
17 Dec 2011

Battle of the Holiday Bulge - My Tips on Avoiding Weight Gain

It's that time of the year again when many of us gorge on deliciously decadent food and spend our free time indoors, lazing on the couch watching movies, entertaining with family and friends, or doing not much at all. As a result, we tend to put on some extra pounds during the Holiday season. For some this is just a part of the deal, but it doesn't have to be. You can still enjoy the Holidays without getting completely derailed from your diet and workout routine, without having to deny yourself every sweet indulgence.

I put together a video with my own tips and ideas how you can strike a balance between enjoying yourself and eating Holiday goodies, without packing on the pounds. If you're interested, check it out!

Or watch directly on Youtube


  1. Anonymous2:00 am

    Hi Julia,

    Im in the process of starting to exercise more regularly. I really would like to get to the point where i can run without being puffed out after 5 minutes. At the moment im walking at a brisk pace for 1 hour a day and i would like to ask you, what would you reccommend in able for me to increase into running sometime in future? What was your gradual process?

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Hello Julia, Congratulations on losing weight.

  3. Anonymous10:00 pm

    i have followed your blog and am motivated to continue working on loosing that extra. keep it up.

  4. You're always so cute and helpful!

    The Life After

  5. I’d come to recognize with you on this. Which is not something I typically do! I really like reading a post that will make people think.

  6. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Hey, I'm Gabriela from Brazil and I really love all your tips and make up videos. So why don't you do a video to show your exercises? I would love that.

    Merry Christmas

  7. Anonymous6:00 am

    Hi, I don´t feel well with my weight and I have to postpone the diet and exercise because of by school and work( I know it sounds like an excuse, but I was really really exhaust), but I really want to star fresh this 2012 and I want to feel pretty and healthy, but, I have a big issue with consistency I start the Insanity plan but after a few days I quit because of I was to tired for the school and work :( my plan this year is start the gym and my diet again but I want to know what I can do to keep me motivated, What would you recommend? I really want to feel good again v.v (Sorry for my English)

  8. What you drink is THE BEST TIP ever! I stopped drinking anything besides water and lost almost 75 pounds! Funny, I was actually searching for how to make my skin tighter and your site blog came up along with a few others, including: skin tightening. Anyway, just wanted to say great tips and keep up the great work!
