
2 Aug 2009

Product Test Results: Garnier UltraLift Anti-Wrinkle Firming Eye Cream

On June 16th I started testing this Garnier eye cream, to see if it actually lived up to its claims of firming the eye area skin and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. You can click here to read back on that entry if you missed it. I've been using this product ever since that date, so it's been nearly 6 weeks of use. I would apply once or twice a day as needed, and used no other eye creams during that period.

NOTE: It is impossible to have exactly the same lighting conditions unless you have a pro camera and a studio where light conditions are controlled. I do not have access to such facilities, I took both pictures in daylight where cloud cover, sunlight, etc will affect the picture. Please keep that in mind when commenting. Viewing the pics full size will show the difference better.

Here is the before picture:

And here is a picture taken yesterday:

No photoshopping has been done on either image, although the lighting conditions seem to be slightly different.

My opinion on the results:

Upon closely examining these pictures full size, I have to say I am slightly in shock to see that there is actually a little bit of difference. In the after picture, the fine lines just below my inner tear duct don't seem as deep-set and long as in the before picture. Or am I imagining things? However, I do remain somewhat skeptical since there are many variables that I cannot rule out that might have caused this difference. For example, I don't know if my eye was somewhat puffy on the day of taking the before picture versus the picture taken yesterday. Also, the different lighting conditions could mean that in the newer picture, the wrinkles may not be as visible. This isn't a very scientific experiement where I can completely rule out any of these interfering variables, so I leave it up to you to decide. (If you look at the pictures full size, you can get a better idea.)

My other thoughts on the cream:

I felt like this eye cream is very light, and would be good for people with normal to oily skin. Sometimes I felt like it just wasn't moisturizing enough, especially as I suffer from seasonal hay fever and sometimes need more moisture in an eyecream to counteract the dry skin caused by rubbing my eyes. The other negative point is that this cream has a tendency to sting if you actually get it in your eyes. Not horribly painful, but on occasion when I did get some of the product into my eye, it burned and started watering. In my opinion, no eye cream should sting when you get it into your eyes. It didn't irritate or sting on my skin at all though, making it good for those with sensitivities like myself.

In conclusion, I don't think I would buy this cream again. It's relatively pricey for a very small tube, wasn't quite moisturizing enough, stung sometimes when getting into the eye, and overall I'm not entirely convinced of the anti-wrinkle effect.

What do you think of the results? Do you notice any difference or not? Would you try this cream yourself? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Anonymous10:11 pm

    I can tell a difference but very slightly. Your skin appears to be lighter than the first one and the fine lines seems to have decreased just slightly. Although, this may be a temporary effect! As I read this is what these creams do. Try not using the cream for a week and see how it goes?

  2. Anonymous10:14 pm

    hmmm, i cant see the difference..
    but maybe u can try garnier roll on eye cream.. coz i used it and i think it work, but i never compare the before n after photos yet..
    hope u can show to us the result for roll on product..
    c ya..

  3. I'm really glad you did this test, because I have been curious to see how the results would turn out. At first glance of the photos (and also because of personal bias) I did not see a difference in either eye, aside from the light conditions you mentioned.

    I stared at the pictures some more, and noticed the same things you did. There are two lines, which are the most noticeable under your eye. Both seem to be less deep set and harsh. In my opinion, this is definitely progress and I'm curious to see how much more significant the results would be if you continued for another 6 weeks. Would your wrinkles be banished altogether after a certain amount of time?

    This is really cool, I'm glad you did this. Thanks for the insight!

  4. Anonymous10:22 pm

    no difference, sorry

  5. there might be a tiny little difference but it does not jump out the page. Thanks so much for the post. How gorgeous are those lashes, going to stop going on about it, but you know which review I can't wait to read!! :) Additionally, any post you would like to make with tips on how to take better make up pictures would be so so so nice to read.

  6. well, the area around your eye on the first pic was redder than that on the second one. I don't know if it was because of the lighting condition. But if it is not, the eye cream seems to even out your tone around the eye area. I don't see it helps reduce wrinkles. Sorry.

