
28 Jun 2012

Review: Thierry Mugler Womanity Eau de Parfum

I love perfumes, there's just something so sensuous and alluring about altering your fragrance according to your mood. Yet I find perfume reviews incredibly hard because it's such a personal thing - you either love the scent or you don't, and no amount of blathering on my end will really change your mind on that. So I'll keep it short and sweet.

First up: Thierry Mugler Womanity Eau de Parfum

Thierry Mugler and I have a dysfunctional relationship. While some just love his scents (Angel, Alien), they mostly make me run for the hills. In fact, Angel invokes a reaction similar to this in me:

Previous experience aside, I was willing to give this new scent a shot with an open mind. Maybe Thierry had changed, and we could be friends after all!!!

...Oh how wrong I was. 

Before I tell you everything I didn't like about this perfume, let's start off with the positive. The packaging is nice. This is the purse size edition which comes with a 7.5ml diffuser, and a 35ml refill, which can be refilled using the small funnel provided. (In this case I'd like to mention I much prefer the Chanel Chance refill packaging, no messing around with a funnel where you might spill some perfume, just exchange the cap and you're good to go.) I wish more perfumers would release purse size editions with refills, because it's handy for touching up on the go.

I love how the box has a sliding compartment with the refill bottle. The actual bottle design is a bit odd, considering the full size bottles are absolutely beautiful! In comparison, the travel size does look a bit lackadaisical.

Now on to the not so good - the actual scent. The notes (according to the Mugler website) are Mara des Bois strawberry for fruitiness, white fig for sweetness, and caviar for a savory marine scent. I think this is such an odd combination, and I know I've never liked perfumes with a strong fig note. The savory aroma of the caviar is certainly an acquired taste, which to me just doesn't mesh well with the strawberry. I'm no perfumer, but this just smells awful to me. It's a combination of everything I don't like in perfumes - extremely sweet, heady, and a musky opulence that just doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. I'm really trying to think of something positive to say about the actual scent, but I can't.

I sprayed it onto my neck in the hopes that I would grow to like it, or that it would settle into something tolerable on me. No dice. It smelled so bad that I had to awkwardly wash my neck with soap over the sink to be rid of the scent.

Overall, this perfume is not for me. With any perfume, it's all down to preference. Thierry Mugler perfumes have never meshed well with me, it's not just that his perfumes are mediocre to me, it's that I literally cannot stand how they smell. If you're a fan of his previous fragrances - and I know many people are as they are always on the bestsellers - it might be worth checking out as this might be right up your alley.

Have you tried this perfume, or any of Mugler's other scents? What do you think - love or hate it? Share in the comments!

This was sent to me for review.


  1. Wirklich schade das es dir nicht gefällt!! Mir ist es am Anfang auch zu stark, aber nach ca einer halben Stunde entwickelt sich der Duft richtig schön!

    Grüße =)

  2. ich versteh dich vollkommen. kann mit den mugler parfums auch absolut nichts anfangen und finde sie widerlich.

    mag halt auch eine komplett andere duftrichtung, zb parisienne von ysl, miss dior chérie oder flowerbomb von viktor und rolf.

  3. ich versteh dich vollkommen. kann mit den mugler parfums auch absolut nichts anfangen und finde sie widerlich.

    mag halt auch eine komplett andere duftrichtung, zb parisienne von ysl, miss dior chérie oder flowerbomb von viktor und rolf.

  4. Anonymous1:50 pm

    Das was du beschrieben hast, stimmt. Ich empfinde die Thierry Mugler Parfums auch als sehr stark, sie polarisieren (entweder man liebt oder hasst sie). Angel ist echt penetrant, der Womanity riecht auch sehr "speziell", wenn man es so nennen mag.

  5. I'm no fan of Thierry Mugler perfumes. None of them appeal to me but my mom loves them all. The scents are much too much for my liking and I agree: Caviar, Fig and Stawberry...quite odd indeed.

