
16 Dec 2013

Christmas Home Tour & I love Winter #Holidaze

One of my absolute favorite things about Christmas, and the winter season in general, is spending cozy, relaxing time at home. I still love to go outdoors in the winter too, dressed in weather appropriate clothes, but there's something so comfortable about being indoors when it's freezing cold, snowy, or nasty weather outside.

I love decorating my home for Christmas, so I thought I'd show you what I've done in my apartment to get ready for the holidays. Enjoy the video!

I also wanted to share some picture of a beautiful walk I went on this weekend with my boyfriend. We've had a bit of snow already, but recently we had some beautiful hoar frost, which has turned all the trees into delicate, spindly white icicles. It's a unique weather setting that transforms the surroudings into a beautiful winter wonderland. See for yourself!

We drove to a lake where there's a nice walking trail, and as I'm driving I look out the window and see THIS!! I just had to stop the car on the side of the road and snap a picture.

We got to the lake and had a chilly walk around. I forgot my gloves! I hate having cold hands, but when I got back to my car I found a spare pair of gloves in the...wait for it...glove compartment!! Wow really? Who woulda thunk it?

The lake is so beautiful when it's frozen. I think still a tad too early to try ice skating on it quite yet.

By the way, if you're always cold outside in the winter - here's a piece of basic advice. Buy a high quality outdoor jacket, preferably one made for skiing or snowboarding. They are made for proper winter climate, will keep you warm, dry, and most importantly will completely block out wind and cold air. I like to wear my wool coats more in the city, of for going out for an evening somewhere, but when I'm out and about in nature, I always wear this Roxy snowboarding jacket. Matched with a hat and gloves, and the hood up, I can be outside for hours in this thing and be perfectly cozy and warm. Wool coats always let in a breeze or draft somewhere, and sometimes they're not even made of 100% wool and thus aren't even that warm.

Outdoor jackets can be quite stylish nowadays too, with most brands catering to women with cute, more tailored styles. Honestly, this is probably my most worn jacket in the winter, since I actually love this time of year and like spending time outdoors. I love the bright turquoise color too and the faux fur trim is cute.

Do you like winter? Do you spend time outdoors as well, or do you prefer to stay inside when it's cold?


  1. Hey Julia,

    diese Bilder sind wunderschön! Ich liebe den Winter auch sehr, besonders wenn man nach einem Spaziergang im Schnee einen warmen Tee oder eine heiße Schokolade trinkt und sich in eine Decke einmurmelt. Was gibt es schöneres? Natürlich habe ich alle deine Holidaze-Videos gesehen, wie auch alle anderen Videos von dir :D Ich verfolge dich schon sehr lange (eher Jahre als Monate) und muss dir endlich mal sagen, dass du deine Sache sehr gut machst; du kommst sympathisch und natürlich rüber, dabei bist du zugleich sehr unterhaltsam. Bitte, hör niemals damit auf!

    LG aus der Mitte Deutschlands

  2. Rebecca10:03 pm

    Wow those photos are're lucky to live in such a beautiful place :) Stunning views! I actually have a pair of goes in my glove compartment too...and I didn't even realize the irony until now!
