
8 Dec 2014

Makeup Event in Basel, Switzerland

In partnership with Vichy, I will be appearing at Manor Basel, doing make-overs and a live demonstration using Dermablend products on a model, followed by a meet & greet session.

Manor Department Store
Greifengasse 22, Basel
I will be in the Sanovit Corner in the beauty department

Friday December 12, 2014: 14:30 - 17:00 17:30 - 20:00

*Live Makeup demonstration followed by fan Meet & Greet and photo session*
from 18:00 to 20:00 hours

Saturday, December 13, 2014: 12:00 - 18:00

Feel free to drop by, and make sure to be there for the live tutorial on a model which will be recorded for my Youtube channel, followed by a fun Meet & Greet where we can talk and take pictures together! See you there! :)


In Partnerschaft mit Vichy bin ich zu Gast bei Manor Basel, wo ich Kundinnen ein Makeup offerieren werde. Ich werde auch eine Schmink Demonstration an einem Model durchführen, gefolgt von einem Meet & Greet mit euch.

Greifengasse 22, Basel
Ich bin in der Sanovit Ecke in der Beauty Abteilung

Freitag 12 Dezember, 2014: 14:30 - 17:00 17:30 - 20:00

*Live Makeup Session, danach ein Meet & Greet mit mir*
von 18:00 to 20:00 hours

Samstag 13 Dezember, 2014: 12:00 - 18:00

Ich freue mich wenn ihr vorbei kommt, und umbedingt für die Make-up Vorführung vorbei schauen! Diese Session wird für mein Youtube Kanal mit einem professionellen Kamera Team aufgezeichnet. Danach können wir mit einander plaudern, und du kannst auch gern mit mir ein Bild machen als Erinnerung. Bis dann! :)

Möchtest du mein Model sein? Hier bewerben!

3 Dec 2014

Win a Make-Over by Me and appear on my Youtube channel!

Do you want to appear in one of my upcoming Youtube videos, filmed by a professional film crew, and get a complete make-over by me? Then read on! (Für Deutsch, bitte siehe unten!)

I'm pleased to announce my partnership with Vichy for an exclusive event at Manor department store in Basel, Switzerland! I will be doing make-overs using products from Vichy and their highly acclaimed Dermablend line, showing clients how to achieve wonderful skin, even for those that have skin issues. This line of skin makeup products is known in the professional world to give very high coverage.

For this event, we are looking for one very special lady to be my model, who will get a complete make-over by me! During your make-over I will give you lots of tips how to achieve a beautiful complexion using Vichy products; meanwhile, a professional camera team will be filming the entire process to document your transformation. This video will then appear on my Youtube channel, where you will be the star of the show. Our ideal candidate does not need to have "model" features, in fact, we are looking for someone who maybe has some skin issues (scarring, acne, birthmarks, etc.) that they would want to have magically "erased" with the Vichy Dermablend range.

Interested? Here's how to apply*:

Send an email to with your full name and age, your phone number, a description of why you think you would make the ideal Vichy Dermablend candidate, and what skin issues you are battling with. If you could include a picture of yourself without makeup, even better! (This is not mandatory but would greatly help us to select the ideal candidate.)

The filming of the segment starts at 6:00 pm at Manor Basel, Switzerland on Friday, December 12, 2014. You would need to be present at this time for about 2 hours maximum. You must arrange for any transportation to the location yourself.

The winner will receive a make-over by myself, appear on my Youtube channel, and also receive a surprise gift bag from Vichy cosmetics.

I look forward to your applications! The candidate will be contacted by email and/or phone that you have provided. Your details will be kept completely confidential of course!

