
1 Nov 2011

Süddeutsche Zeitung - German newspaper

I was recently interviewed for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of the biggest and most prolific newspapers in Germany. The article is written in German, and discusses the rise and popularity of haul videos on Youtube. I was interviewed for this since my channel is one of the most viewed and subscribed channels in all of Europe. Here are some excerpts which I have translated for you. You can enlarge the picture above full size if you want to read it better.

Julia, aka MissChievous, a citizen of Switzerland, has dark hair and a face like a porcelain doll, and is one of Europe's most successful "beauty gurus", as they are known. Julia has fans from all around the world, she creates beauty videos in German and English language. More than 370,000 people have subscribed to her channel, and her videos have been watched 8 million time. (My note: This is wrong, my videos have been watched over 80 million times!) "My viewers don't want to solely rely on commercials. I give my honest opinions about products, and I look like a regular person, not like a model. I think this is important," says Julia.

She works 20-30 hours per week on her videos, replies to comments and questions, and interacts with her fans. For many viewers, these girls are their role models. But for some, it results in jealousy from viewers, daily insults are very common.
Some beauty gurus become marketing experts, and interact with their fans on many platforms - Youtube, Facebook, Twitter - to increase their reach. They link to their beauty blogs and websites, some even have their own online shops. It becomes much more than simply a hobby: "Things have changed since the brands have noticed the potential of Youtube," says Julia. "The videos have become more professional, less casual, and some viewers have become distrustful. Often I have to assure them that my opinion is not for sale."

The article is quite long so I can't translate the whole text but it's quite well written. Some of my quotes are a bit different than what I actually said.

Thanks to Eva Geilersdorfer for the interview!

Click here to see more press clippings about me.


  1. your much appreciated..great news!!

  2. Toller Artikel! :)

  3. Gratulation!
    Find ich echt klasse das schon Zeitungen über dich berichten.
    Mach auf jeden Fall weiter so!!!!

  4. Great article (thanks for the translating!) You SO deserve the publicity - you work hard and create beautiful videos that brighten my day, as well as millions of others'. I always look forward to reading your blog.

  5. Congrats Julia!! ;)

  6. I discovered your channel(s) a few days ago and i´ve been watching soo many videos :D

    You are very inspiring, specially about the weight videos I must say, I decided 4 weeks ago to start my own lifestyle change, and I was already inspired to follow, but after listening to you I am even more convinced to keep going, so I wanted to thank you for your inspiration, because I found you because I like to watch makeup videos, you really get to people and you really deserve the credit in all those newspapers and magazines!

    Greetings from a spanish girl in the netherland!

  7. Ich kann den Text leider nicht lesen, auch nicht, wenn ich ihn vergrößere. :-(

  8. Wow, congrats!

    When I heard about the article in your video, I was afraid, they had written something similar to the article about the book gurus on YT. The article (also in a German newspaper) was harsh & made them look like they were just some dumb kids or adults.

    I'm glad to see this didn't happen with you and the other beauty gurus in the article in the SZ. All of you work so hard to help us discover new brands and products. Thanks so much!

  9. @chequers: Geh aufs Bild, da taucht unten "Original" oder "zum Original" oder so auf - klick drauf & du hast ein separates Fenster, in dem du Vergrößern kannst wie du lustig bist ;)

  10. Anonymous9:30 pm

    Ah wie cool!
    Glückwunsch! ^^

  11. I'm so happy for you! Congrats =]

  12. Anonymous12:51 pm

    hey julia! love your channel... you're also on n-joy, a german radio station from hamburg - saw it this morning:


  13. Beautyfull <3 i really like this look! . I love your youtube channel its awsome.
