
30 Nov 2012

Pumpkin Hummus Recipe

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I've had lots of questions how I make my Pumpkin Hummus after posting on Instagram, so here's a quick recipe. I love to serve this with pretty much anything! It's filling and makes a good side dish for dipping veggies or bread in.


1 can drained and rinsed chick peas
1-2 cloves garlic
2-3 Tblsp. Sesame Tahini
2 Tblsp. extra virgin Olive oil
Splash of water (about 1/4 to 1/3 cup)
1-2 tsp ground cumin
juice of half a lemon
shot of tabasco sauce if you want a bit of kick
salt & pepper
pumpkin purée (anywhere between 1/2 to 3/4 cup)

To make the pumpkin purée, you can use a variety of pumpkins or winter squash. If you use a Hokkaido pumpkin you can leave the skin on, so that's the one I normally use because it's so easy. You could also use butternut, Muscat, whatever you have on hand - these varieties you will have to peel. This is what a Hokkaido pumpkin looks like:

Depending on the size of your pumpkin, use a quarter or a half of it. Remove the seeds and peel (if necessary.) Chop up into rough chunks, and steam them for about 15-20 minutes until fully soft. If you don't have a steamer pot, try roasting them in the oven for 20 minutes on 200 degrees C. I wouldn't recommend boiling as that makes them very watery. Then use a handmixer to purée the flesh, or a blender, whatever. Since this is the most time consuming part of the process, I like to make a lot of purée at once, and use the left over for soups or baking. You could even freeze any left over purée.

Easy way out: Use canned pumpkin. Make sure it's not pumpkin pie filling, it should just be 100% pumpkin, no added sugar, nothing.

To make the hummus, put all the ingredients into a bowl and use a handmixer to blend. Or, if you have a blender, dump everything in and blend. Wow, that was hard wasn't it? Now you've got amazing pumpkin hummus!

This hummus will be gone in no time, so I normally double this recipe and keep it in the fridge for snacking. I love dipping veggies in it, or use it as a healthy sandwich spread.


  1. Anonymous5:53 am

    Thanx doll for the info.

  2. Anonymous9:24 pm

    What is in the salad, I see spinach and red bell pepper, anything else?

  3. I've made hummus a lot before but never tried it with pumpkin. Maybe I'll try it.

  4. Happy New Year..You are right sahring about Make Up.
    Very Useful information, this is both good reading for, have quite a few good key points and I learn some new stuff from it too.

    McDesert Safari

  5. I love hummus and pumpkin thank you for the recipe.

  6. I’ll try this for sure, it looks great.

  7. Hallo Julia

    Zwar habe ich Deinen Blog noch nicht so lange aboniert, aber ich finde ihn bereits jetzt super! :-)
    Das Rezept oben muss ich wirklich mal nachkochen- tönt lecker und recht gesund :) Die Sparte 'cooking' gefällt mir allgemein, werde ich bei meinem Blog (wenn zu diesem Thema mehr Beiträge vorhanden sind) auch machen.

    Bin gespannt, was sonst noch so kommt an Kochrezepten.

    Lieber Gruss, Martina
