
27 Feb 2009

My latest obsession

I know I'm super late on the Twilight bandwagon but I decided to see what all the hullabaloo was about and took the plunge. I did it all in reverse order, I first watched the Twilight movie, then read bits and pieces of Midnight Sun (which is basically the first book all from Edward's perspective and you can read it online on Stephanie Meyer's website - click here) and then finally decided to start things from the beginning! I'm currently on the third book, Eclipse. The picture above shows the sequence of the books in the order that they should be read: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn.

These books are really fun and very easy to read. Although these are young adult fiction, they appeal to all ages. These are definitely not the type of books I normally read but I am hooked and have to know what happens to all the characters.

If you're hesitating jumping on the Twilight bandwagon because you think you're too old or that it's all hype - don't! You'll miss out on some very good, page-turning novels. I thought they would be more cheesy and teen-y than they are. I am really enjoying this series, coming from someone who usually reads adult literature or non-fiction books! Now don't get me wrong, these don't make for intellectually groundbreaking reading, but I enjoy them and that's all that matters.

Expect to see a video of me rambling about the whole series on Youtube once I'm finished, where everyone will be able to participate and share their thoughts. ;)


  1. Anonymous8:15 pm

    I think it would be great to have some book reviews. (I might not into the all "Twilight" hullabaloo, but I love books. Actually way more than make up :) NOT that I don't like your make-up tuts!)

  2. Anonymous8:18 pm

    I was thinking about buying these books at the mall yesterday but I didn't cause I was like "Re, your're 24, come on". But I think I am going to try them after all!

    Visit Makeup By Rere for makeup giveaways, contests, reviews, freebies, and more!


  3. it's really good isn't julia?! i'm glad i read them.. can't wait for then next movie coming out!

  4. I also watched the movie first, then decided to read the books. I ended up finishing the series so fast, hehe. I agree that they're nothing complex or profound, but they kept me entertained. Love them!

  5. I love this series! Team Edward all the way :)

  6. I love these series, yea it's not a classical novel but it's entertaining and suspenseful :)

  7. Anonymous1:05 am

    OK. Will you believe me when I tell you that I *just* had several tabs opened with Twilight stuff, and then I went to my Google Reader and see you have new post - and guess what! You post about it! hahaha, it's everywhere!! I only read Twilight so far...but I have other books downloaded too...still haven't seen the movie :(

  8. Personally, I didn't see what the big deal was about. Did that stop me from reading them? No. In my opinion it's not that great. But that's just me :).

  9. I *LURVE* Twilight! I also thought it would be cheesy and just for teenage girls but I got so hooked after reading the first 15 pages. Stephanie Meyer knows her stuff!

  10. I´ve heard that you live in swiss? I love your tutorials, it really helps me out, cause I live in Germany and so many of the US products are not available here!
    Ich liebe Twilight!!!
    It´s such a heartbreakingly beautiful series!<3

  11. oooooooooh myyyy gooooossssshhhhhh I love the entire series!

  12. I too am hooked. If you like these you must read Charlaine Harris "Sookie Stackhouse Series", very similar and it was said that these books were kinda copied off of the Harris books.

  13. Breaking Down is amazing!!

  14. these books are great. u can't just get enough of it. have fun reading. i just can't wait for the fifth one to come out!

  15. i agree..breaking down is amazing! once u start reading the series, u can't stop reading!

  16. Anonymous10:45 am

    Ahh I've been hanging off reading these because I'm sure I'll get hooked!

  17. I love the Twilight series too. Actually if you try going straight to Stephanie Meyer's site and clicking in the link to Midnight Sun, it only gives you the first chapter, which is like 20 pages. Good thing you have a previous link, because the link you provided for us has like over 200 pages!

  18. There's going to be a fifth book? I thought Breaking Dawn was the end of the series...

  19. I was late on reading them too.... Can't say I loved them but I was hooked like heroin..... They just are very juvenile - The Sookie Stackhouse novels are much better (True Blood series). They are much more adult.

  20. Anonymous12:04 am

    Isn't the first book 'twilight' you have there... the film edition or the real edition?
    we, in Belgium, don't have eclipse and breaking dawn. But i bought them in LONDOOOOOON! : DDD
    i hope I understand what they write, because my english is.. uhh.. bad ;p
    I am SecretApple from youtube btw.

  21. Anonymous5:48 am

    a friend from my hometown shot the ads for the movie (on the cover of the 1st book)
    he's only 20!

  22. Hey, Julia!

    i actually posted a comment on youtube but there are sooo much of them, that you maybe will not see it :-) about a month or so ago i wrote about my opinion on this saga on my blog, so in case you are interested, just read :-)
    love your vamp look

  23. i watched the movie 1st then i read all the books in 3 weeks. Wow i love them. Such a sweet cute love story.

  24. Anonymous9:16 pm

    I read Twilight like one year before the movie was yeah, I had that "the movie's gonna suck!!" idea, but I ended up actually liking it. I'm happy to tell you, you're reading an amazing saga, haha. And I don't blame you for being obsessed with it. I think Stephenie Meyer creates obsessions haha. =)

  25. Liked your review. Looks like BD has alienated many readers who liked (or at least enjoyed) first three books.

    Any hope you'd created make-up looks for the characters?? That would sure be something to look forward to. :)

  26. They weren't good books at all. It's not an opinion, it's fact - they were not well written. There is a complete absence of plot for half the series, the characters are flat and uninspired. It's like bad fanfiction. Pass on it if you can, it's a waste of your time when there are more eloquent authors found just as easily, for less money, who DESERVE the recognition.

  27. I didn't like the books at all, I respect anyone who does but I just thought they were very juvenile (even for me and I'm only 18 and still like the Gossip Girl book series). I also think that it is more hype than anything, especially with the movie, which has horrible acting, people who hadn't/haven't even read the series thought the movie was going to be so great before it even came out..... and it's kind of funny that no one loved "Edward" when he was in Harry Potter but now they all love him.

  28. jennifer10:25 pm

    i have to say that i was a little reluctant also but once started i couldn't stop.. if you haven't yet try the host by stephanie meyers . it is also a verry verry good book!!!!!!!! just a heads up

  29. jennifer10:27 pm

    it's funny because you bought the same books like i did.. you started with the cheapest then couldn't wait and got all the rest in hard cover lol

  30. You should watch New Moon!
