
4 Feb 2014

Perfect Eyebrows! How to get 'em...

Let me start off by saying my brows au naturel are anything but perfect - they are thin, the hair doesn't grow very dense or bushy, and they would definitely be a bit more full if I had control over my genes. Unfortunately, that's not the reality, so I actually spend quite a bit of time "faking" it - hah! I still want them to look natural, or as close to natural as possible, but I have to use products to make that happen.

Here are a few simple guidelines:

  • Please, please ladies - especially if you're a teen - don't over-pluck your brows! If you start plucking those hairs when you're 14 years old and continue for a few years, those hairs might never grow back, or they'll come back thinner, finer, or colorless. You'll ultimately regret it when you're older, because stronger brows can make a maturing face look more youthful! Grab those pesky stray hairs that grow outside of your natural brow line, and by all means remove a complete unibrow, but know when to stop! Don't use a magnifying mirror when tweezing, you'll go overboard.

  • Your natural brow shape - as in the pattern the hair grows on your face - is the one that is best suited to you. Don't try to create unnaturally high arcs if you don't have one, or completely change the shape that is given. Go with what you already have, it will look miles better than wonky, unnatural looking brows that just look over-tweezed. Straight or rounded brows can be beautiful too. This is one reason why I avoid those cut-out plastic brow guides that some companies offer - one size does not suit all! Try to figure out what your natural brow shape is, and go from there.

  • Try to use brow products that have an ashy color tone. For most people, this will look more flattering than warm colors on the brows, because often natural brow hairs are more ashy by nature. Unfortunately, you might have to spend a bit more money on department store products to find a suitable color. My own experience with drugstore products in finding good brow products has been very poor, as the color range is so limited and often they just don't stay on your brows, and have a tendency to wander all over your face.
Keep reading to see my video tutorial and recommended products!

Products used:

Anastasia Brow Wiz in Caramel
Anastasia Brow Powder Duo in Blonde
Illamasqua Eyebrow Cake in Gaze
Kryolan Brow Powder in Medium
Kryolan Eyebrow Forming Gel in clear
MAC Brows in Lingering (I use this sometimes)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04 am

    Thank you for this tutorial. Good eyebrows are hard to do.
