
2 Sept 2010

200,000 Subscriber Contest!

To celebrate passing the 200,000 subscriber mark on my Youtube channel, I will be hosting a contest where subscribers will have a chance to win prizes worth over $1000 USD. There will be two parts for this contest. The first will be a video-response makeup competition judged on merit, the second part of the contest will be based on random luck draw and will not require a video response. Please watch my video, or be sure to read the full rules below.

Basic Rules for both contests:

You must be a Youtube subscriber to my channel and your subscriptions must be publicly displayed on your channel as this is the only way that I can easily see that you are indeed a subscriber. As I can't see if you are subscribed to my channel by Google Reader etc., you will need to have a Youtube account. This also applies for the random drawings.

If you are under 18 years old, please get parental or guardian permission to enter as I will require personal information from you (your address) if you win.

The contest is open worldwide for both the video response contest and the random giveaways. You may enter both contests, but you can only enter the Makeup Competition once.

Makeup Competition Rules:

1. Create ONE video response entry by showing me your most creative makeup look based on the theme "Myths and Legends". You can interpret the theme however you like, but it should have some kind of correlation. Please do not make a full length tutorial, just a short video that is maximum 2 minutes in length showing the look you have done. You must add your video as a video response to my original contest video. Either in the video itself or in the description box, you must say/write what inspired you or what your look is based on or what it represents. If you did use a picture for inspiration, please include a link to the picture. You can get as creative or as wild as you like, but please no special effects makeup (liquid latex, wounds, prosthetics, full body painting, etc. You can still use lashes, feathers, rhinestones however! Just no makeup that would fall under the special fx category.) Please use royalty free music if you must, if you use copyright music from major record labels, you run the risk of having your video disabled in some countries and I won't be able to view it.

2. I prefer live video, but you can do a picture slideshow video if you don't have the capacity to film yourself. If you decide on the picture slideshow,
you must include a picture of yourself holding up a piece of paper with your Youtube username written on it. This is to prevent image and identity theft. Use Windows Movie Maker or iMovie (Mac) to create your movie and upload it to your Youtube account, or do it online at

The video and the look must be new. You cannot use one of your old videos as I will be checking the date. The title of your video has to include something about my contest, for example "Contest Entry for MissChievous". You do not have to apply the makeup on yourself, you can use a model, but the makeup must be done by you.

You must send a picture of your final look to my email: , the file name must be your Youtube user name for easy reference. Please do not send me full size pictures, please resize your image, but not too small please. Try to take a good quality picture that accurately reflects the makeup (I have a tutorial for photo taking here) and keep photo editing to a minimum, the makeup must be true to life.

5. Judging will be done by myself. There will be no voting from contestants or subscribers. I have the final call.


    There will be four winners for this part of the contest, one spot will be reserved for a beginner artist so as to create an inclusive atmosphere for all my subscribers. I will judge the entries according to skill level, it will be easy for me to see who is at a more advanced level, versus a beginner. The look you create will ultimately determine the appropriate skill level.

    The Prizes for the makeup competition will be brush sets by Hakuhodo USA, which are exquisite handmade brushes made in Japan, made after an artisan style. (Please note these are not vegan brushes, they are made of animal hair but cruelty-free.) These are my absolute favorite makeup brushes and you can check out my review video if you want to know more. These prizes were not sponsored by Hakuhodo.

    The First Place Prize will be the 8 piece Vermillion Handle Set (worth $369 USD)

    The Second, Third, and Fourth place winners will get to choose their prizes in descending order from the other brush sets I have purchased. These include the
    5 piece Vermillion Handle Set ($219), the Kokutan Ebony Portable Mini Set ($216), and the Basic 10 piece Set ($219).

    Random Giveaway Contest Rules:

    This contest will be open to everyone and will not require a video response. In fact, it requires very minimal effort. These giveaways will be random luck drawings, which I will be doing through my social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and my Blog. More details for these contests will be made available through these sites, and to enter, you will have to become a follower to keep up to date. You don't have to add all three if you don't want, just add the sites for which you have an account. Don't have an account? Make one! It's really easy and it's so much fun to interact with you all on there.