  7. I honestly dont see a difference and I know somewhat of things about those anti-wrinkle creams and that sometimes they would have the opposite effect: it would just add puffness to the eye bag area. Also, some of these products contain chemicals that can be cancerous.

    I am pro-herbal person and I have a good experience of what to do to reduce puffness of the eye area or even lighten dark circles under the eye area. You should use cotton circles, wet them in cold water with ice, put it over your entire eye lid (both eyes) and let it sit for 3 mintues. Also, to reduce the dark circules under your eyes or wrinkles, peel off a potatoe and use it's peeled surface and use it under ur eye area (whole entire bottom surface) and let it sit for 3 minutes, or use thin cucumber slices and use it for the whole entire lid for 3 mintues. Try it, and keep it up for few weeks and ull see the difference in days even! I do it all the time, seriously.

  8. I don't see a big difference that would justify paying more than $1.00 for this product. Thanks so much for doing this review.

  9. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Wow, you have such thick and LONG eyelashes. Jealous! :P

  10. Anonymous12:09 am

    If creams could make wrinkles go away, none of us would have wrinkles. I vote for no difference in before & after shots.

  11. Anonymous2:26 am

    hmm to be honest i don't see a difference at all.

  12. I do see a small difference. Sorry it didn't work out for you though! I'm using the garnier nutritioniste ultra-lift anti wrinkle firming eye cream. The one in a green jar. So far it's working fine and I'm seeing slight improvement.

  13. I do see a difference! Everyone has those fine "laugh" lines under their eyes, but in the after picture they look much softer.

  14. Mmm not a big difference.

  15. Jackie4:47 am

    I do see a small difference.
    As for the sting effect of the cream in your eyes, I can tell you that I use a Chanel eye treatment, and if I overdue it with the amount I put, I feel my eyes watering a little. Not burning or stinging, but I do feel a discomfort.

  16. Donnie5:12 am

    very little difference, just a little softer...

  17. Fer!996:22 am

    I see a small difference, I also see that your upper lashes are longer

  18. I will say, there does seem to be a difference in the two photos- the lines in the after appear as if they aren't as deep or as long as in the original, but as you pointed out, it could well be a coincidence. (I noticed your lashes look thicker in the first, for instance)

    I would tend to agree about the burning also, seems that if it's designed for your eye area it shouldn't burn even if it does get in there.

  19. woah! your eyelashes are sooo long!! did u use lilash??


  20. Hi, I could see the difference even though only a slight change, but this could be due to you not having many wrinkles.

    Love your tutorials by the way!

    Regards Lisa.

  21. Thanks for doing this review on this product i was sooo curious about the outcome:p I have to say that by the looks of the pictures there is definitely a good change. I understand the different variables that you mentioned that may tweak the look of your eyes but i am convinced that the cream has had a positive effect on the skin around your eyes. Pretty Good results for just 6 weeks. I am currently testing out Dr. Patricia Wexlers Deep Wrinkle Eye Cream but i am definitely interested in giving this product a shot. After i am done with the one i am using:)
    Thanks Again Julia for sharing

  22. Can't say that I'm surprised! I have tried many creams and never saw a difference. The best ting I have done is used coconut oil as a makeup remover for me eye's. It really seems to moisturize that area better then any cream I have used. Also it's not too rich like many eye creams that tend to make my eye area break out!

    I've tried everything from Garnier to Elizabeth Adren and nothing did what it said it would!

  23. I do see a bit of difference in the depth of the wrinkles, but it is only slight. But, if you do find an eye cream that slightly works, PLEASE let me know! I am only 20 and I'm already starting to develop under-eye wrinkles, so I want to take care of this before it gets worse.
    Please and thank you!

  24. the best eye cream so far is redermic by la roche-posay

  25. Anonymous5:01 pm

    I'm 53 and have used the Vitamin Face Firming Serum from the Made from Earth skincare line for 10 years. I am complimented on my skin all the time!! Everyone wants to know my skin care regime. The Made from Earth Vitamin Firming Serum has been a major part of my routine. I wouldn't be without it!