*You must be 18 years or older to apply. If you are under 18, a parent or legal guardian must accompany you to the filming session. Your person will appear in a video on my Youtube channel, to which you forego all legal rights and claim to. No legal action may be taken against myself in connection with this contest for any reason. No monetary compensation may be claimed. Sorry for this legal jargon but I have to protect myself, you never know on the Internet. ;)


Ich freue mich meine Kooperation mit Vichy an einem exklusiven Event im Manor Basel, Schweiz bekannt zu geben. Ich werde an diesem Event ein Hauttyp-abgestimmtes Makeup offerieren, und euch die renommierten Produkte von Vichy und Dermablend näher bringen. Die Dermablend Produkte verhelfen auch Personen mit Hautproblemen den idealen Teint zu erreichen, und sind unter professionellen Visagisten für ihre hohe Deckkraft sehr beliebt.

Für dieses besondere Event suchen wir eine Kandidatin, die für mich als Model agieren wird, und dabei ein passendes Makeup von mir bekommt. Dieses Make-over wird von einem professionellen Kamera Team begleitet, welches deine "Verwandlung" dokumentieren wird. Dieses Video wird dann auf meinem Youtube Kanal ausgestrahlt, wo du der Star sein wirst! Unsere ideale Kandidatin muss keine Modelmasse mitbringen, ganz im Gegenteil: Hautprobleme wie zum Beispiel Akne, Muttermale oder starken Rötungen sind kein Nachteil. Ich möchte dir gerne zeigen, wie du diese Zonen mit Vichy perfekt abdecken kannst.

Interesse geweckt? Dann bewirb dich*:

Schicke ein email an mit deinem Name und Alter, deine Telefonnummer, und beschreibe deine Hautprobleme. Wenn du ein Bild von dir ungeschminkt mitsenden kannst, wäre das umso besser! (Dies ist nicht zwingend, aber es hilft uns, die ideale Kandidatin zu finden.)

Das Segment wird am 12. Dezember 2014 im Manor Basel, Schweiz um 18:00 Uhr gefilmt, und dauert maximal 2 Stunden, wo du vor Ort sein müsstest. Deine Anreise bitte selber organisieren.

Die Gewinnerin bekommt einen kostenlosen Schmink Termin und Beratung mit mir, wird auf meinem Youtube Kanal erscheinen, und als Dankeschön ein tolles Geschenke-Set von Vichy mitgegeben.

Ich freue mich auf deine Bewerbung! Die Gewinnerin wird per email und/oder Telefon kontaktiert. Alle persönlichen Daten werden von mir strengst geheim gehalten.

*Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle Personen 18 Jahre oder älter. Unter 18 musst du zum Film-Termin von einem Elternteil oder Erwachsene Person begleitet werden. Deine Person wird auf meinem Youtube Kanal in einem Video erscheinen, alle Rechte für das entstehende Video gehören mir, Julia Graf. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.

25 Nov 2014

Kim Kardashian Makeup Look

Recently Kim Kardashian has appeared in the press a lot due to her very controversial (and very photoshopped) Paper Magazine nude cover and photoshoot. I, however, think she looked so much better and more refined at a recent product launch party in London.


I really enjoyed the makeup look she wore here, so I though I would recreate it!

Keep reading to see more!

13 Nov 2014

Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

I'm a big fan of soups in the colder months of the year. They're fast and easy to make, and you can really get creative with with ingredients you use and a great way to eat the cold climate vegetables that are in season now.

I was honestly never a fan of chicken noodle soup because every time I've had it it's been out of a can. I just never made it myself! A couple weeks ago I thought I really need to change that sad reality, so I whipped up my own version. I loved it, and so did my fiancé. I've made it a few times since then so I thought I'd share my recipe so you can try it too and see if you like it as much as we do.

Watch my video tutorial below how to make it, and all the ingredients you will need!

10 Nov 2014

MAC Heirloom Mix Review & Swatches

Hello world! Today I have some of the pieces from the MAC Heirloom Mix collection to show you, which is coming out for the holiday season - available in November 2014. I only have 4 pieces from an obviously much larger collection, but I wanted to give my opinion on the products I do have.

Keep reading for more pictures and the review!

28 Oct 2014

Halloween Series: Marie Antoinette

Here it is, my personal "crowning glory" of this year's Halloween videos. I give you Marie Antoinette, post-beheading with a re-attached head in the Afterlife!!