    Follow me on Twitter
    "Like" my Facebook Page
    Become a Follower of this Blog

    Contest prizes for this will be a surprise, but I have a whole drawer of things to give away, including nail polish, large makeup palettes, brushes, eyeshadows, and more! (Some of these prizes are sponsored by Jolieeeee Boutique.)


    Please remember this contest is FOR FUN! Get creative, try something new, and don't get discouraged. I really appreciate you all and would love to give everyone a prize, but of course not everyone can win. So please let's keep it positive. I will not tolerate cattiness and mean-spiritedness.
    If I see a contestant leaving rude and nasty comments on other entry videos or trash-talking and acting discouragingly towards other contestants trying their best, I will disqualify that person from the contest. This is not the atmosphere I wish to give a platform to on my channel and I want to keep my contest positive and equal opportunity. I hate drama and BS. Remember it's just for fun, and it's just makeup, nothing to get nasty over.

    I will try to have the winner results up in a timely manner but due to the amount of entries I will likely have, this will take some time so please be patient. I will try my very best to get the results announced on my channel as soon as possible.

    So please enter!! I am so excited about this and look forward to seeing all your wonderful videos. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I have taken great care to come up with rules that are hopefully very fair and as inclusive as possible to prevent any ill feelings. So I hope you have fun and get creative!



    Need some inspiration? Check this out!

    Link to my contest video can be found here

    FAQ (I'll update this as needed)

    Can I add lashes, rhinestones, feathers, leaves?
    Yes! This doesn't fall under typical special effects makeup and you can definitely use those on your face.

    Can I do a hair or nail video instead of a makeup look?
    No, sorry. This is a makeup competition only and it's too hard to judge different categories like that.

    Can I do something cool with my hair too?
    Yes, definitely! That would be great to see how you tie the look together rocking a cool hairstyle or accessories. But the judging will definitely focus on the makeup aspect, so even if you have a great hairstyle but the makeup is just so-so, I will be judging you on the makeup look. You don't
    have to do something with your hair if you don't want to.

    Can I use face paints or is it just conventional makeup products?
    You can use whatever medium you like, so facepaints are fine too. I'm not judging you on what brand or products you use, but the look you come up with.

    Can I cover my eyebrows with glue/wax?

    Can I just send you the pictures and not do a video response?
    No, you will have to post a video response and send me a picture. If you don't know how to edit, use and then upload to Youtube.

    How do I post a video response?
    Upload the video to your Youtube channel, then go to the comment section below my contest video and click on "Attach a Video" which is located on the right side of the comment box. Then select your video and post as a response. All videos are set on approval by me, so don't worry if it doesn't show up right away. Check back later to see if it went through.

    Can I do X creature/character/person?

    Please use your own best judgement. I will be quite lenient with the theme, but the look should correlate somehow. You can explain in the video why you have chosen to do the look and how that ties in with the theme. I will evaluate you on the look and how well you have interpreted the theme with your look. Please, I cannot answer each person's question if they can do X character.


    1. im so excited! :)

    2. you are my favorite youtube guru.. and I'm not saying it because of the contest but from the bottom of my heart :)

    3. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity! Good luck to everyone!

    4. i appreciate that you are giving every1 a shot at this and opening to all different users. yay for bloggers! happy 200,000 subs~~ =)


    5. woooh thanks so much!

    6. this contest is so amaizing!!!! You are very generous, is't not common :) PS sorry for my english xD bye

    7. Im really excited about this!!!!

    8. Anonymous1:56 am

      I HAVE A QUESTION. Is the Avatar count as Myth or Legend ?

    9. so cool! My mom and I love your stuff, maybe we'll both end up entering!

    10. Thank you for such a huge and inspiring giveaway. I'll have to do the Facebook/Blog option as I'm not allowed to show my face.

