
5 Sept 2012

Food Porn: This is How I Roll!

I've been on a healthy food kick again since the end of August - not that I was pigging out before but I've been really inspired to try out new combination of foods and use ingredients I've not tried yet. That might be a bit hard because I think I've tried every single vegetable and fruit that is for sale at our huge grocery store.

My mission is to find Kale. It's pretty hard to find here in Switzerland, even though it's a very common form of cabbage. It's one of those superfoods, chock full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and even protein! Anyone living in Switzerland seen it somewhere? I really want to try it!

Here's some food porn as inspiration to kick-start your own weight loss and/or health journey. These are all pictures of food I have cooked, from my Instagram stream  - which you can follow me by the way under my username mizzchievouz, or on Tumblr.


I've been making an effort to eat less meat, and more vegetarian meals. Since I try not to eat too many refined carbs, I opt for legumes or root vegetables, which are filling and delicious. I don't have specific recipes for the above dishes; my method is more like, "throw a bunch of veg and salad together, add some protein and done." The more colorful and varied, the better. There's nothing worse than boring food, boiled in water. Yuck! I love to work with fresh herbs and spices to add a lot of natural flavor to my dishes, instead of using ready-made dressings and sauces which are often chock full of sodium and sugar anyway.

What are your health goals for fall? Share in the comments!


  1. i love salads.. this post made me hungry :P

  2. Hutamk10:13 pm

    That's awesome, looks very healthy n deeelish:)

  3. Please share some dressing recipes!! :)

  4. Anonymous10:45 pm

    I love kale! I'm fortunate to have fresh locally grown organic kale in my veggie co-op every week. I hope you are able to find it where you live. There are many varieties and I like all of them but my favorite is dinosaur kale. Good luck with your hunt!

  5. Oh mein Gott sieht das gut aus ... Ich würde mir am liebsten jetzt noch so einen leckeren Salat machen :D Ist aber schon viel zu spät... Morgen aber ;)
    Danke für die tolle Inspiration und die Mühe mit den Fotos !

  6. you should make more cooking videos! I am obsessed with the chicken wrap recipe you gave in your last cooking video, I've eaten like 5-6 wraps since ^^ I am also making some for my family -they love it too


  7. Anonymous3:14 am

    I am also obsessed with your wrap recipes. Had wraps all week haha.

    Could you post breakdowns of what is in your salads? They look so delish!!!

  8. Caroline Y.5:07 am

    Omg....all that food looks so good!

    If you are able to find kale at some point, make kale chips! They are so addictive.

  9. Gutes Timing:
    Bald ist es 12 Uhr und ich hab Hunger :D

  10. Anonymous5:27 pm

    I love your tutorials on hair and makeup. I appreciate you give the exact name of each product. Now I am definitely going to make some of theses salads. Will you do anything regarding fashion. I am traveling to Europe (Germany, Italy and Switerland) in a few weeks. I need to pack light but I need ideas for some outfits and what else to pack. I hate clothes shopping so I need help. Thanks!

  11. Das sieht alles so lecker aus! Lass es dir gut gehen! Deine Tutorials sind übrigens super!

  12. Anonymous11:39 pm

    Luv, if ur able to get kale, make kale chips!!! Lay out the leaves on a baking tray, toss on a bit of sea salt, drizzle with olive oil & bake for 10 mins or until crispy..soo Yummy :))) congrats on your health journey xo

  13. Anonymous11:39 pm

    Luv, if ur able to get kale, make kale chips!!! Lay out the leaves on a baking tray, toss on a bit of sea salt, drizzle with olive oil & bake for 10 mins or until crispy..soo Yummy :))) congrats on your health journey xo

  14. Anonymous8:54 pm

    Du findest den frischen Feder-/Grünkohl ab dem Spätherbst, frühen Winter auf den Wochenmärkten. Oder du kaufst ihn im Glas (Google "Boerenkool und Schweiz" und du findest einen kleinen Onlineshop hier in der Schweiz).

  15. Anonymous7:54 pm

    Hallo Julia!
    Kannst du uns bitte die Zutatenmenge dieser Rezepte verraten, vorallem von den Vinaigrettes? Die sehen richtig gut aus!! Will meine Freundin mit diesen Gerichten überraschen, nur bin ich nicht so kreativ und kann auch nicht so spontan, dass alles schmeckt :)
    LG Wolfgang

  16. PLEASE tell us how did u made those sushi rolls!!!

  17. Please give the recipes. Thanks

  18. Please give the recipes :)

  19. Jeez, it looks amazing. Totally mouth-watering !!!
