
14 Mar 2014

Zurich Meet-Up & Makeup Event

Some exciting news! Globus department store has invited me to once again be part of their Beauty Days special promotional event, where I will be doing makeup by appointment in-store on two weekends. Last year I was at Globus in Bern, this time around I will be at two different locations in Zurich!

Saturday, 22 March 2014 at Globus Glattzentrum
Saturday, 29 March 2014 at Globus Zurich Bahnhofstrasse

Hours for both dates that I will be there:
11am - 2pm and 4pm - 7pm

If you would like to book an appointment with me to get your makeup done, you can do so through the Globus website. The appointments are free of charge.

Make an appointment for Glattzentrum
Make an appointment for Zurich Bahnhofstrasse

In case all the appointments get booked up and you would still like to meet me and say hello, please drop by between 6:30pm to 7pm on both those dates. We have reserved the last half hour on both days for anyone who would like to come by spontaneously to take pictures, chat, etc.

I can't wait to meet you! Please drop by and have your makeup done by me. :)


WAS: Julia Graf schminkt bei Globus Beauty Days


→ Samstag 22. März, 2014 @ Globus Glattzentrum, 11-14 Uhr & 16-19 Uhr
→ Samstag 29. März, 2014 @ Globus Zürich Bahnhofstrasse, 11-14 Uhr & 16 - 19 Uhr

★ Kostenloser Schmink Termin buchen:

Zürich Bahnhofstrasse

Im Fall das alle Termine ausgebucht werden, und du möchtest trotzdem vorbei kommen um mich kennen zu lernen, wir haben die letzte halbe Stunde an beiden Tagen frei gehalten (18:30 bis 19:00 Uhr). Komm dann einfach spontan vorbei!

Ich freue mich auf euch!! ♡


  1. Oh, how exciting and fun! I wish I was able to fly over for the weekend and meet you and chat! Wouldn't mind a makeover either! :)
    On a side note - you look so gorgeous in the video - hair, make up, the cutesy top and necklace = perfection!
    Have a lovely weekend!

    Liebe Grüße aus Wien,

  2. I wish I could be there! Enjoy yourself Julia ♡ Let us know if you're ever in Montreal. By the way love the lipstick and your outfit in the video. Gorgeous!

  3. Oh man! Wish I could be there to meet you.

  4. Du bist echt schön! <3

  5. Wish I could be there! Are you gonna come to the US (particularly Washington hehe) :)