    11. thanks for doing this contest. this is my first time entering a contest and im really looking forward to it. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE :)

    12. im a youtuber suscriber but i am from mexico, can i send you my make up video to the constest?

    13. thanks for this contest...I have a creature in mind...but for me, I am not really comfortable of putting my face on the internet...and please don't take me wrong...I love ur videos...U are so talented. I'll just wait for ur random giveaway

    14. Wish I could do a video I love those brushes

    15. I need some brushes

    16. Wow that so cool! but can i know how do i to enter in your contest without video?? Thx

    17. Triny4:19 am

      I'm so excited :) Since we're allowed to do a picture slideshow I can actually enter.
      I'm definitely a beginner but I'm really looking forward to this contest. :)

    18. Anonymous4:23 am

      I subscribed your page now via e-mail, just wondering if that counts for the giveaways? :$

    19. so very excited:)

    20. Anonymous4:34 am

      WOW, excellent idea Julia!!!!!!!
      This is my oportunity to show my skills, hahaha ;)
      Good luck for everybody and good competition, DO YOUR BEST :D

    21. Ohh wow!!! I can't wait!!!

    22. What a cool contest I have never entered one before but I am going to do this one. Yea!!! Thank you!

    23. amazing prizes<3
      Thank you!!

    24. Anonymous5:49 am

      This is awesome !!! Thanks Julia :0)

    25. Anonymous6:46 am

      This is an amazing contest/giveaway Julia!! You're very generous:) You were actually the very first guru I subscribed to on YT and have been enjoying your videos for about a year now!! I get sooo excited every time I see you have a new one uploaded ;) Keep up the amazing work and a HUGE CONGRATS on your 200,000 subbies!!!

      PS.- My YT name is wscott67

    26. Thank u. It's really kind of you to give these amazing prizes.:)

    27. Is this for make up artists only? I feel like this is going to be way out of my leauge:(

    28. Movies characters? can they enter in the constest?

    29. cool contest you Rock Julia good luck everybody :0)

    30. GRATS ON 200K!!!!!!!

    31. I like the fact that it's worldwide contest so that everybody has a chance to win:)

    32. Thank you for this contest! So glad there's a beginner slot already.. ^^ Btw, congratulations on the 200,000+ subs.. You definitely deserve it and more!

    33. great contest! ^^

    34. Anonymous2:29 pm

      Really excited about this!!

    35. i love this contest

    36. I'm a follower!!!!

    37. Ich bin ein Follower auf deinem Twitter kanal.

      Super Sache.

    38. Anonymous9:39 pm

      wow.awsome contest!!
      i will try my best xD
      but i don't understand the part with the giveaway contest.What exactly do you mean by 'luck drawings' ?

    39. Anonymous9:41 pm

      Hope I win! my youtube is makeupbyjas (make up youtube blogger)facebook : jenni schezinger

    40. Anonymous11:46 pm

      Glad to see you are willing to send around the world, I live in Australia and would hate to miss out. Now just to come up with something haha.

    41. Anonymous1:52 am

      can you use fake finger nails, as something, say, scales??

    42. Thanks so much for the opportunity!! Much Love!

    43. Anonymous7:52 pm

      Kann es auch ein Ganzgesichts-Makeup werden?


    44. Anonymous9:04 pm

      I <3 your tutorials! one question about the contest: Is it acceptable to do the makeup on another person and film it? Or does the makeup have to be on yourself?

    45. I'm so excited to actually do this contest!! It's gonna be fun no matter what! Question? Um, how do you enter the random give away?

    46. Hi I follow through twitter, facebook and your blog. I am not professional makeup, but want to learn and participate.
      gifts are truly beautiful. Nice day that passes. Greetings from Mexico.

    47. Anonymous8:32 pm

      Thank you! Love your blog and your vids!

    48. hey u are amazing guru love u alot, i really dont wana win i just love u!

    49. thanks for all your help

    50. bodaciouscynth12:37 pm

      so totally entering.. now what should i do ?

    51. Jessie1:01 pm

      :) yay!