When I began to develop the concept for this video, I knew I wanted to do a different spin on Marie Antoinette than many looks out there for this historical figure. I didn't want to go down that stylized, over-the-top cartoonish look popularized through movies; rather, I still wanted an element of realness to the former Queen of France.

Keep reading for all the details, more pics, and the tutorial...

17 Oct 2014

Halloween Series: Black Widow / Victorian Ghost

I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I absolutely love this look so much! Looooove! Can I please walk around like this every day and it be totally normal? There's something so chic about alabaster skin, dark makeup, and a veil. I definitely need to get some kind of a fascinator veiled hat pronto, because I totally want to wear this in real life. Hah!

14 Oct 2014

Halloween Series: The Sorceress (Purple Witch)

I had so much fun creating this Evil Sorceress look for my Halloween video series. I've had many requests to do a purple witch look (I did a green sexy witch look years ago which you can see here) and I wanted to turn this one into a sorceress. What's the difference, you say? Well, I always thought Sorceresses were more high class than witches, but what do I know? LOL!!

Watch my video tutorial below to see how to recreate this look, and how it looks with my full costume. I have a 20% off coupon code for you if you're still shopping around for a Halloween costume online, woo yay! I hope you enjoy this one - what are you dressing up as this year?

10 Oct 2014

90s Makeup: Matte & Brown Tones Revisited

Remember the 90s? Supermodels, iconic Covergirl and Revlon makeup ads, baggy pants, vests, pendant necklaces and some pretty questionable music styles (aside from grunge, which was awesome, RIP Kurt Cobain).

90s makeup, on the other hand, has a pretty terrible reputation nowadays. Drab everything-brown tones, brown lipstick, noticeable lipliner with light lipstick. But there were also some pretty iconic looks, be it from supermodels like Cindy Crawford, or from TV shows like Beverly Hills 90201, Star Trek The Next Generation, etc.

I wanted to revisit the 90s with this look, but also make it slightly updated and wearable for present day. Here's what I came up with!

8 Oct 2014

Halloween Series: Ripped & Stapled Mouth

Halloween isn't all about looking cute and sexy, some people prefer the darker and scarier looks, so here's an especially gruesome one: The Chelsea Grin! This is a form of torture where a small incision is made on the side of the mouth, then the victim is inflicted severe pain, causing him or her to scream, tearing the sides of the mouth. Fantastic!!

Kidding, obviously.

I modified the classic chelsea grin to make it look like the sides of the ripped mouth has been stapled up again.

This is my first time trying a full blown special effects makeup look. I did a trial run to get some practice with the materials, but obviously I'm not perfect at it yet. I made a few errors here which I'll correct for my next SFX look I'm planning. I'm just excited to do more of these looks and improve my technique. We all have to start somewhere! I always found special FX makeup super intimidating, but I think just like regular makeup, you just need the right tools and products, and then practice, practice, practice... It was so much fun to do a really bloody and gory Halloween look!

5 Oct 2014

Halloween Series: Poison Ivy

It's Halloween season on my channel, and I am so excited to kick things off with my first look, this time I'm doing DC Comics super villainess POISON IVY! She's green and mean, and this costume will definitely be a head-turner in a crowd!

I had so much fun doing Poison Ivy's look, and this look has been so frequently requested over the years that I knew it was time to finally do it.

I hope you love this look! Do you know what you're dressing up as this Halloween?

28 Aug 2014

Nicki Minaj "Anaconda" Music Video Makeup

Nicki Minaj's latest music video offers plenty of juicy booty shaking, but also a fabulously beautiful makeup look on our lead protagonist. Nicki's face was very contoured and highlighted bringing out her bone structure, her eyes were a super sultry bronze and gold, and her lips were a rich pink. Although my coloring is so very different from Nicki's, I wanted to do my take on the look.

Keep reading to see what I used, and how to recreate this look with my video tutorial!

