday I`ve discovered your blog by accident and I was quite impressed about your make up skills. I saw the tutorial for the goth look and I loved it. So, today I stated to read all of your posts from here and I would like to congratulate to for the wonderful way in which your life changed. You are in inspiration! I had no idea that you had a weight loss plan, but I clearly saw a difference in your look as I was visiting you blog posts. So, congratulations again! And keep up the good work! In make up, nail art and every thing that you are doing!

  23. Hallo liebe Julia! Ich möchte jetzt nach meiner Schwangerschaft abnehmen und hoffe, du kannst mir noch den ein- oder anderen Tipp geben? Vor der SSW habe ich leider auch kaum Sport gemacht. Wo kann ich jetzt am Besten beginnen? Kann ich gleich mit dem P90X anfangen? Oder Turbofire?
    Vielen Dank!
    Liebe Grüße

  24. Congratulations on your weight loss Julia!! You look amazing but you still looked pretty when you were overweight. I too am trying to lose weight and get healthy....not very easy at all. I lost 18 pounds so far but have so much more to lose, probably another 30-40 pounds. I keep plugging away and hopefully one day I will be thin again.

    Thanks for sharing all your stuff with us and have a great day!

  25. Anonymous1:03 am

    Thank you Julia for this inspirational weight loss accomplishment. Now every time when I feel like giving up, I watch your videos again and I feel all motivated. You probably don`t know how much this means to me but, thank you so much! Keep up your hard work!

  26. You look FANTASTIC! So inspiring! The truth is: there simply are no shortcuts to losing weight and keeping it off. There are NO tricks: you have to eat less and move more - within moderation to stay healthy.

    It sounds stupid, and we've heard it all before, but you do need to take the stairs instead of the escalator; you need to walk a few blocks to the subway, or get off at an earlier bus stop on your way to work. The little things....all combined, really do make a difference!
