
31 Aug 2010

Nailcare tips for Long Natural Nails

This is one of my FAQs: How I grow my nails naturally so long, without having them break? Despite what some think, my nails are 100% natural and I've never had artificial nails like gels or acrylics. In this video I share my top tips on how to stop nail biting (reformed nail biter right here) and how to grow them to a nice long length using specific techniques and products.

Direct link to my video


  1. im jealous of your pretty nails.

  2. oh do you ever find your nails get stained with a gross yellowish colour after prolonged use of nail varnish?

  3. My secret for long nails, want/have to have short ones! :@ I am in school for massage therapy and of course no one wants to get a massage from someone with talons, so we keep them short. All that massage oil/regular trimming/stimulation to the fingertips = really fast growing strong nails that you have to cut twice a week to keep at a comfortable level in order to work. Lol.

  4. Thanks for these tips. I've only just stopped biting my nails this year, so they are still pretty weak and they break all the time. I will be taking your advice :-) x

  5. your nails are amazing. i really need to start taking better care of mine, my cuticles are in horrible shape.


  6. very helpfull info! thanks

  7. Thank god your nails are natural. I LOVE natural nails ESPECIALLY like yours, nice and neat and clean. I can't stand thick acrylic messy nails. Heartbreaking and unsanitary lol.

  8. Anonymous10:24 pm

    Your ring is TOO CUTE!

  9. Excelent tips on nail treatment. I agree on having a balanced and healthy diet, it will make a big difference on your skin and hair. I did start on natural supplements (EFA's) due to inflamation in my body and I my nails started growing like crazy.
    thanks for the wonderful tips!

  10. Thank you for the tips!!

  11. great tips! for me, the problem is the side of the nail starts to flake or break. I've changed my nail shape to be more round as opposed to straight across. It seems to be helping so far! =)

  12. hi!
    What nail color is that?
    its beautiful!!

  13. Wow, count me inspired. I tend to over trim my nails, but knowing that yours are natural really inspires me. I am going to keep these tips in mind. I would love to have mine look half as nice as yours. Ty<3

  14. Thank you for this; I also stopped biting my nails by painting them and it really has worked! But mine are peely and often break when I get them reasonably long (for me anyway!) so I will be definitely trying out these extra tips you have given :)

    I found your youtube and blog today and I absolutely love what you are doing; I am constantly trying to experiment with my make up and love buying new things (not always so great though being a poor student :P ) and you have completely inspired me to keep at it! Thank you :)

  15. EricaVee8:38 pm

    Like the Scattered Muse, my problem is always cracking at the sides. I recently started filing my nails into a retro pointy almond shape (because of the whole moon manicure trend) and it has eliminated most of the cracking. I also have really come to love this shape--it is so glamorous and a nice change from the squoval--if you have long nails that keep cracking I really recommend it. Google pictures of Hollywood actresses from the 30's and 40's for examples.

    I used to bite my nails when I was very young. When I was finally allowed to wear ail polish I stopped--didn't want to ruin them! But I think the best way to avoid nail biting is to think of all the germs that could be on your fingers that are getting into your mouth, and all YOUR germs you could be spreading by putting your fingers in your mouth and then touching doorknobs, railings, ect.

  16. Anonymous6:24 pm

    I watched this video last year. I have been a baaad nail biter ever since I had teeth, and my nails were almost non existent. I wanted to grow them sooo bad. I tried your way but it only worked for a week or two then I started biting again... thus for me personally it did not work. So... what ended up working for me is acrylic nails. I went to the salon and they used powder gel and tips and put it on my nails. It forced me to stop biting, which ended up being the trick. I had them on for 2 months, then I took them off and now my nails are nice. I paint them every other day and apply strengthener. My nails are still quite thin from 20 years of biting, but they will hopefully strengthen soon :) Jewels, not Tools :P

  17. Thanks for your techniques, I really love to grow my nails so long, but it never happens to me and I always break them. I should follow your techniques.
