
5 May 2012

Review: Sleek Blushes + Highlighter

As some of you might have noticed, I completely redesigned and overhauled my blog to give it a new look and feel. If you're reading this through a feed reader, go check out my website and let me know what you think! I wanted a more streamlined and clean look, and I think this reduces a lot of excessive scrolling and clutter. Do you like it? Please leave me a comment!

I've got some new goodies from Sleek MakeUP to show you today - joy!

First up is this gorgeous Blush By 3 in "Lace", which features 3 blushes. Cost: 13 Euros

L to R: Crochet, Guipure, Chantilly

Crochet: A warm clementine-orange shade, matte finish
Guipure: Warm coral-pink shade, shimmer finish
Chantilly: A guava reddish-pink shade, matte finish

These blushes are GORGEOUS! I love them. I've you've never tried any blushes by Sleek, I definitely recommend you check them out. They are very pigmented so would work well on darker skintones, if you have fair skin, using a light hand or a stippling / skunk brush really helps. Unless clown-face is your thing...just sayin'! I love these colours, especially for summer. This product comes in four additional color combinations.

Next up is the Glo Face & Body Highlighter in "Peach Shimmer". Cost: 10 Euros

This shimmering powder can be used for various things: a blush all over the cheeks, a highlighter, or even eyeshadows if you use a small brush. When blended together on your cheeks, this gives a golden apricot shimmer. The difference to the blushes is that the pigmentation is more buildable, so the color application is more subtle on the first stroke. This product also comes in two other color combinations.

I'm overall very pleased with the quality of these products, as they are in the affordable drugstore price range. Sleek MakeUP can be purchased at Superdrug in the UK, or online directly from their website, where they ship worldwide:

In other news, after months of deliberation, I ordered a new camera! The Canon 600D / Rebel T3i

I used to be really into photography as a hobby, as some of you might know from my Flickr page here, where you can see a lot of my old pictures. Back then I used my Canon 20D, which - at the time - was one of Canon's top of the line DSLRs. It's very outdated by now. Once I started Youtube, I had less and less time for photography, and I switched over to eventually using a camcorder, as I really needed an articulated screen (flip screen.) 

Back then, there were no Canon DSLRs on the market with such a feature, and it's absolutely essential if you want to film yourself putting on makeup. Also, my Canon 20D doesn't shoot video. Now a few cameras have been released by Canon with a flip screen, the 600D being one of them. Obviously when filming with a DSLR camera, you have to do a lot more manual work with focusing than with a camcorder which literally does it all for you, but the picture quality shot through a good lens is just unbeatable. Don't get me wrong, I love my camcorder, but I really don't like the pictures it takes of my makeup.

I also bought the compatible Canon RC 6 remote control, which is handy for taking self-portraits from a distance, and for starting and stopping, plus focusing video.

I'm holding off on lenses right now (I only purchased the camera body) as I own a few Canon lenses already, but I might buy a new one as needed. I can't wait for it to arrive now, and to see how the picture quality improves in my current set-up!

Here's a link to the gear on Amazon:

Canon EOS 600D camera with Kit lens
Canon EOS 600D (body only)
Canon RC 6 Wireless Remote

'll let you know when it arrives, and I might even do a separate video or post about camera tips, etc. Have a wonderful Saturday!


  1. I have the same camera! Purchased it last year and I love it! I have no idea what I'm doing with it but it's so user friendly.

  2. i just got the exact camera, i haven't used it yet and a video on camera tips would be great! :)

  3. Zunächst noch ein Kompliment fürs neue Layout und dann viel Spaß mit der neuen Kamera! Bin gespannt ob man das den neuen Videos sofort ansieht ;)

    Viele liebe Grüße

  4. perfect!!I have the same cam.

  5. I like this new look of your blog, Julia!! It looks like more clear. I love that cam and the blushes. Kisses from Spain!

  6. Sleek Blushes wollte ich schon immer mal testen, aber eigentlich hab ich ja genug ;-)
    Das neue Design der Seite finde ich übrigens super!

  7. I'm also saving up for the Canon 600D to take pictures, I have still an old school Spiegelreflex-Camera with film etc. which I love but I want to change to a digital one.

  8. Hi Julia! Der Blog gefällt mir so super gut, sieht toll aus! Oh die Sleek Blushes... ich muss sie haben ;-) Lg Naalita

  9. Looking forward to seeing pics & vids with the Canon as it's been on my wishlist for a while.
    Sleek has released amazing stuff lately!

  10. Paphiopedilum12:02 am

    Mit Kameras kenn ich mich leider nicht aus, insofern kann ich nur sagen, ich hoffe, Du wirst Spaß haben an der neuen!

    Die Sleek Blushes interessieren mich eigentlich nicht sooo, denn gerade von Blushes hab ich schon so viele, die ich so gern öfter benutzen würd, daß da für den Moment zumindest so eine gewisse Sättigung bei mir eingetreten ist...

    Das neue Homepage-Design gefällt mir sehr, sehr gut!!! Auf den ersten Blick ist es zwar nich ganz so übersichtlich, wie das alte, aber sicher ist das nur eine Frage der Gewöhnung. Und Du hast auf jeden Fall recht, das Scrollen minimiert sich dadurch in sehr angenehmer Weise. Die Optik ist jedenfalls viel ansprechender. Jetzt siehts aus wie eine individuelle Homepage, während es zuvor (natürlich nicht inhaltlich, aber was eben den Aufbau und das Aussehen betrifft) einfach ein Blog-Massenprodukt war. Wir werden auf jeden Fall Freude mit diesem neuen Design haben, ich hoffe, Du selber auch! Glückwunsch also, sicher steckte auch viel Arbeit dahinter!

  11. Anonymous1:10 am

    Hi Julia! The changes in blog are excellent, some changes make well. I liked them new features. Good luck.

  12. Anonymous6:35 am

    Omg yes please do a video on your camera. I've started an interest in photography and videography and am saving up for my own dlsr. I'd love to learn as much as I can.

  13. Great blog design! and I want to try the sleek illuminator! =)

  14. I like the new blog look. My view is more channeled to the content of the post. Thanks!

  15. Dein Header ist echt wunderschön. Freu mich schon auf viele neue Videos mit dir und der neuen Kamera.

  16. Anonymous4:01 am

    I really like your new website design.

  17. Anonymous4:36 pm

    I have the same camera and I'm really happy. I'm gonna order the remote control as well didn't know it existed :)

  18. Just loooooooooooooooooooooved the new layout!!!

    and those blushes!!! =D

    although I missed their swatches ><

  19. I would really like it if you do a video review of your new camera.

  20. I Julia :)
    I like this new "dress" of your blog.

    Enjoy your new Canon, bye!

  21. Anonymous9:55 am

    The difference to the blushes is that the pigmentation is more buildable, so the color application is more subtle on the first stroke. ac repair denver