Katy Perry "This Is How We Do" Makeup Look

Shortly after Katy Perry released her new music video for "This Is How We do", I had many requests from my lovely viewers to show how to achieve her catchy look. It featured a dramatic grey cut-crease, and a double eyeliner look using black and hot pink. Her cheeks were a bright pink and also her lips. This look just screams POP to me and is so fun. f you don't feel quite brave enough to do neon pink on the eyes and lips, just pick one or the other.

Keep reading to see what I used, and my video tutorial to recreate the look...

Rita Ora "Black Widow" Makeup

I had so many requests after my last post featuring Iggy Azalea's look to do Rita Ora's makeup also from the same music video - Black Widow. Here are some screenshots for reference.

Rita wore extremely dark and almost geometric black eyeliner, and and a nude-y pink lip. Honestly, I just knew this wasn't going to look good on me at all, or many people for that matter. The harsh black line really makes eyes look so much smaller, so I wanted to do a spin on this look but adjust it to flatter my features. That's so important about taking inspiration from fashion or celebrity looks - don't blindly follow every trend if it just doesn't work for you. Take inspiration and make it your own! So here's what I did...

Keep reading to see what changes I made, what products I used, and my video tutorial how to recreate it!

Iggy Azalea "Black Widow" Makeup

Iggy Azalea is one of the hottest acts in pop music right now, she's been storming the charts and getting a lot of attention in the music business. I love the sometimes soft and sometimes bold makeup looks she wears, and the one from her recent Black Widow music video particularly caught my eye.

Here's my take on this look! It features striking cool-red lips (slightly overdrawn for maximum effect), and a very defined eye with peekaboo lashes on the outer corners.

Keep reading to see what I used, and recreate the look with my video tutorial...

29 Jul 2014

Arab Makeup for Eid

Hi everyone! It's been a good while since I did an Arab inspired makeup look, my last one was rather colorful and bold. I wanted to come  up with a look for those who are currently celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which is a celebration period marking the end of Ramadan for Muslims. I realize that not all Muslims are Arabs, but I love this kind of makeup and I thought it would be fitting for those who are from this culture. Plus, this look is just super glamorous and very eye catching, so basically anyone who likes this style of makeup can wear it. I'm all about being open to different cultures and taking inspiration from many regions of the world!

Happy Eid, or Eid Mubarak to those celebrating!

Keep reading to see what I used, and the video tutorial to achieve this look!

24 Jul 2014

Glowing Ultra Violet Makeup

I'm horrible at keeping up with my Blog, I admit it. I post videos on my Youtube channel and forget to post the looks here. Make sure you're subscribed to my channel there, as you can also be notified by email when I upload a new video.

Nonetheless, here's a really fun and colorful look I had so much fun coming up with! I used to actually dislike wearing purple eyeshadow back in my early days; now I can't get enough of it. It really brings out brown, green and hazel eyes and is definitely an eye-catching look.

Read more to see what I used and the video tutorial!

12 Jun 2014

5 Summer Recipes you NEED to try!

Summer is here and I thought I'd share some of my favorite seasonal recipes with you. I love cooking, but over the past few years I've tried to change my cooking habits to be a lot healthier, reducing a lot of the added sugar, but including lots of vegetables, fruits, healthy proteins and the like. I still want to enjoy and love the food I make, but also know that I won't have to run a marathon afterwards to burn off loads of bad calories and extra fats I don't need.

All these recipes are not only extremely tasty and fail-safe to make, but I've also tried to make them as health conscious as I can without reducing flavor. Using fresh ingredients, spices and herbs, and combining them creatively is really my take on great cooking!

Keep reading to get 5 wonderful summer recipes, that will have your friends and family wanting more!

3 Jun 2014

Golden Peacock Eyes

I was rooting around in my makeup studio, pulling out a bunch of fun colors, glitter, lashes and the like, and decided to throw together this look.

Want to see what products I used and the tutorial? Then keep reading!