
27 Mar 2012

OPI Germany Collection (Fall 2012)

OPI is releasing a fall collection based around Germany! I know many of my German readers will be very excited about this. (Although I have to say I wasn't in love with the OPI Swiss collection.) These colors look interesting for fall, there's a couple in there that have definitely caught my eye.

GERMANY L to R: My Very First Knockwurst, Don’t Pretzel My Buttons, Berlin There Done That, Dont Talk Bach to Me, Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!, Schnapps Out of It, Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs, Every Month is Oktoberfest, Unfor-greta-bly Blue, Deutche You Want Me Baby, Danke-Shiny Red & German-icure by OPI.
What do you think? Will you be buying any of these?


  1. Schnapps Out of It <-- I´m in l♥ve

  2. Berlin There Done That and Dont Talk Bach to Me need to be mine!! I love the collection.

  3. The shimmer will be definitely must-haves for me! The cremes are not that exciting though. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hallo Julia!
    Da ich aus München komme, werde ich mir auf jeden Fall die Farbe "Every Month is Oktoberfest" besorgen ^^. Auch die Farben "Schnapps Out of It" und "Suzi & The 7 Düsseldorfs" finde ich ganz interessant. Weißt du schon, wann diese Kollektion in etwa erscheinen wird?
    Liebe Grüße

  5. Ooh yes! The gray and the purple ones look wonderful!

  6. OMG! Can't wait till these come out. I want all of them and love the

  7. OMG I can't wait for them to come out!! I'm really liking Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs, Every Month Is Oktoberfest, and German-icure!

  8. Pretty colours! And I love the names! The made me giggle quite a bit!

  9. Anonymous3:16 pm

    will start saving now. haha definitely good choice of colours!

  10. the name are awful but "Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!" and "Schnapps Out of It" look really nice :)

  11. Anonymous4:06 pm

    The bottom row for me! And of course the gray one :-))

  12. Den oben rechts, find ich total schön.

  13. nathalie8:16 pm

    hallo !! ich finde deine programm bunde schon!!!!!!

  14. nathalie8:17 pm

    ich finde deine programm bunder schön!!!!!!!

  15. This is so disappointing. I dont feel that these colors represent Germany at all. Und ich bin aus Deutschland :) The Holland COllection was so much better... Sad, sad...

  16. die Nahmen sind wieder so toll :)

  17. Where do you buy them from ? Here in France the prices are very high for one bottle... Any good address I am missing ?

    Thanks everyone! :)

  18. Die Namen, ich krieg n' Föhn! XD Super!
    Ich find die ganze untere Reihe toll, aber Every Month is Oktoberfest und Suzi & the Seven Düsseldorfs (lol!) sind meine absoluten Favourites! Die müssen wohl her...

  19. Oh my, the names sound super cheesy :D!!

  20. i like the Oktoberfest colour ^^

  21. I ♥ OPI collection. Thanks for sharing!

  22. Anonymous10:03 am

    Da ich aus Düsseldorf bin muss natürlich "Suzi and the 7 Dusseldorfs" her :D auch wenn ich sagen muss, dass mich die Kollektion auch nicht so vom Hocker reist wie z.b. die Holland Kollektion oder die Muppets (ich liebe Warm& Fuzzy und Designer de better über alles).

  23. I'm not really intrigued by this collection, and I was really looking forward to this one as my ancestry is German and I'm from Germany. It just doesn't read Germany to me! My mom and I were looking at the colors and discussing how it doesn't capture the different areas of Germany, especially the really famous areas of Germany, like Neuschwanstein or Rothenburg ob der Tauber where the Kriminalmuseum (which houses German torture devices and talks about crime) and the Weihnachtsmuseum (Christmas Museum) is or Munich or Berlin or the Black Forest. The colors just aren't German to us!

    Maybe that's just me?

  24. This sounds more like a Bavarian collection with Berlin and Du(e)sseldorf thrown in for good measure than a German collection. I'm missing the new Bundesländer (Berlin doesn't count) and also the coast. Or the whole area along the Rhine?

  25. Ich will die haben nur für die Namen!! Ich bin auch vom Schweiz, ich wohne in Tessin, und ich hatte zu kaufen die ganze Swiss collection! ;)

  26. Anonymous4:13 pm

    I'm German so YES!!! At least the bottom row for sure. I think this is one I'll definitely watch for swatches first though.

    Ugh don't they know they kill us showing us FALL COLORS before summer is even here??? GAH.

  27. I think is missing one name, I counted 11 names and 12 nail polishes. I thought the red one would be Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs.

  28. Anonymous5:35 am

    I will being buy most of them! I love Germany! I'm way too excited about this collection! :)

  29. This collection doesn't look really unique per se, I feel like I've already seen most of this shades before. Yet Every Month is Oktoberfest and German-icure by OPI look really beautiful !

  30. Marianna7:18 pm

    Well I don't know about the quality of the product, but they definetely deserve a pat on the back on the names alone! So funny! :)
