
29 Oct 2013

Autumn Splendor

I had to share some of these images I shot on my favorite running route a few days ago. I drained my iphone battery with pictures and videos, just trying to capture the beauty that is autumn. There's no greater way to enjoy this season than in a deserted, quiet forest on a beautiful sunny day, with leaves crunching underfoot. These are just some quick iphone snaps, nothing super creative with my SLR.

It certainly makes it so much more enjoyable to exercise outside when you've got scenes like that surrounding you. The only problem is that I had to stop every few meters to whip out my phone and take a picture!

This last one was shot in the evening from my rooftop patio, the mountains in the background.

How have you been enjoying autumn this year?


  1. These are breath-taking. Wish I lived somewhere where the seasons changed. I've visited Switzerland and what a beautiful country it is. You're lucky!

  2. Gorgeous photos! You really have a talent for photography <3
    Autumn here in Canada is quickly turning to colder Winter-like weather (boo! ;) ) has been lovely though. Fingers crossed that my family and I will be enjoying next Autumn in Switzerland! LOVE seeing your photos :)

  3. Positively beautiful! I was born on the east coast (Boston), but live in San Diego .. and I do miss trees and fall and seasons (well, except winter!).


  4. Love the colors, especially the last one!

  5. Wow das sind echt wunderschöne Bilder!
    Ich finde deinen Blog echt richtig gut und deine Youtube Videos liebe ich sowieso!
    Mach weiter so! Echt toll :)

  6. i'd looovee to live in a place like that

  7. These are absolutely gorgeous pics!! I love fall and yes exercising in these surroundings make it double the fun!! Keep inspiring us! Xo

  8. Love these pics!

  9. What a beautiful setting!


  10. First, I love your blog and videos. Thanks for sharing your talent and eye for beauty. You've inspired me to get outside, since besides a short trip to Las Vegas, I've been enjoying autumn from my office or some business meeting somewhere. Your posting reminded me that the world is walking past me in all its glory, right outside my office window. Have a wonderful, rejuvenating season, Julia!

  11. Julia, those pictures are stunning; for a moment you had me lost in the serenity of the environment that surrounded you. I loved thos shots!! Truly gorgeous foliage and I can imagine how lovely the weather was! Love this blog :)

  12. Those pictures an unbelievable. They're not retouched at all? That colour is PHENOMENAL!
