
26 Feb 2009

New column! Ask me Beauty

I want to announce the start of a new column on my blog, that my readers will hopefully find interesting. It will be a beauty advice column, where you - my readers - can send in questions to a special email address I have created. I will be publishing the best emails on my blog with my answer! I assure you that I will of course keep your last name and your email address completely private, or you can sign with a pseudonym. If you need advice on the topics of beauty, for example recommendations for a look, skincare, how to achieve a smoky eye, or even other advice on fashion, hair or whatever else you can think of, then please email me at this email address:

Please send your questions specifically for my column to this email. Your email will be published on my blog, but may be edited slightly by myself for grammar or length. Your last name, identity and email address will be kept completely private. If you include any pictures in your email, please specify if you want them published on my blog or not.

I get asked so many beauty related questions, and I don't always have time to answer them all. This way, everyone will be able to benefit, and I will try to answer as many of these questions as I can! (Please note that my advice will come as a peer, I do not claim to be a cosmetologist or doctor with a medical background. I will however do my best to research the topic to the best of my abilities, or pass along my own personal advice.)

Looking forward to your emails!



  1. WOW!!! this is a brilliant idea!!!
    Thanks for opening another door for us to learn many things from you!!!

  2. ohh that's so nice of you... :)

  3. that´s such an wonderful idea!:)
    I´m looking forward to your column!<3

  4. Anonymous7:47 am

    this is a great idea! im so excited. you have answered a question from me before and i really appreciate it, but can't wait for this new advice column!!

  5. thanks for the opportunity :)

  6. Anonymous6:51 am

    do u mean our first name will be published instead of email??

  7. Well I would just publish your first name only because that still is anonymous, I won't publish anyone's email address and other information.
