
2 Feb 2012

Updated Makeup Collection, Storage, and Lighting Ideas

Over the past few months I've sorted through my makeup collection and given away over 5 pounds of makeup, as well as constantly giving away products here and there to friends and family. I wanted to pare down my collection and organize my vanity area anew. Having done that has given me such a new found love for the products I already own, and I've rediscovered products that I forgot I had that were sitting unloved in the back of a drawer somewhere.

Many of you asked to see an updated collection video, so I filmed one and also took some pictures of my state of affairs at the moment. I didn't take a picture of every drawer, nor of all my eyeshadow palettes that I own, but I wanted to give a little peek behind the scenes of MissChievous.

Watch my video for lots of details, plus some tips on my furniture, storage solutions and lighting.

Whew! I know it seems like loads (and it is for the average person) but I think it's really not that gigantic compared to others on Youtube. I'm trying to reduce the amount of makeup I buy, I think over the last year and a half, I've really reduced the amount of money I spend on beauty products because I just want to enjoy what I already have. It's hard to find truly unique items anymore once you have a sizable collection. Of course, often I buy things specifically to review or use them in my videos, and some things I receive from PR.

I hope you enjoyed watching! :)



  1. where is your table from?

  2. I liebe deine Organisation, würde gerne auch so mein make-up aufbewahren, aber habe kein Platz mehr in meinem Zimmer. Schade!
    Aber viel Dank für dein Video und BLOG! LG, Maria

  3. I don´t like to say that. But it´s the truth.
    I´m a little bit jealous!

  4. Anonymous10:29 pm

    Just wanted to ask doesn't make-up have an expiry date? I was told you're supposed to throw away make-up after 2 years because it starts to grow bacteria.

  5. I love seeing collections and storage solutions. You mentioned in the video that you need a new palette for depotted shadows. TKB Trading has one that is just like the Z-palette but much cheaper. You might want to check that out. They currently have 2 sizes. I don't know how you feel about links but if you "google" "Freestyle Palette TKB Trading" you should be able to find it.

  6. Ich wünschte, die Sigma Pinsel würden mir mal so nebenbei geschickt werden!! :P

  7. Lovely ideas for storage!

  8. Anonymous4:09 am

    I buy more make up now, since viewing tutorials, I did get better at it, and have better lighting, and now will find another and better table with drawers, I love the one you show here in photos.

  9. Simone11:02 am

    I would love to have the number of brushes that you do. worst thing is having to clean them all. im super jealous that yu probably got most of it at reasonable prices whereas i have to order it all from overseas (nothing is ever really sold in New Zealand) and have to wait for it to get here :c i loved this video :D

  10. Love the way you've organized your makeup and you've done a great job paring down your collection to stuff you actually use.

  11. honestly my first video that i watched in youtube was yours Julia , and you really inspired me to explore more in make up. I'm a fotographer and yes i do the make up, the styling and the shoot all in 1. so i try myself to be more creative and i hope you keep inspiring people who loves make up. and btw i envy your make up collection.. can you give me some? hehehe just kidding .. so yhea thank you for the inspiration ^^ and always looking forward for more video tutorials. ^^

  12. I showed your video to my husband. I think he now realises that my makeup collection isn't that bad after all. Which obviously means that I can go and buy more right? Loved the video- I love seeing what other people have.

  13. Clotilde6:16 pm

    Hi Julia, which nail polish are you wearing in this video? thanks!

  14. Hi julia, i was wondering what the best lighting is for doing make-up? since my friend is making me a light fixture for above my mirror and i need to buy lightbulbs. i'd like to know which is best, white, yellow, soft light etc... I love to watch your videos! :D

  15. Julia I've been watching you for years and truly enjoy watching your videos. Thank you for all your hard work and efforts that you put into your videos. You have become quite talented!

    May I suggest a jewelry amoire for all your jewelry? You should look into a tall stand up version. I need to do the same thing as well. They have many different compartments to organize everything perfectly :)

  16. I was starting to feel bad about how much stuff I have. ...Now I feel like I need more.

  17. Julia thanks for making this video! I love getting organized and ideas for organizing my own space. This was quite helpful :) I love your set-up!

  18. Anonymous3:12 am

    You have an awesome makeup collection. The pictures alone put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Anonymous10:53 pm

    Hi Julia,
    I have a question about your Ben Nye collection. I'm trying to find it so I can purchase it but I'm not quite sure which palatte it is exactly. I wanted to get the bright colored one. Can you please help me find it?! That'd be awesome. Thanks!!

  20. Omg you are a genius i'm so doing the same, i'm a very very disorganized person.

  21. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Just a bit off topic. I have lived in Switzerland just for 4 months now and I would love to get Sephora makeup palette. Could you please tell me where I can buy it in Switzerland?

  22. Anonymous12:04 pm

    thank you so much for all your videos.. either beauty or makeup storage... whenever i am confused about makeup, i know my answer is in your blog.. thank you again Julia..

  23. how much did it cost?

  24. Anonymous6:15 am

    Wow Julia I really loved how you do ur makeup I've been a fan for years now and I've loved your gossip girl, egyption make up styles there my top favs!!! Is it true u came up with them off the top of your head where'd you get inspired

  25. Zashyra9:50 pm

    Hey Julia ! I really admire you for your make-ups (of course) and for your health and weight loss inspiring tips..

    Anyway, you said that you receive products from PR, I live right their. What kind of products you recieve and from what stores ? Because some times I don't know where to buy make-up and beauty products besides Sephora and any drugstore or Wal-mart..

    Love, Zashyra

  26. Thanks for the great ideas for storage! Beautiful collection.. xoxox

  27. Anonymous2:12 pm

    OMG. I love your makeup collection. I'd love to have something similar to that! :)