    52. Wow, this sounds soo fun! I'll enter, just purchased some special effects from ebay :p! Congrats on ur 200000 followers, Julia, I am so happy i discovered ur channel<3

    53. I'm so excited about entering in this contest. I love the positive attitude that you are putting in the atmosphere. This is AWESOME!!!!

    54. thanx to youtube i've found a love for make up, that i didn't have before. thanx to you and many others i get brilliant ideas of what i could do to look more beautifull.

    55. I AM SO STOKED! for this contest! im waiting a bit before i do my myth look, i had my wisdoms extracted so my face is all puffy! but i should be back to normal soon! (=])

    56. Anonymous3:31 am

      hey i cant find the info on ur giveaway contest on facebook o ur blog. like how to enter. where can i find that?

    57. Thank you, Julia!!

    58. dc38089:19 am

      does it have to be a pretty look or are scary looks also good? for example ummmm,, a dragon or something of that sort?

    59. leticia10:17 pm

      mmm my only concearn is ... when is the deadline for this contest? i havent seen that date, i hope its not too late for me to entering to the contest....

    60. leticia: it's October 31. Thank you Julia for the giveaway and good luck to everybody;)

      My YT name: anka717

    61. Thank you Julia for giving me the chance to enter your random contest give away. You are so nice to all of your viewers and we support you 100% of the way. Please enter me for your random drawling though I would love to win something and remember we all love you and support you. Have a great day.(: (and my youtube name is everydaymakeup1) if you were wondering.

    62. Anonymous12:39 pm

      Would Fanasty count as myths and legends?

    63. Hi, i love your channel, and i want to participate of the contest, but i'm from brazil, can i participate? pleeease answer me!!!

    64. OOO!!! It is an awsome of a giveaway!!!!! Thank you!!!! I would be the happiest person ever if I win something, cause I wav u!!!!!! You are indeed special and you make really wonderful videos!!!!

    65. I am entereing the contest. i am beyond new to make up even though i am 24. i just wanted to say that if there are some pplz who are nervous about doing this contest because you are new... dont be afraid its about fuN!!! i only have one client for make up rt now and that is me!!

    66. Brittany8:01 pm

      I love watching your videos...I love the ideas for Halloween looks and just everyday...just wanted to say thanks for the awesome videos... :)

    67. Excitement doesn't describe it.

      Thanks for the generosity in both providing such great quality make up tutorials and also for this giveaway.

    68. Thank you for this wonderful prizes... hope I'll win :)

    69. Thank you for a great contest! :)

    70. Sorry if I commented twice but I received an error when I went to submit my comment the first time. Thanks for hosting such a great contest and allowing everyone the chance to win something. You are so generous and it is much appreciated. :o)

    71. You are always so creative! Love your videos! Thanks for the contest!

    72. I dont think that it let me post last time because I didnt see it listed. I really like your make up tutorials. They have been really helpful. I hope I win. I never these kind of things,but a girl can still hope. lol.

    73. You are so great to your fans, thank you. I appreicate your talent and creativity, you truly are an inspiration to all of your viewers. You show us how to let our inner diva shine and teach us how to feel and look as beautiful as we are meant to be :)

    74. Anonymous1:10 pm

      im enterinq both my youtube name is xxxXevieXxxx my name is evie

    75. It will be my first make-up video ever. I'm so excited!

    76. im excited and i hope to be one of the lucky winners on your random giveaway :D

    77. OMG!!! I LIKE IT SO MUCH THIS CONTEST.. I neer did a ideo response before but a will probably made my premiere one with this giveaway..


    78. Congrats for these prizes, the best one ever.

    79. I noticed the contest just in the nick of time. This is a great contest. I am sure it is going to be hard to judge. Thanks for giving all a chance Julia :)

    80. Anonymous10:25 pm

      I learn so much from you, thank you!

    81. What a great giveaway! Congrats on reaching 200k

    82. when do you announce the winners?

    83. Anonymous4:23 am

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