
5 Aug 2009

I have a new channel on Youtube

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to make a brief announcement that I've finally taken the plunge and started a second channel on Youtube. Instead of spamming up my makeup channel with random bits and lesser-quality videos, I've decided to host these on a second channel.

I will be uploading random chatter, trip clips, vlogs and maybe the odd makeup haul as well, although the channel will have a mainly non-makeup theme. I will be posting videos sporadically with no set schedule. I'll say right off the bat that I will not be keeping up with private messages on this channel very well, so if you need to contact me, email is still the best way.

Why the name Third Shift? The 3rd shift is traditionally the graveyard or night shift, and as I'm a night owl and often this time is my most productive, it seemed a fitting name.

I hope you check it out and subscribe! One video is already up. :)


  1. okay so i soooo look forward to ur new vids on thethirdshift!! of course i am still a fan of ur makeup channel. but seeing where u live and ur lil grocery store excursions are awesome!! keep posting vids<333 LOVE THEM!