  6. Ich hab es auch ausprobiert und meine ganze Familie fand, dass Womanity fischig riecht, der Duft war für mich auch kaum auszuhalten. Ich finde es bezeichnend, dass Mugler den Duft "Womanity" nennt und dann Fischgeruch, ne... :/

    Ich mag aber auch sonst die Düfte von Mugler nicht sooo gern, einzig und allein Miroir Des Envies hat es mir angetan, aber auch hier kann man sich nicht auf die Beschreibung verlassen. Er wird überall als blumig beschrieben, ist aber eher ein Gourmandduft und riecht nach Karamell.
    Bei Angel ergreife ich übrigens auch die Flucht.

  7. Und bei mir ist es das genaue Gegenteil: ich LIEBE die Mugler-Parfums!! Habe mir kürzlich auch Womanity gekauft (die hübsche, große Version mit dem tollen Design, dazu noch eine Bodylotion und hübsche Kosmetiktasche im Set :-)) und bin absolut zufrieden. Auch alle in der Umgebung (Kollegen, Freunde, Familie etc.) sprechen mich immer darauf an wenn ich es trage und sind richtig begeistert!

    Aber ist ja gut, dass Geschmäcker verschieden sind. Wäre ja sonst langweilig :-)

  8. i really hate how alien smell, it even gets me headache

  9. Too funny, I have it in front of me too.. and I so know where you're coming from ;)

  10. Puuuh, den Duft mag ich gar nicht! Ich war so gespannt, als ich ihn zum ersten Mal sah aber als ich dran gerochen habe... :|
    Jaa, ein creepy Duft, der nur äusserlich mithalten kann ^^

  11. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Actually, it's my favourite perfume ever...and I adore Alien too! oO

  12. Stella6:23 pm

    I love Alien. I have 8 used bottles. I love the packaging of this one but i haven't tried it yet..

  13. Of all of the Mugler fragrances, the only one that I really like is Alien. For me Angel is far too strong and overpowering a scent, although I have a few friends who just love it and when they wear it, I actually think it smells fine on them. When I first saw Womanity, I loved the bottle design and was excited to try it out. I sprayed it on in the store and knew immediately that I did not like it AT ALL!! I hadn't read what the notes were, but now that you've mentioned it, I can see why it smelled so weird and off-putting to me. The combo to me just doesn't work. I don't think I would like this even on someone else (like Angel). Interesting to see how it does on the market.

  14. ich mag alle Parfums von Thierry Mugler nicht...dieses hier hab ich gewonnen bei einem Blog-Gewinnspiel, aber ich konnte das Zeug nicht ertragen und hab Kopfschmerzen davon bekommen...ein paar mal hab ich gerochen, dass andere Leute sich mit diesem Duft parfümiert haben und dachte auch nur 'pfui'...also ich bin voll deiner Meinung :)

  15. I absolutley adore Womanity! It is probably my favourite perfume of all time. So many of my friends really dislike it- it is a different kind of smell, so it's understandable. Oddly enough though, a friend, while shopping decided on Alien over Womanity, however, after smelling it on me (not aware of what i was wearing) she completely fell inlove with the smell and was shocked to find out that it was in fact Womanity. - I do find that it smells/ settles differently on different people.

  16. Anonymous6:02 am

    I must say, Alien has worked the best for me. I get a lot of compliments because of that perfume, especially men :)

  17. I think that packaging is so cool, maybe not the most practical but very cool. I wouldn't mind pulling that out of my handbag. I think I like floral to sweet scents. Caviar? That's srange... "Oh you smell fish eggs? Oh why yes, that is me."


  18. What a bummer you didn't gel with the scent!

  19. Elodie4:28 pm

    I love the Mugler universe, he is so special form the other brands. Always a little sence of controversy and that makes it unique. Who could think of a perfume that mixes caviar and fig? Nobody that him... My favorite above all is Alien.

  20. I think that you totally have a point here! Mugler perfumes have very strong scents, I really liked the scent of 'Alien' but you have to be careful with applying it because I got headaches very fast...
    Personally, their perfumes are quite pricy and not my favourite ones...
